How to relieve mouth ulcer pain

Author: Mark Sanchez
Date Of Creation: 28 January 2021
Update Date: 2 July 2024
Canker Sores | How To Get Rid Of Canker Sores | Mouth Ulcer Treatment
Video: Canker Sores | How To Get Rid Of Canker Sores | Mouth Ulcer Treatment


Mouth ulcers, or aphthous stomatitis, are inflamed, round or oblong-shaped areas that appear on the lining of the mouth. They are sometimes also called aphthous ulcers. These are small wounds that appear on the soft tissues of the mouth and at the base of the gums. Unlike herpes, aphthous stomatitis does not affect the outer surface of the lips and is not contagious. Its reasons are not fully understood. Aphthous ulcers can be quite painful and can make it difficult to eat and speak.


Method 1 of 3: Natural Pain Relief

  1. 1 Decide how long you can endure the pain. Some natural remedies are quick and easy to prepare, and you may already have the ingredients you need in your cupboard. Others, while easy to prepare, contain infrequent ingredients that can only be purchased at specialty grocery stores. And finally, the third may take some time to prepare.
    • Try a variety of home remedies to find out which ones work best for you.
    • When trying out new home remedies, be aware of food allergies and other sensitivities. Some remedies may need to be tried first under the supervision of a doctor.
  2. 2 Apply ice to the wound. This is the quickest, albeit short-lived, way to relieve pain. By applying small pieces of ice to the ulcer, you will temporarily numb the affected area and reduce inflammation.
  3. 3 Prepare an antibacterial saline rinse solution. If the inside of a living cell contains less salt than outside of it, the process of osmosis takes place. Water or other excess fluid is removed from the cell, resulting in less swelling and less discomfort.
    • Salt has antiseptic properties, which means it helps get rid of bacteria by speeding up healing.
    • Try using baking soda instead of salt by dissolving 1 teaspoon of baking soda in 1/2 cup of warm water.
  4. 4 Make a dried sage gargle. The healing properties of sage have been known since time immemorial - already in ancient times it was used to cleanse and heal the oral cavity. Add 2 teaspoons to 120-240 milliliters of pure water and simmer for 10 minutes. Wait for the broth to cool, then rinse your mouth with it for one minute. Then spit out the solution and rinse your mouth with cold water.
    • You can also add a handful of fresh sage to 120-240 milliliters of pure water. Cover the jar of water tightly and place it in a cool, dark place for 24 hours. Then remove the sage from the water and rinse the resulting tincture into your mouth for one minute.
  5. 5 Prepare an aloe vera mouthwash solution. It is widely known that aloe can relieve pain from sunburn, but the plant can also relieve pain from mouth ulcers. Mix 1 teaspoon of natural aloe vera gel with 1 tablespoon of water and rinse your mouth with this solution three times a day.
    • Use only natural aloe vera gel.
    • Try rinsing your mouth with aloe vera juice.
  6. 6 Use medicated coconut oil. This oil has anti-inflammatory properties and it not only promotes healing but also relieves pain. Scoop up the oil with a cotton ball or clean fingers and apply it to the wound in your mouth.
    • If the coconut oil melts too quickly and slips off the ulcer, take more of it.
    • If you still find it difficult to keep the oil on the wound, add ½ teaspoon of beeswax to thicken it.
    • You can chew on fresh or dried coconut to help relieve pain.
  7. 7 Make a cayenne pepper “ointment”. This pepper contains capsaicin, a natural substance that gives the pepper its characteristic "pungency". Capsaicin interferes with the production of Substance P, a neuropeptide that controls pain response. Take some cayenne pepper and dilute it with warm water to form a thick paste, then apply this paste to the wound.
    • Apply the paste two to three times a day to relieve pain.
    • Cayenne pepper increases salivation, which is beneficial for oral health and aids in wound healing.
  8. 8 Chew on the anti-inflammatory basil leaves. Studies have shown that chewing basil leaves can help reduce inflammation, which means it can reduce the swelling and pain of mouth ulcers. To relieve pain, chew 4-5 basil leaves four times a day.
    • Chewing clove buds and rinsing your mouth with clove juice can also help relieve pain.
  9. 9 Make a cotton ball soaked in clove oil. Clove oil has been proven to be anesthetic, just like benzocaine, which is widely used as a pain reliever in dentistry. Soak a piece of cotton with a mixture of 1/2 teaspoon olive oil and 4-5 drops of clove oil, and apply it to the wound for five to eight minutes to relieve pain.
    • Rinse your mouth with warm water before and after use.
    • Clove oil has a pungent taste and some find it unpleasant; in addition, accidental swallowing of large amounts of oil can cause side effects.
  10. 10 Apply a chamomile compress to relieve pain. Chamomile infusion contains bisabolol, or levomenol, a natural chemical that relieves inflammation and pain. Dip a bag of chamomile tea in warm water for one minute, then apply it to the wound for 5-10 minutes. Apply the compress twice a day.
    • Chamomile has been found to soothe the digestive tract and alleviate gastrointestinal disorders that can cause mouth ulcers.
    • You can also try fresh sage compresses. Add a handful of fresh sage to 120-240 milliliters of pure water. Place the infusion in a tightly sealed jar and set it in a cool, dark place overnight. Then remove the sage leaves from the water and knead them in a mortar until they become a homogeneous paste. Apply this paste to the wound for five minutes.
    • Always rinse your mouth with clean, cold water after applying herbal compresses.
  11. 11 Make an essential oil pain reliever spray. Many essential oils are anti-inflammatory, and peppermint and eucalyptus oils also have antimicrobial properties, which can reduce the risk of infection. In addition, they are able to relieve swelling due to their astringent properties, tightening the tissue surrounding the wound. Their cooling effect can also lead to mild soft tissue numbness.
    • Take 2 tablespoons of olive or grape seed oil and add 10 drops of peppermint essential oil and 8 drops of eucalyptus essential oil, then pour the mixture into a spray bottle. Close bottle and shake well before use.
    • To relieve pain, spray the prepared mixture directly onto the wound.

Method 2 of 3: Pain Relief with Medication

  1. 1 Talk to your doctor or pharmacist about medications. Knowing your medical history, your doctor will be able to prescribe the medications that are right for you. Pharmacists, as specialists in medicines and chemistry, can also advise you on the right over-the-counter pain reliever.
    • Always check with your doctor or pharmacist before taking new drugs, even if they seem safe to you.
    • Keep the packaging and instructions for the medicines you have purchased so that you can check the dosage and possible side effects if necessary.
  2. 2 Apply milk of magnesia to the wound. If you apply milk of magnesia to your mouth ulcer several times a day, it can help relieve pain. You can also simply hold the milk of magnesia or Maalox in your mouth and rinse your mouth with them to relieve swelling and inflammation.
    • Also try brushing your teeth with a soft brush and a non-foamy toothpaste such as Biotin or Sensodyne Pronamel.
  3. 3 Try topical benzocaine. This anesthetic is sometimes used to relieve toothache in children, although it is not currently recommended by doctors. However, if you follow the dosage strictly, benzocaine gel can be applied to the wound to numb the pain.
    • When applying the product to the inside of your mouth and gums, be careful not to swallow it.
    • After application, you should refrain from food for an hour.
    • There is a risk of a rare but life-threatening side effect of this type of drug, the so-called methemoglobinemia... At the same time, the oxygen content in the blood drops to dangerously low values.
  4. 4 Use proven over-the-counter pain relieving ingredients. These ingredients are proven to help relieve pain quickly. If applied immediately after an ulcer appears, they may even help heal the ulcer.
    • Products containing benzocaine temporarily anesthetize the damaged area, reducing the feeling of discomfort.
    • Fluocinonide is an anti-inflammatory drug that can also help relieve pain.
    • In many medicines, hydrogen peroxide is antibacterial, preventing infection and promoting healing, although it should never be used on its own.
  5. 5 Ask your doctor to prescribe a mouthwash. If the pain in the wound interferes with brushing your teeth and eating, talk to your doctor.He or she will prescribe medications to lubricate the ulcer and rinse your mouth, which will speed up the healing of the wound and help relieve pain.
    • Antibacterial mouthwashes kill bacteria, viruses, and fungi that can infect an ulcer. Keeping your mouth clean can speed up ulcer healing and reduce pain.
    • Benzydamine, sold as a mouthwash or spray, has a local anesthetic and anti-inflammatory effect to help relieve pain. Please note that this remedy is not recommended for children under 12 and should not be used for more than 7 days in a row.
  6. 6 For multiple mouth ulcers, ask your doctor to prescribe a more potent drug. For mouth ulcers, these drugs are only used as a last resort, but your doctor may prescribe a mouthwash containing corticosteroids. Drugs of this type have anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects.
    • These drugs may not be safe for children under 12 years of age.
    • Ask your doctor about the possible serious side effects of corticosteroids.
  7. 7 Talk to your doctor about cauterizing the ulcer. If the ulcer is large and painful, it can be cauterized. For this, a special medical instrument or substance is used that cauterizes, dries up and destroys damaged tissues, which often speeds up the healing process.
    • Debacterol is a topical solution used to treat aphthous ulcers and other gum problems; its use can shorten the healing time to about one week.
    • Another solution, silver nitrate, does not usually speed up the healing process, but may relieve pain caused by ulcers.

Method 3 of 3: Alleviating Pain Through Lifestyle Changes

  1. 1 Talk with your doctor about your general health and nutritional status, which may be causing your mouth ulcer. Knowing the causes will help you choose the most effective pain reliever and prevent future aphthous mouth ulcers from developing.
    • Sodium laureth sulfate, which is found in many toothpastes and mouthwashes, can cause a reaction resulting in aphthous mouth ulcers.
    • Food sensitivity to foods such as chocolate, coffee, strawberries, eggs, nuts, and cheese can lead to the formation of aphthous ulcers. Ulcers can result from an abundance of spicy or acidic foods and a diet low in vitamin B-12, zinc, folate (folate), or iron.
  2. 2 Protect your mouth from possible damage and injury. Small localized injuries, such as when you bite your cheek, hurt yourself while playing sports, or brush your teeth not carefully enough, can lead to inflammation of the soft tissues of the mouth and the appearance of an ulcer.
    • When playing contact sports, use a mouth guard to avoid accidentally biting your cheek or damaging your teeth.
    • Brush your teeth with a soft bristle brush.
  3. 3 Talk to your doctor about your general health. Certain medical conditions such as celiac disease (gluten intolerance), inflammatory bowel disease, Adamantiadis-Behcet disease, and various autoimmune disorders can increase the likelihood of mouth ulcers. Talk to your doctor about how best to prevent mouth sores in your case.
  4. 4 Make a “cap” from tooth wax or crown (implant, etc.) with sharp edges. Sometimes crooked, sharp teeth, braces or dentures rub against the inside of the cheek, irritating the ulcer. A homemade wax “cap” will prevent this and help reduce irritation and pain.
    • Melt 1 tablespoon of beeswax and 2 tablespoons of coconut oil by mixing them together. After the mixture has cooled, take a small piece and stick it onto the sharp edge of the tooth or denture that is rubbing against the ulcer.
    • If you are wearing braces, use enough wax to create a true protective barrier, rather than just covering a single section of the braces.
  5. 5 See a dentist who can remove the sharp edge of a tooth or dental filling. If the ulcer is due to the fact that a sharp tooth or filling irritated the inner surface of the cheek, after eliminating the cause, you will immediately feel better.
    • The dentist can offer you a treatment for the contour of the tooth. If your tooth enamel is too thin, a filling can lead to an increased sensitivity to temperature, which is often painful.
    • Your dentist can finish the contour of your tooth by smoothing the sharp edges of the enamel with a grinding disc or fine diamond bur. The doctor will sand the edges with sandpaper and polish the surface of the tooth.
  6. 6 Reduce your stress levels. According to some studies, stress increases the likelihood of aphthous mouth ulcers. Doing yoga, meditation, or sports can help reduce stress.


  • Avoid chewing gum as it can irritate the soft tissues of the mouth, increasing inflammation.
  • Avoid eating foods and drinks that cause or irritate aphthous ulcers.
  • Devote enough time to rest; it has been known since time immemorial that sleep promotes healing.


  • Do not tear apart or bite the sore. This will lead to more irritation, increase pain, and slow healing.
  • If the ulcer does not go away within three weeks or more, it may indicate more serious problems. In this case, consult your doctor.
  • Carefully read the warnings in the instructions that come with the medicines, as some medicines are not recommended for children, pregnant or breastfeeding women, or women about to conceive.
  • While some websites recommend using lemon for pain relief from mouth ulcers, most studies show that citric acid is harmful rather than beneficial.
  • If the ulcer does not hurt but does not go away within a few days, see your doctor right away as it could be a sign of oral cancer.