How to create a discussion work plan

Author: William Ramirez
Date Of Creation: 19 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Developing the Work Plan [SP 101 - discussion]
Video: Developing the Work Plan [SP 101 - discussion]


Having trouble getting started writing a discussion essay? To organize your thoughts, it is helpful to create a plan.It will help you determine the order of ideas and make your text logical and coherent.


Part 1 of 2: Preparation

  1. 1 Start with a thesis. Let it contain the main idea of ​​all your work. Each subsequent proposal should reveal and support the idea expressed in the thesis.
    • An effective thesis should generate a strong response from the reader. You can't have a person read the first paragraph and say "So what?"
    • Be prepared for the fact that you may have to change the thesis. While writing the work, you will have new ideas and logical conclusions, thus, the purpose of the essay will also change. In such cases, it is necessary to redo the beginning.
  2. 2 Use brainstorming. Write down everything that you think is relevant to the topic of discussion, including quotes from various sources.
  3. 3 Group together similar ideas. Take a good look at the list of all ideas and start organizing it.
    • A good discussion essay should present a sequence of coherent ideas, so divide your thoughts into groups as you plan.

Part 2 of 2: How to make a rough draft

  1. 1 Start with the Roman numeral I. Each heading must be numbered (I., II., III., And so on.). The heading should indicate the main idea of ​​the paragraph.
    • Subheadings should be labeled with capital letters (A, B, C, etc.). Secondary subheadings are marked with lowercase numbers (i., Ii., Iii., And so on), and tertiary subheadings are marked with lowercase letters (a., B., C.).
  2. 2 Introduction: The introduction should start with general information and end with more detailed information.
    • The very first sentence can be either a question or a common statement. Most importantly, it must grab attention. Subsequent sentences should relate strictly to the topic of the essay.
    • When you indicate the topic of your work, it is necessary to mention the sources that you relied on when writing it. If necessary, you can expand the list of books or articles that you have used.
  3. 3 Main text: the main text contains arguments.
    • In a standard essay, consisting of 5 paragraphs, 3 of them should be devoted directly to argumentation. Each paragraph should contain a separate idea based on information taken from a specific source.
    • If you want to write a quality essay, you can include counterarguments and then provide your rebuttals.
  4. 4 Conclusion: the correct conclusion should logically complete the work, while at the same time leaving the question open for further investigation.
    • There is no need to rephrase the thesis. In conclusion, you need to return to the topic expressed at the beginning, while providing arguments justified in the main part.


  • Headings and subheadings should be related. If you started the first heading with a verb, then you need to continue to do so in subsequent headings.
  • Feel free to experiment with paragraph order. While writing the draft, some ideas will seem more important to you, and you will want to change the structure of the text a little.
  • Remember, the draft is nothing more than a way of organizing work. When you write the final version, you will want to add some details. Allow yourself to change the text and add those thoughts that will make your argument more convincing.
  • Choose your sources carefully. Mark down any quotes you use so you don't lose them later in the book.