How to follow a water diet

Author: Eric Farmer
Date Of Creation: 6 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
I Drank Only Water for 20 Days, See What Happened to My Body
Video: I Drank Only Water for 20 Days, See What Happened to My Body


There is nothing more effective for a quick weight loss and cleansing diet than a water diet. This diet is cost-effective and can help you lose weight, focus on your spiritual life, and possibly detoxify your body. When done right, short-term calorie restriction can help you live a longer, healthier life, but fasting can also be dangerous. Whatever your goal, take care of safety - consult with a qualified professional, recognize the signs of when to stop, and gradually return to your normal diet.


Part 1 of 3: Planning a Water Diet

  1. 1 Not fast for certain diseases.Fasting can make some diseases worse, which can lead to health problems. Do not practice a water diet, unless approved by a doctor, for the following conditions or diseases:
    • an eating disorder such as anorexia or bulimia;
    • low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) or diabetes;
    • enzyme deficiency;
    • advanced stages of kidney or liver disease;
    • alcoholism;
    • thyroid disease;
    • acquired immune deficiency syndrome, tuberculosis, or an infectious disease;
    • advanced stages of cancer;
    • lupus;
    • blood vessel disease or circulation problems;
    • heart disease, including heart failure, arrhythmia (especially atrial fibrillation), previous heart attack, heart valve problems, or cardiomyopathy;
    • Alzheimer's disease or psychoorganic syndrome;
    • transferred organ transplant;
    • paralysis;
    • pregnancy or breastfeeding;
    • taking medications that cannot be stopped.
  2. 2 Choose the duration of the water diet. Try to observe it for one day first. If you are starving on your own, limit the water diet to three days. There is some evidence that fasting for 1–3 days briefly may be beneficial to your health. If you intend to fast for a longer time, do it under the supervision of a doctor - for example, during this period you can go to the clinic, where specialists will monitor you.
    • It is probably safer and healthier to fast periodically for a short time rather than a long (more than 3 days) time. Consider following a water diet no more than one day a week.
  3. 3 Fast when you can relax. Plan a water-based diet for a time when you won't be overwhelmed so that fasting doesn't interfere with your daily routine. If possible, refrain from work during fasting. Plan fasting for a time when you can rest, both physically and mentally.
  4. 4 Set yourself up for fasting. The very thought of fasting for several days can seem daunting. Talk to your doctor, read books by famous authors on this topic, chat with those who have already tried fasting. Think of the upcoming fast as an adventure.
  5. 5 Go fast. Do this gradually and do not go to one water at once. For starters, cut out sugar and caffeine from your diet at least 2-3 days before fasting and start eating more fruits and vegetables. Also consider reducing your portion sizes a few weeks before switching to a water diet. This will help you prepare your body so that you can psychologically switch to water more easily. You can also practice intermittent fasting before switching to water alone. This smooth transition can take an entire month:
    • first week: do not eat breakfast;
    • second week: skip breakfast and lunch;
    • third week: skip breakfast and lunch and cut back on portions for dinner;
    • fourth week: switch to a water diet.

Part 2 of 3: Dieting

  1. 1 Drink 9-13 glasses (2.2-3.1 liters) of water daily. Typically, men should drink about 13 glasses (3 liters) each day, and women should drink 9 glasses (2.2 liters) of water and other liquids. Follow this recommendation during the fast. Drink as pure or distilled water as possible.
    • Don't drink all the water in one go! Drink it throughout the day. Try drinking three 1-liter jugs of water every day to keep your water intake in check.
    • Do not drink more water than is recommended, as this can disrupt the balance of salts and trace elements in the body and cause health problems.

    It is necessary to keep drinking water while fasting, as most people experience chronic dehydration.

    Kristi major

    ACE Certified Personal Trainer Christy Major is an ACE Certified Personal Trainer based in the San Francisco Bay Area. Has over 18 years of experience as a personal trainer, completed over 90 hours of recertification training in Fitness, Health, Nutrition and Supplements. She is certified by the American Heart Association for Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Automatic External Defibrillation and holds a BA in Television Broadcasting.

    Kristi major
    ACE Certified Personal Trainer

  2. 2 Cope with bouts of hunger. Drink 1–2 glasses (240–480 milliliters) of water if you are severely hungry. Then lie down and rest. This is usually enough to relieve hunger. You can also try to distract yourself by reading a book or meditating.
  3. 3 Come out of fasting slowly and gradually. To stop fasting, start drinking orange or lemon juice. Then start gradually adding food to your diet. Eat small meals at first, about once every 2 hours. Gradually move from easily digestible to heavier foods. This process can take anywhere from one to many days, depending on the length of the previous fast. Start eating in the following sequence:
    • fruit juices;
    • vegetable juices;
    • raw fruits and green leafy vegetables;
    • yogurt;
    • vegetable soups and boiled vegetables;
    • cooked grains and legumes;
    • milk, dairy products, eggs;
    • meat, fish, poultry;
    • all the rest.
  4. 4 Eat a healthy diet. Fasting will not significantly improve your health if you resume your intake of fatty, sugar-rich foods afterwards. Your diet should be high in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, and less unhealthy fats and refined sugars. Exercise for 30 minutes, five days a week. Lead a healthy lifestyle to stay healthy and feel good, and only fast a fraction of the time.

Part 3 of 3: Water Diet Safety Precautions

  1. 1 See your doctor before starting a water diet. If you are considering going on a water fast, check with your doctor. While fasting may benefit some people, others should avoid it. Be sure to talk to your doctor about your medical conditions and any medications you are taking to determine if fasting is safe for you. Most likely, the doctor will examine you, or maybe prescribe a blood test.
    • If you are taking medications, talk to your doctor about whether you can continue taking them while fasting and whether the dosage should be changed.
  2. 2 Fasting under the supervision of a qualified professional. It is best to fast under the close supervision of a doctor, especially if you are going to abstain from food for more than three days or have any medical conditions. Find a doctor who is an expert in this matter, so that he can give you appropriate advice and monitor your condition during fasting. Ask your doctor for help or ask him to recommend the right specialist for you.
  3. 3 Avoid dizziness. After 2-3 days of water fasting, you may start to feel dizzy when you get up too quickly. To avoid this, rise slowly and take several deep breaths before standing up. If you do feel dizzy, sit or lie down immediately and wait for it to pass. You can also bend your legs and put your head between your knees.
    • If the dizziness becomes so severe that you pass out, stop fasting and see your doctor.
  4. 4 Distinguish between normal and abnormal side effects. It is normal for you to experience mild dizziness, slight weakness and nausea, and sometimes an irregular heartbeat while fasting.However, stop fasting and seek medical attention if you are unconscious or confused, heart palpitations more often than 1-2 times a day, severe abdominal discomfort, headache, or other distressing symptoms.
  5. 5 Get plenty of rest while fasting. During this time, you may feel a decrease in stamina and energy. Do not overexert yourself. Maintain healthy sleep habits. During fasting, you should rest physically, physiologically, emotionally and mentally.
    • If you feel sleepy in the middle of the day, take a nap. Read what improves your mood. Listen to your body and do not strain physically.
    • If you feel tired and not wanting, do not drive a car.
  6. 6 Avoid strenuous physical activity during fasting. You will alternately feel weak and tired and energized. Even during periods of increased energy, do not strain. Try doing light toning yoga exercises instead. This will help you warm up slightly, relax and stretch your muscles.
    • Yoga and light stretching exercises may be fine for one, but too exhausting for others. Listen to your body and do what is convenient for you.


  • For an easier alternative, you can try a vegetable juice fast. When doing this, avoid juices that contain sugar and drink natural juices from green, leafy vegetables such as kale, celery, cucumber, cilantro, and spinach.
  • Even if fasting can help you lose weight, you need to keep an active lifestyle and eat right, otherwise you will regain weight.


  • Stop fasting immediately and seek medical attention if you experience severe abdominal discomfort, loss or confusion.
  • The water diet is only suitable for informed adults after consultation with a doctor. It should not be practiced by people under the age of 18.
  • Do not use enemas before or during fasting. Despite common misconceptions about the need for such a measure, modern science has not found any evidence that it helps. On the contrary, enemas can harm your health and cause cramps, bloating, nausea and vomiting.