How to bend a spoon

Author: Eric Farmer
Date Of Creation: 11 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Bend a Spoon - Learn Three Magic Tricks
Video: How to Bend a Spoon - Learn Three Magic Tricks


1 Take the spoon upright with the cup down. Take a regular metal spoon vertically so that its cup is at the bottom. Grasp the bottom of the spoon handle with your dominant hand. Use your other hand to completely hide the rest of the handle. It should look like you are holding a spoon with your other hand, but in reality, your thumb should not be wrapped around its handle.
  • When performing this trick, the audience should be directly in front of you.
  • If you want, demonstrate in front of the trick that you are using the most ordinary spoon by knocking it on the table or allowing the audience to hold it in their hands.
  • 2 Press the spoon down against the table, while simultaneously allowing it to tilt the handle towards you. Place the tip of the cup on the table with the spoon and pretend to press hard.Press down on the spoon with your bottom hand so the audience can see your efforts. At the same time, the upper hand should remain in the same position as before, but still allow the spoon to swing backwards. Let the spoon rest on the ring and index fingers of your lower hand.
  • 3 Pretend to straighten the spoon. Show the audience your magical abilities by "returning" the spoon to its original state. To do this, it will be enough just to move your hand over the spoon, and then raise it to show the audience. Just make sure that no one in the audience sees that the straight line is actually false at the moment when it is supposed to be bent.
  • Method 2 of 3: Using a Broken Spoon

    1. 1 Be realistic. This technique may look good on video, but it won't fool a live audience, especially at close range. You can try to demonstrate this trick to the audience from a distance, but since there is no easy way to recreate a whole spoon at the end of the trick, it will be difficult for you to successfully complete it.
    2. 2 Break the spoon. If you have a hacksaw, you can use it to saw off the cup of the spoon from the handle. Otherwise, the same result can be achieved by repeatedly bending and unbending the spoon. Sand down any sharp edges of the spoon parts that may remain after this step.
    3. 3 Pinch both sides of the spoon between your thumb and forefinger. Your hand should look as if you were at ease with a light object, that is, your free fingers should be naturally relaxed, not straight. In this case, both halves of the spoon should be positioned so that they seem to be one in your hand.
    4. 4 Loosen the grip of the spoon gradually. Both halves will begin to tilt downward, creating the illusion that the spoon is bending. Just be careful not to loosen your grip to the point where the spoon parts slip out of your fingers.

    Method 3 of 3: Using a Combination of Broken and Bent Spoons

    1. 1 Break the spoon. This can be done by hand or with a hacksaw. Then sand the sharp edges of the broken spoon parts.
    2. 2 Bend another spoon. Take the spoon horizontally, as if there was something in it, and bend the handle down at a 90-degree angle. Now with the handle facing perpendicular to the floor, the cup of the spoon should remain horizontal.
    3. 3 Place the bent spoon directly behind the cup with your thumb and forefinger. If you are right-handed, then the cup of the spoon should be facing to the right, and if you are left-handed, then to the left. In this case, the handle of the spoon will be pressed against the palm of your hand and tilted so that it is not visible behind your wrist and does not clearly stick out from under your hand. The rest of your fingers will also act as a screen, hiding the handle of the bent spoon from view. Make sure they are tightly closed without any gaps.
    4. 4 Take the handle of the broken spoon with the same fingers. The idea is to create the illusion that the broken handle is an integral part of the bent spoon's cup. Try to hold it mainly with your fingertips so that you can loosen the grip of the broken handle without losing reliable control over the bent spoon.
    5. 5 Loosen the grip of the broken handle gradually. It will begin to tilt downward, creating the illusion that the spoon is bending. Be careful not to loosen your grip to the point where the broken handle slips out of your hands.
    6. 6 Hide the broken handle with your palm. With a quick trick, make the broken handle "bend" straight into your palm, making sure the two handles do not bump into each other, and with the other hand pull the bent spoon out of your fist to demonstrate.
    7. 7 Distract the audience with a bent spoon. Raise it high so that they can see it better, bang it on the table several times, or invite someone from the audience for a closer inspection.While all attention is focused on the bent spoon, tuck the broken handle in your pocket.