How to deal with anger through exercise

Author: Sara Rhodes
Date Of Creation: 10 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Anger Management Techniques
Video: Anger Management Techniques


If someone made you angry, you were upset about something, or you just had a bad day, then exercise will help to cope with negative feelings by redirecting negative energy into something creative. Negative energy can build up, but you can get rid of it with intense exercise - the body produces endorphins, and after such training, you feel (and look) better. To find out which exercises can help you deal with your anger, read this article.


Method 1 of 2: Deal With Anger Through Exercise

  1. 1 Engage in cardiovascular or aerobic exercise to release endorphins. Cardiovascular exercise increases heart rate and aerobic exercise increases oxygen consumption. These types of exercises are often included in a single workout routine - they promote the production of endorphins, chemicals that create a positive mental attitude and reduce the perception of pain. If you are feeling angry, a great way to curb this energy is to redirect it into challenging cardio or aerobic exercise.
    • It is always worth consulting with your doctor before embarking on an exercise that puts stress on your heart and lungs.
  2. 2 Control your pulse during strength training. When you are angry, your heart rate is already on the rise, so it is especially important to monitor your heart rate in this state. Exercise can be very stressful for your cardiovascular system. While resting, check your heart rate to make sure it is within normal limits.
    • Your maximum heart rate is found by subtracting your age from 220.
  3. 3 Avoid weight lifting exercises when you are angry. If you are really angry, you might think that lifting weights and doing a few reps would be a great way to deal with this feeling. However, lifting weights when you are angry and your mind is clouded can be dangerous. In this state, it can be easily distracted and seriously injured.
    • If you walk into the gym feeling annoyed, it's easy to get into a fight with someone over a trifle.
    • If you get hurt, chances are you will get even more angry!
  4. 4 Try something new to deal with your anger. If you want to blow off steam through exercise, this can be a good incentive to go to a workout or to sign up for a section for which you did not have enough time before. Take advantage of your frustration and learn new things. Perhaps you will have a great time training, and perhaps you will enjoy the activity and you will discover something new for yourself.
    • Direct your anger towards the exercise itself, not towards the people in the room.
  5. 5 Listen to the music you like to release your anger. Music makes it easier to focus and exercise is much easier and more enjoyable. Music is distracting and allows you to exercise for longer, therefore, you get more tired. As a result, you will feel more relief after exercise if you are angry. You can listen to calm music if it helps you get rid of the irritation. You can also choose energetic rock music to help you release your anger.

    A warning: If you are exercising outdoors, where there may be various interference and hazards, do not listen to loud music so as not to get into trouble. You must be prepared to hear the warning signals in order to respond appropriately. This is especially important if you are running along highways or close to train tracks!

  6. 6 Warm up before intense exercise, especially if you are angry. In moments of anger, it may seem like you can start exercising without a warm-up. Anger makes a person impatient - you may not want to spend time warming up your muscles before an intense workout. However, exercising without stretching and warm-up can be seriously injured. In this case, you will have to skip more workouts in the future while you are recovering from your injury, which can make you even more angry!
    • Warm up well and stretch to redirect your anger towards the exercises you are about to start.

Method 2 of 2: Try different exercises

  1. 1 Try to curb your anger by running. Running is a very effective way to deal with your anger and frustration. The focus required for running and the endorphins your body produces during exercise will distract you from the thoughts that upset you and make you feel better. Be sure to warm up and stretch before running!
    • Run in scenic areas, around a lake, or in a park to keep your workouts both rewarding and enjoyable. It's quieter and less distracting.
    • Run on a treadmill to stop getting angry. The good thing about the treadmill is that you don't need to be outside and you don't depend on the weather.
    • When outside, be vigilant while running. Look around, watch out for moving vehicles or people, and be prepared for any unforeseen danger.

    Clue: buy a pair of good running shoes. Since you are already annoyed, you do not need unnecessary irritants at all. Running is much more comfortable in good running shoes - it makes it easier to focus on breathing and running.

  2. 2 Do interval exercises to deal with negative emotions. High-intensity interval training is a great way to deal with irritation because it involves grueling exercise at short intervals. During these exercises, you give 100%, and then there is a short rest period. This means that you can unleash all your rage when you train hard.
    • Try tabata workouts to deal with your negative feelings. Tabata training is an alternation of high-intensity exercise and rest periods that alternate.
  3. 3 Work out yogato stop getting angry. Difficult yoga exercises are a great way to curb your anger and deal with it. However, if you are feeling intense anger and irritation, doing yoga may seem inappropriate. Practice in a group - this way you can reconsider your attitude towards yoga and focus on channeling your negative energy into every movement you perform. In addition, other group members can support you by helping you redirect your anger energies.
    • Try deep breathing to release your anger. Deep breathing is a major part of yoga exercise and can help you deal with anger.
    • Get into warrior poses to stop being angry. Warrior Pose trains your body physically and is a great way to redirect your anger.
    • Take a hot yoga class to release your anger along with sweat.
    • If you do not want to study in a group, try to arrange with the administration of the yoga studio to visit the gym and practice on your own during those hours when they do not have classes.
  4. 4 Sound like a boxing section. Boxing and kickboxing is a great way to vent anger. In addition, going to the gym to box on a punching bag can not only get rid of negative energy, but also burn a lot of calories. These workouts are usually very grueling, so anger is what will help you cope with all the difficulties of these workouts. Focus on breathing and technique, and put your anger into powerful blows.
    • Look for a boxing gym near your home that has beginner classes if you're new to boxing.
    • Use the chart below to find the right size boxing gloves for your weight and the circumference of your dominant hand.
    • Imagine that the punching bag is the cause of your anger, and put negative emotions into your punches to make them stronger and stronger.
    • If you do not want to study in a group, you can visit the hall when there are no classes in it.
  5. 5 Ride a bike to deal with negative feelings. Cycling is a good cardiovascular workout, and if you ride vigorously, anger can help you deal with the stress. There are many distractions outside, so it's easier to deal with negative feelings. On the other hand, in the gym, you work out under the guidance of an instructor, so you can focus on the distance you are covering.
    • If you choose outdoor activities, be sure to follow the traffic rules and wear a helmet.


  • Before embarking on strenuous exercise, be sure to consult with your doctor.