How to create a dungeon in D&D

Author: Virginia Floyd
Date Of Creation: 5 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
7 Steps to Make a D&D Adventure - Dungeon Creation 101
Video: 7 Steps to Make a D&D Adventure - Dungeon Creation 101


Sooner or later, all D&D players have to take on the role of the host. You will have to learn how to create a dungeon for the game. We will tell you how this is done.


  1. 1 See what the campaign settings cost. This could be the Forgotten Worlds campaign, Eberron, Greyhawk, and so on. It might even be a world that you created yourself. You need to know in what environment the game will take place, as well as what level the characters will be. You have to find answers to all of these questions instantly if you want to be a good leader.
  2. 2 Now you need to think about what your dungeon will be like. It can be underwater, for example, you can give the players a task - to clear the dungeon from evil orcs or get rid of the Thieves Guild or find a buried treasure. For a start, it's better to just set the task of passing the dungeon. This will be easiest for beginners to do. Normal and random monsters can live in the dungeon. Place some traps and treasure chests.
  3. 3 Now start creating the dungeon itself. Write a short and interesting backstory about where the dungeon came from and why. Perhaps this is an abandoned ancient city of the dwarves. Perhaps this is a gold mine or a prison for sentenced prisoners. Avoid clichés, come up with something original. Develop a geographic location for the dungeon.
  4. 4 There should be at least some settlements near the dungeon. In them, players will be able to buy weapons and other useful things.
  5. 5 Create characters living in the settlement. Some of them should be interesting and deeply researched. They can tell players about local legends and warn of the danger that awaits them. Enter questions and answers to questions.
  6. 6 Draw a map of the dungeon. For this, it is better to use checkered paper. In battle, you will be counting cells, so use oversized tartan paper. Your quest must have at least 1 encounter with three or more monsters. There must also be at least 1 encounter with a super strong boss monster (in the final part of the quest). Place at least 1 trap or closed door on which you need to pick the lock. Place treasure chests that players can share among themselves. Chests can contain magical and non-magical items, gems, potions and money. Don't put too many items in the chest.
  7. 7 Choose the monsters the players will face. There must be at least 3 of them. it can be orcs or goblins. To create the main boss monster, you can use the Phantom or Ghost prototype. If players are above level 1, the monsters must be strong.
  8. 8 After choosing the monsters, place them in the dungeon. Indicate their parameters and level - defense parameters, attacks, speed, magic abilities, initiative in battle, and so on.
  9. 9 Choose a treasure that can be hidden in a chest by placing it in a hard-to-reach place. It can be guarded by monsters. If your characters are level 1, reward each of them with 100 coins, gems, 1 weapon, and healing potions.
  10. 10 It remains to work out the details. Place closed doors, secret doors, traps. Indicate what effect the traps have. Come up with some interesting stats for your dungeon to make the game more fun.
  11. 11 Now it remains to find a group of players and set a place and time for the game.


  • The difficulty level of the dungeon depends on the levels of the players. The lower the level of the players, the easier the game should be. But you don't need to make the game too easy, otherwise it will be uninteresting. Players must always have an emergency exit. Don't create desperate situations. A team of players should always have a chance to win. You do not need to set a herd of ogres on players of the first level. Such a task is too tough for them.
  • Get ready to improvise. Even an experienced presenter cannot think through everything.


  • For this article, we will assume that your team is made up of level 1 players.
  • You don't need to make each dungeon look like the previous one, this game will quickly get boring for everyone. Show your imagination.

What do you need

  • The rules of the game in 4 volumes
  • Checkered paper
  • Writing tools
  • Notepad for writing down new ideas
  • At least 3 players
  • Imagination.