How to make a list of life goals and desires

Author: Gregory Harris
Date Of Creation: 10 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Write Your Vision | Motivated +
Video: Write Your Vision | Motivated +


Each of us has a list of goals and desires that we want to fulfill for the rest of our lives. Surely you know that you want to be in time, but a specific list will help speed up the implementation of your plan. Try starting with a brainstorming session. Make the changes you want to the list, get your opinion and enlist the support of loved ones to effectively translate your desires into reality!


Part 1 of 4: Consider Ideas

  1. 1 Choose an inspiring location. Working on your list is an exhilarating experience, so pick an inspiring location! This can be your favorite park, a cozy corner of your home, or a comfortable place.
  2. 2 Choose meaningful desires and goals. Your list should include items that make sense to you. Don't include goals that seem imperative to such a list or that are meant to impress others. What are you dreaming about? What makes you feel satisfied?
    • Think about childhood hobbies that have unwittingly given way to urgent matters. Such aspects may reflect your sincere desires, for which there is not enough time or resources.
    • Think about the accomplishments that gave you a sense of confidence, the activities, or the moments that brought you the most joy.
  3. 3 Highlight a common theme. Think within categories and notice a common theme. She will help you work on your list. For example, if helping others brings you the most joy, then list items like creating educational courses for disadvantaged children that fit this topic.
  4. 4 Ditch expectations. There is no need to worry that others will condemn you or that not all desires will be realized. Listen to the voice of your heart. Are there goals that secretly live in your mind, but you are embarrassed to realize them? List them.
    • It's no big deal if not all goals are achieved! The list is only a guideline, not a commitment.
  5. 5 Look for inspiration in conversations. If you are out of ideas, talk to friends and family. Ask about their desires and special moments.
    • Ask: "What is the most exciting moment in your life?" - or: "If before you died you could do one thing that you never did, what would you do?"

Part 2 of 4: Drafting

  1. 1 Select the storage medium. Goals and desires can be written down on a piece of paper or you can create a document on your computer. The most important thing is to write down your list. The process of writing down a goal increases the likelihood of being realized.
  2. 2 Write down every idea. Take at least 15 minutes and write down any ideas that come to your mind. Forget about embarrassment and awkwardness. Just write! This is your chance to be honest with yourself. Changes can be made later. Don't forget the ideas that were born during the brainstorming phase.
    • Start by asking, "If I had one year left to live, what would I want to do?" You can think about the places you want to visit, the skills you want to learn, the activities you want to try, and the people you want to meet.
    • Just like in the brainstorming phase, make your list in a place that inspires you! You can stay in the same place or choose a new place.
  3. 3 Combine small and large goals. Of course, there should be global and ambitious goals on the list, but smaller goals won't hurt either. They will not only bring you joy, but they will make the list more doable and inspire new achievements!
    • Small goals can be called goals for which you do not need to leave the city or spend more than 10,000 rubles. Example of a small goal: Make your own pasta from scratch.
  4. 4 Analyze the list before making changes. It's best to take your time and think over each point. Each goal should have a deep meaning.

Part 3 of 4: Make the Change

  1. 1 Create simpler and more sophisticated options for ambitious goals. For example, one day you want to be the host of a TV show. Write this desire down. Then specify a simpler option like creating a YouTube show that gets 5000 views. A simplified version can be a stepping stone towards a more complex goal.
    • Want to write a novel? To begin with, you can publish the story in a literary magazine.
    • If one of your goals is to open a bakery, then you can start by opening a homemade bakery kiosk at your local farmers' market.
  2. 2 Group items by time. The totality of goals and desires can be overwhelming and overwhelming. Disbelief strikes inaction.Short-term goals are not that daunting, so divide your list into timeframes. Use decades, years, or quarters as you wish.
    • For example, you can create sublists for the 2020s, 2030s, and 2040s. You can also make a list for one summer. It's up to you to decide. Choose the most realistic timeline.
  3. 3 Cross out impossible goals. Your list can and should include ambitious and ambitious challenges. Complexity is the beauty of a wishlist. At the same time, completely unattainable goals should be deleted. Your aspirations should be difficult, but quite achievable.
    • For example, if you are over 50 years old and have never played sports professionally, then you will no longer be able to become a professional basketball player, but you are quite capable of winning a local amateur tournament.
    • Don't cross out goals that are costly. Sometimes such problems can be solved creatively.
  4. 4 Choose three priority points. Go through the list and identify three points where you want to start. It is recommended that you start with the most exciting goals. Prioritize goals that are limited in time.
  5. 5 Review the list regularly. People are constantly changing. Values ​​and emphasis may shift over time. The list should be flexible and evolve with you. Relevant goals will help you stay motivated.
    • Review the list every week. Add and cross out points as needed, and make plans for how to bring your priorities to life.

Part 4 of 4: Share the list with loved ones

  1. 1 Highlight general and personal goals. You may want to share many goals with loved ones, but some desires may be more personal. Everything is in order, it is not at all necessary to voice all the points. Decide in advance which goals you are willing to share with others and which ones are best kept secret.
  2. 2 Share common goals. Tell your closest people about them. The stated goal will increase the level of your commitment. Your loved ones can control you, offer support, and inspire you to do things.
    • Share your goals with people who support you and are optimistic about life. Don't listen to negative comments from pessimists.
    • Implement some goals with your loved ones to add value to desire.
  3. 3 Look for people who bring their lists to life. Motivation and inspiration are contagious. In other words, surround yourself with motivated people to stay motivated. Look for those who are passionate about realizing their goals, meet and communicate. Get inspirational ideas to help you make your wishes come true.


  • Explore other people's lists that you can find online.
  • There are many tools for compiling such lists. Use sites like or programs like Evernote.
  • It is important to remember that your list is not a list of feats, but a guideline for self-development. The goals can be quite mundane and mundane.
  • If you are in a relationship, then in addition to your own list, offer to formulate joint goals. Personal and shared goals inspire and help you improve.


  • When compiling the list, it is recommended that you do not limit yourself to anything, but it is important to remember that all illegal or dangerous actions will have consequences. Always respect yourself and others.
  • Don't turn your goals into a consumer wishlist. The goal is not to buy the biggest or most expensive product, but to feel valuable emotions and gain life experience.
  • Don't forget about the present moment. Don't pause your life until you can reach your next goal. The list should inspire and inspire you every day.

What do you need

  • Notepad, computer or tablet
  • Sources of ideas and inspiration