How to tell if a guy likes you more than his friend

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 3 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Signs He Likes You More Than A Friend (Don’t Let Him Slip)
Video: Signs He Likes You More Than A Friend (Don’t Let Him Slip)


Lately you and your dear best friend spend more time together. Suddenly you blush every time he talks and realize inside you are sparking a feeling that is not just friendship. What does this mean? Or your feelings for him go far beyond your friendships and you want to tell him something but are hesitant about it because you don't know if he feels like you. Will he just keep you in the “friends zone”, or will he respond to your warm and vague feelings? If you want to know, read on!


Part 1 of 5: Pay attention to what he says

  1. Watch how he talks to you. His body language will reveal how he feels about you. Here are some signs to look out for:
    • Listen to his voice. This may not be so important you might think, but it really shows how much effort he put into his words. If his voice sounded timid and hesitant, he was probably pondering what he said. Also, pay attention if he laughs in response to your less funny jokes.
    • Pay attention to his eyes. Does he look into your eyes or peek around the room while talking to you? If he keeps making eye contact with you, he is concentrating on you and enjoying the conversation. Don't forget, however, that sometimes he avoids your gaze, possibly because he is shy.
    • Notice if he gets distracted easily. If someone comes looking for him while you are talking, does he stop chatting with you? If this happened more than once, he probably doesn't take conversation seriously with you.

  2. Keep track of the topics he chooses. Topics in stories the two of you talk to can show how he thinks about you. The signs that you need to look out for are:
    • Joking. His pranks may suggest that he wants you to joke around. If you are brave enough, you can use subtle flirting phrases to spice up.
    • Personal information. That he tells you about personal problems shows that he trusts you. More personal topics like fear or family problems may imply that he wants your relationship with him to go to a deeper level.
    • Praise. Compliments about your intelligence or appearance, etc., can be a sign that he admires you. If he compliments you more than usual, then he probably likes you.
    • Deportment. He can sharpen his rough personality when he's with you. For example, he might be flustered around friends, but tries to be polite to you. This shows that he notices you and what you say.
    • Talk about old relationships. Maybe the story between you and him delved into your old relationships. This could be a sign that he is trying to figure out if you are free or are in love with other guys.
      • If he keeps pairing friends with another guy, he might just keep you in the buddy zone.

  3. Hear his comments on other girls. This can reveal whether he wants to take your advice or if you are the girl he is interested in. If he does not stop asking for your advice, then it is possible that he is only interested in your opinion because you are a girl. However, he may also ask just to know what your dream guy is like.
    • Pay attention to his old relationships. Flashy and ever-changing romances may indicate he's a genuine player or just trying to make you jealous.

  4. Notice how he behaves when the two of you are apart. Some shy guys may express their feelings more clearly online or over the phone. Identify how he communicates with you using the following methods:
    • Talk on the phone. The voice will reveal his feelings. A nervous, stuttering, and hesitant voice may indicate that he has feelings for you. Long conversations also show how attractive you are to him. But if he doesn't call you back or tries to hang up as soon as possible, he probably doesn't want to pursue a serious relationship with you.
    • Email. Witty, grammatically correct emails show him trying to show off his intelligence and talent. This means he takes some time to take care of the text for you.
    • Phone messages. His regular contact outside of school or work means he wants to have friends in his life. Instead of texting for serious information, he can text jokingly or make excuses talk. If he puts a lot of effort into texting you, he may also want to put more effort into his relationship with you.
    • Facebook. How often does he "like" click on many pictures and posts on your facebook wall? This could be a sign that he is interested in you.
    • However, do not take this too seriously. Some guys don't like communicating via phone, email or Facebook. Maybe he prefers to meet you, and there's nothing wrong with that!

Part 2 of 5: Notice what he does

  1. Pay attention to his body language. His body language is a clue that he wants to cuddle you, not just hang out. Notice the following signs:
    • Inadvertent touches. His attempts to break the limit of touch show that he wants to touch you more. Gestures of touch or touch can increase with the degree of emotional progression between two people.
    • Staring. The admiration for you can be shown in a gaze. If he is caught by a friend and he smiles before turning away, he probably knows he has been caught looking at you.
    • Body angle. Notice his posture while you are talking. His whole body facing you means that he has an open attitude towards what you have to say. He can also lean closer to you. Be aware, however, that this method does not apply to everyone. Some people may have a habit of sitting in a certain way.
  2. Notice what he does for you. Did he take the initiative to be a good friend? This could be his attempt to grab your attention and win your heart. Watch for the following signs to see if his actions go beyond the friendship line:
    • That sentence always helps you. These gestures can be hitchhiking, cook a meal for you, pick up your laundry, etc., generally the guy is playing the role of a boyfriend.
    • He shows depth. If he goes to a bakery and brings you a dessert you love or buys you a book you are trying to read, he is interested in what you want.
    • He comforts you. Not many guys want to comfort a girl who is upset. But if he cares about you, he will be there to listen to you talk about your problems and comfort you.
  3. Notice how he behaves among other girls. The way he behaves can tell you how he feels about you. Here are a few ways to realize how he truly feels:
    • He treats you differently than other girls. Even though he is polite to other girls, you're the only girl he wants to be with when in a large group. Maybe you're the only girl he hugs or teases. If you are special like that, then that is a sign that he is interested in you.
      • However, if you see him teasing and touching every girl wherever he goes, then he's probably just a joking guy.
    • He shows his relationships in front of you. If he cares for you to hang out with him and his new dating partner, he probably just sees you as friends.
      • However, if he wants you to come along to see what you really think, this may be a sign that you are a target. If he hesitates to hang out with other girls, he may have considered you a girlfriend and it would feel like he was betraying him if he did.

  4. Notice if he usually takes the initiative by being with you. This was a sure sign that he wanted their relationship to a higher level. Here are a few ways to know how he really feels:
    • He keeps inviting you out. This is a clear sign that he wants you to be around more. This is also an opportunity for him to come closer to you.
    • He tries to get closer to you while you are in a group. If he always wants to be your teammate during class or in a game, then chances are he has a crush on you.
    • He kept saying that he "happened to be passing by you" and asked if he could come and play. If he always borrows an excuse for hanging out, he might be ashamed of wanting to be with you so much.

Part 3 of 5: Observe the style and the number of times you go out together

  1. Notice the activities you two do together. Are the two of you together doing activities "like dating", or just like best friends? Pay close attention to how the two of you go together to know what he really wants. Here are a few things to keep in mind:
    • Are the two of you usually doing the work of a couple even though not a couple? Have you noticed that you two often buy food together, cook dinner together or even go to a farmer's market with just one basket? This could be a sign that he sees you as a girlfriend.
    • When going out to play, do the two of you often go alone or in a large group? This may indicate if he likes you more than his friends.
      • If he invites a dozen of his best friends or the whole group to hang out with, he probably just sees you as friends. But pay attention - if he just invites the whole couple out with the two of you, he probably wants to marry you too.
      • But if he invites siblings, close friends, or if he lets you meet his parents (really?), Then he really wants you to be an important part of his life. .

  2. Notice how often the two of you hang out. You can learn a lot about what he really thinks by noticing how and how often you hang out.
    • Notice if the two of you often go out to play. If you don't see him almost every day, he probably wants to be with you day and night. However, if you only see him about once a month even though he lives close to your house, he probably doesn't want to see you more.
    • Notice the amount of time the two of you hang out when you meet. Did a "coffee break" turn into a three-hour philosophical conversation, or did he go in a moment just as much as you would call the bill? If he can't stop talking to you then that is a sign that he wants more of you.

Part 4 of 5: Analyzing when and where the two of you hang out

  1. Note the places you two often go. One of the easiest ways to know if he considers you more than a friend is to notice the places where you go together. Here are a few ways to see if he wants to take your relationship to the next level:
    • Pay attention to the type of restaurant you two go out to eat. If you go to a fun, noisy Spanish-style bar, maybe he doesn't just consider you friends, and if you two dine at a restaurant in a calm setting under the sparkling candlelight And the wine is good, maybe he's trying to tell you something. However, if he's just sitting next to you in the school cafeteria, that doesn't mean he's looking for romance.
      • Observe the people around you in the restaurant. Are they loving couples looking at each other, or are they friends chatting and laughing? This factor may suggest what the guy is thinking about you.
      • However, you should not think too much. Maybe he really likes you - but he also really likes Korean barbecue. Restaurant location is also a good clue, but it doesn't say everything.
    • If he invited you to the movies, what kind of movie would it be? Are you watching a comical or emotional romance, or is it a bloody war movie or a documentary? His movie selection may show you whether he wants to put his arm around you or that he just wants a friend to watch the movie with.
    • If the two of you went to the show, was it a dim light jazz show, lyrical music, or ear-aching rock music? Is that where you get up and sing along or sit down and enjoy a romantic show?
  2. Time Two people going out to play is just as important as the location. This could be a clue that he sees you as just normal friends or is trying to develop your relationship to the next level. Pay special attention to the following two points:
    • Do the two of you meet during the day or in the evenings? An evening was different from lunch, and an appointment for a morning coffee was completely different from an evening appointment to a bar. If you hang out more often during the day, you might just be in the buddy zone - but that doesn't mean he doesn't want to go.
    • Do you usually hang out together on weekdays or weekends? If you meet on a Monday instead of Friday, you're probably just in the friends area.

Part 5 of 5: Find out if he really likes you

  1. Ask around. An easy way to find out how he feels could be simply to ask other people. Of course, you should do this with caution; You probably don't want to show that you are liking him. Here are a few ways to find out:
    • Ask a friend by chance. Ask friends if he meets anyone or has feelings for someone. However, you have to ask someone who is truly trustworthy - although it will be difficult to find someone who breaks the rules of friendship and doesn't tell him immediately.
    • Ask the girls what they think. Your friends have seen the two of you together and can tell you the truth about what they think.
    • Ask a friend to ask him. Again, be careful. If things are not clear, ask your girlfriend to ask if he is particularly interested in someone. Your girlfriend might pretend she wants to pair him up with someone, for example.
  2. Do not track or snoop on. There is no faster way to keep a guy away than to act on watch to try to find out every detail of his life. Here are some things that you should definitely avoid:
    • Check his phone. If he leaves the phone outside, you never Check if he texts other girls. If he does, he will warn you.
    • 'Check his email or Facebook messages. If you find him leaving your PC there, try to resist the temptation to peep.
    • Follow him everywhere to see who he hangs out with. This will make him feel more hesitant than romantic.
  3. Courage to tell him how you feel! In the end, things won't work out if you don't take action. If you're pretty sure he likes you, or feels brave enough as if you have nothing to lose, then go ahead and tell the sentence how you feel.
    • Be carefree. Don't be too serious. Do not arrange a meeting time and place and say, "Lan has something very important to tell Huy." You just need to find the right moment and tell him that you like him and it will be great if he feels the same way. Don't take this too seriously - you don't want to see him upset if he doesn't feel like you.
    • Be creative. Find a funny way to tell him. You can send him a text, a Valentine gift, or have him solve a puzzle. Don't overdo it, but if you're creative, he can be very impressed.
  4. Don't be disappointed if he doesn't reciprocate your feelings. Maybe things are not always desirable, maybe the two of you do not belong together. If you want to continue the friendship, here are a few things to keep in mind:
    • Don't be too disappointed if he doesn't share your feelings. This will only make people feel uncomfortable. You'd better treat it like a game.
    • Remind yourself how great a friend he is and how lucky you are to have one. You may not be able to find romance this time, but you have a wonderful life friend.
    • Know when to pause. If you truly love him, maybe now is the time to stop seeing him because you will feel hurt. If you don't have a crush on him, you can hang out with him again, but there's nothing worse than torturing yourself with hanging out with someone who doesn't share your feelings.


  • Find out what he likes and learn more about it. He would be more excited if the two of you have a lot in common.


  • If you know that your friend is a flirtatious, then he's probably just flirting with you for fun.