How to change your email address

Author: Joan Hall
Date Of Creation: 6 July 2021
Update Date: 23 June 2024
How To Change Gmail Address - Change Email Tutorial
Video: How To Change Gmail Address - Change Email Tutorial


There are many reasons for changing your email address, which is why most people have more than one email account. It can be difficult to switch correctly, especially if you've gotten rid of an address you've been using for many years. Take advantage of these tips to learn how to effectively change your email address.


  1. 1 Choose a new name. If you do not like your current address, but are satisfied with the services of your email provider, then simply create a new account using your desired name. It will be free and easy.
    • Think about what you are going to use this email address for before changing it. If for e-mails with friends or junk mail, then the name does not matter. Conversely, if a new address is necessary for work, then come up with a simple and professional name.
    • Personalize your new email address. For example, add your name, date of birth, or other details that you remember. This will make it easier to remember your new email address.
  2. 2 Choose a new email service provider if you are not happy with your current service. Investigate the cost, storage space for email messages, and the availability of a spam filter.
    • Find out if your ISP offers free email addresses to customers. Such a service is often part of a package, so you already pay for the address along with the Internet access. However, if you ever change your internet service provider, you will have to take another new email address, so make sure you are happy with your current access.
  3. 3 Find out if your ISP allows you to use the old address to forward mail to the new one. This way it will be easier for you to stop using the old address, because you do not need to log in to check your mail.
  4. 4 Update all sites where your old email address is saved. The most important of these are your bank, lenders, and any tax programs, as they all tend to send invoices and reminders by email. Also update all social media profiles.
  5. 5 Send an email to all contacts in your address book to inform them of the new email address.
  6. 6 Transfer your address book to your new account. Otherwise, you will have to start collecting all your friends' email addresses again.
  7. 7 Delete the old email address. This is a recommendation only, provided that you cannot forward e-mail messages to a new address. If your provider does not allow you to delete your account, then just stop logging in there, as a result of which it is likely that the account will be automatically deleted due to non-use.


  • Hire a company to help you change your email address. There are services that redirect your mail from the old address to the new one and help attract the attention of other people to the changes. In the absence of time to complete such tasks, it will be worth the cost.