How to create a political party

Author: Joan Hall
Date Of Creation: 27 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Create a Political Party
Video: Create a Political Party


This article contains basic knowledge of creating a political party. This is usually a very long and complex process in which a charismatic personality must be involved. This manual briefly describes the steps required for this.


  1. 1 Get the support of a group of like-minded friends. It is desirable that this be a solid group of devoted friends, each with talent in at least one area, such as economics, public speaking, writing, research, etc. To create a circle of friends, see How to make friends.
  2. 2 Convince the group to create a new political party (see "How to convince people’.
  3. 3 Design a logo that is not too complex, but also not simple, so that it can be printed and printed. Ideally, outwardly, it should reflect the main attitude of the party or the characteristics of the class of people it represents.
  4. 4 Develop a charter of rules and regulations that will be accepted by all party members and that will set out all your views and ideas. You will refer to this document, also called the manifesto, when making decisions; it must contain a certain number of points covering all directions in which the party will move in the process of political activity.
  5. 5 Create a website on your own domain. It should look very attractive to visitors and contain organized information, including your main views. It should also contain a list of the party's founders and their contact information, including email addresses.
  6. 6 The website should contain several articles outlining the main issues in which the party is working. Visitor commenting must also be enabled.
  7. 7 It should also provide people with the opportunity to join the party by paying an entry fee. In addition, he must allow some of them to participate in party votes on local issues. Depending on the type of membership and the size of the admission fee, varying degrees of responsibility must be shared among party members.
  8. 8 Registration. In the UK and other democracies, the names of political parties are registered by the Electoral Commission. This is done in order to prevent repetition among the names of different parties, which could mislead voters.


  • The reason for creating a political party should not be just a desire for leadership, for this you need to have your own ideas and the desire to share them.
  • If you have organized a party and are the person in charge, do not declare this until your leadership is officially accepted.
  • It is very important to remember that millions of people in the world, without a leader, are waiting for his appearance, and also that opinions can change.
  • In order to ensure that you gain attention and earn your respect in the first meeting (and possibly in subsequent meetings), it is necessary to arrange for snacks and drinks.
  • Act as a leader until the party is strong enough to arrange for a leader to be elected among its members.
  • Write down in the charter rules against actions aimed at splitting the party. If someone starts to object and / or undermine your authority, according to the charter, you will have the right to expel them from the party.
  • Elect only the most loyal party members, making sure that no one will leave the party simply out of boredom.

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