How to create a sect

Author: Janice Evans
Date Of Creation: 24 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Start A Cult
Video: How to Start A Cult


Sects are communities that fervently worship an object, person, or idea. In evil hands, they can turn into organizations that manipulate the minds of people for selfish purposes, but by their nature they are a way of organizing and improving human life. If you want to start such a community, then explore the right ideas, organizational options, and ways to successfully keep your group running in a healthy way.


Method 1 of 3: Choosing an Object of Worship

  1. 1 Choose an idea or activity that will improve your life. There are many things around which sects can be created, but they must imply positive activities, concepts or ideas that are worth spending time on and in which others can see good. Choose something that can change your life for the better.
    • You can create a cult following around French cheese, Star Wars, or string theory, if you really believe that the subject can be good. It is not necessary to choose something fancy or complex, on the contrary, it is better to take a completely ordinary thing or idea.
    • By their nature, sects are very religious, but this is superfluous. Worship involves ardent devotion to a particular person, object, or idea. People can worship almost anything. The subject of a cult can be the canasta card game or the computer game "World of Warcraft". The main thing is that the idea is positive, kind and harmless.
  2. 2 Choose items or activities that you care about. It is possible that you love a certain kind of ravioli, but is it worth worshiping? Sects should be created around objects that can really inflame a strong passion in you, to which you can devote yourself and connect with various aspects of your life.
    • When it comes to cult films, they are usually very specific, quirky and carry a unique worldview that resonates deeply in the soul of a group of people, but can be confusing for many others.
    • Star Wars, Star Trek and a host of other sci-fi films have vast mythology and elaborate universes to go headlong into, which is why they have "cult" status, and their Wikipedia pages are more complete than articles dedicated to some presidents.
  3. 3 Choose what will benefit others. Here's your first question when starting a sect: Will the world get better or worse if everyone gets the same enthusiasm for this idea as I have? If the world can be a better place, if people really do live better by worshiping Tom Brady's Super Bowl glove, then you've made the right choice.
    • Sects are often manipulative psychological groups created by some charismatic personality. Outwardly, they look like organizations whose purpose is to benefit the members of the sect, but in fact, all actions are aimed at the benefit of the sect leader. Johnstown, Heaven's Gate and the Manson Family are tragic examples of the latter.
  4. 4 Examine your obsession from every angle. If you are going to throw the word "sect", then it is better for you to know as much as possible about this subject or idea, otherwise you will look like a storyteller or seller of a cure for all diseases.
    • If you are going to create a cult around the Star Trek movie, then you need to know a lot more than the color of Spock's blood. You need to know in which episode he first began to bleed, understand the meaning of the color of blood in the general context of the episode and how it affects your interpretation of the utopian worldview of the Star Trek universe. Start reading various themed blogs.

Method 2 of 3: Founding a group

  1. 1 Pick a leader. Most sects have one leader, or they are called collectives. If you are creating a sect, most likely you are the leader, but you should make sure that your sect is organized for good purposes, and not for your material gain or power.
    • Sect leaders are usually charismatic individuals and manipulators, but if you create your sect collectively, then choose the person who cares about the prosperity of the entire group. The person who wants to become a leader is the last person to take on this role.
  2. 2 Establish the rules of the sect. What rules, concepts and moral standards are you guided by? What is the ultimate goal of the sect? How will you use Star Trek to change your lives and the lives of many others for the better? What's your message to the world?
    • Focus on how you will use the rules to improve your life. The difference between the Star Trek Sect and the Star Trek Fan Club usually lies not in the power of admiration for the film, but in how you use that power to change your life.
    • It would be nice to create documents with rules, but it is better to omit the word "sect" itself. People should not be given false ideas.
  3. 3 Write the main text. All sects have guiding texts, which should be both mystically vague, pseudo-deep, and easily perceived by a wide variety of people. If you want your sect to grow and receive a certain legitimacy, then it would be nice to publish your instructions or group teaching at your own expense.
  4. 4 Find a place to meet or worship. Warning: The idea of ​​creating any sect is usually not very welcoming to people, you can face a lot of hostility and rejection if you bring your sect to the public.It is important to have a quiet and peaceful place where you can do what you need to do the way you need to.
    • If you are creating a Star Trek Sect, you probably won't be doing anything more important at first than just revisiting the episodes of the series, discussing them in detail and possibly replaying certain scenes, for which someone's living room will do just fine.
    • If you are brave enough, you can try to arrange meetings in parks or other places where you can get attention, but this may not be the attention you need.
  5. 5 Come up with a motto. All clubs, organizations and groups need a good motto and sects are no exception. The best way is to summarize your activities, group around one idea and all focus on this topic. The motto should be memorable, simple and multifaceted in order to have a share of mystery and mystery.
    • Space Movement works well for the Star Trek sect. You can also use a quote from the show: "I come from Iowa, but in space I just work." The text should be memorable but logical.
  6. 6 Gradually bring in new people. When meeting different people, start slowly sharing with them the thoughts and ideas around which you create your life so that your group expands. Become a missionary for the idea you choose to worship.
    • At first, you may encounter hostility and rejection, so try to promote not the most extreme manifestations of your ideas. Utopian Star Trek ideas? Not a bad argument. Plans to build a galactic interstellar cruiser in your garage? It's better to leave it for later.

Method 3 of 3: Obtaining Cult Status

  1. 1 Make sure that the behavior of the participants does not deviate from the "party program". A sect is something exceptional. If you intend to become a full member or even the leader of the Star Trek Sect, then you are not allowed to watch other sci-fi movies or do things that are unacceptable to honorary members of the “Way”. You and everyone else in the group must reconsider your priorities in order to align them with the sect's ideas that are not subject to confusion.
    • Often, sect members can live together. Everyone can live in one place and call it, for example, "Enterprise". This will make it easier for you to develop common ideas.
  2. 2 Treat your concept as one true idea. One way to attract people to your sect is to make them believe that your idea has the potential to solve every possible problem. This is not just the pleasure of watching Star Trek, but a complete dedication to the “transcendental power” of James Kirk and company. The whole idea should look like the only sure way.
    • It is often at this stage that sects begin to abuse manipulation. Have healthy debates and discussions, and intelligently present your ideas to other participants. If others think Star Wars is just as good, then you should focus on the anarchic nature of the Star Wars picture of the world. You yourself must believe in what you say to others.
  3. 3 Work on your idea. Do it constantly. The ways in which your idea will change your life and the lives of others for the better depends greatly on your idea. At what point will the sect be more than re-watching Star Trek and eating chips? When will positive change start to take place?
    • You can start by writing letters to statesmen urging them to take the Star Trek universe more seriously, devote resources and time to science and research, emphasize gender, race, species and class equality, or even get rid of the ancient worldly principle of "greed."
  4. 4 Public relations. Allow the group to make obvious, local and urgent changes for the better in your area.Enjoy a weekly complimentary Star Wars breakfast, or host meetings and perform in the uniform of the United Federation of Planets Starfleet. Provide people with information and be able to interest them.
  5. 5 Expand your group. What are the criteria and procedure for admitting new members? How can your group grow and expand without losing its identity and values? What can new members bring? What will have to be sacrificed for the sake of additional publicity? What are the ultimate goals of your group? It is very important to come to an agreement and take all ideas seriously.
    • Stay connected to the real world and your fundamental beliefs. Be careful not to turn such a group into something sinister and destructive. Does everyone behave as prescribed when the organization was founded? How can key ideas be improved?


  • Everything big starts small.
  • If you perform rituals, then they should not be associated with illegal activities (violence, drugs, etc.).


  • Do not carry out illegal activities. No casualties. No "punishment". Do not harm anyone, including yourself.
  • Religion is not a gang it is forbidden harm people, a crime necessarily will entail arrest and punishment.