How to oil teak furniture

Author: Gregory Harris
Date Of Creation: 15 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to use Teak Oil
Video: How to use Teak Oil


Teak is the most durable wood and requires little maintenance to maintain its strength. But if you do not process teak furniture, it will eventually take on a light brown hue, after which it will turn silvery gray. Regular lubrication of teak furniture will protect it from tarnishing while retaining its golden brown color. Remember that oil is not recommended for use on teak furniture outdoors or in damp areas, as it causes mold.


Method 1 of 2: How to lubricate indoor teak furniture

  1. 1 Calculate costs and determine the benefits of oiling your furniture. Applying teak oil maintains the shine and color of the furniture and can hide any imperfections, as the surface of the furniture will become more like the inside of wood thanks to the lubrication. But after lubrication, the furniture will need constant oil use, at least every three months. If you've never oiled your furniture before, it can stay strong and durable for many years.
    • A warning: manufacturers of teak furniture do not recommend oiling furniture that is outdoors or in a damp room, as mold can form.
  2. 2 Prepare your tools. Place a cloth or newspaper underneath furniture to keep splashes from splashing onto the floor. Wear gloves to keep the oil away from your hands, which can irritate your skin. Since most teak oils are quite toxic, long-term exposure to them can cause health problems, so work in a well-ventilated area. Keep teak oil away from heat sources as it is flammable. Select a few clean, unnecessary pieces of cloth for oiling your furniture.
  3. 3 Wash and dry furniture if necessary. If you wash your furniture all the time, just wipe it down thoroughly. If the surface is dirty and sticky, wash it with water and mild soap, or use a special “teak cleanser”. Read the instructions for use for further information.
    • A warning: dry the furniture after washing and wait 24-36 hours for all moisture to evaporate before applying the oil. Even if the surface of the furniture is dry, the inside of the furniture may be damp, causing discoloration and making it less durable after oil has been applied.
  4. 4 Choose teak oil or teak varnish. Teak oil products are used specifically for this purpose and are not made from teak at all. The ingredients in these products may vary. One of the most common ingredients is tung oil, which can be more effective than flaxseed oil. Teak oil sometimes has an unnatural color or contains additional binders, so you should carefully read the instructions before making a choice. Teak varnish requires less frequent application than teak oil, but otherwise has the same effect.
  5. 5 Use a teak oil brush. Apply a wide brush evenly over the surface of the furniture. Continue applying the oil until the furniture is matte and oiled.
  6. 6 Wait fifteen minutes, then wipe down the furniture with a piece of cloth. Wait for the oil to saturate the wood. You will notice how the surface of the furniture will change when it is soaked in oil. As soon as the changes become noticeable, or after fifteen minutes, wipe the furniture with a clean cloth, carefully removing excess oil. Once dry, wipe the surface with another clean piece of cloth.
  7. 7 Wipe off drips with mineral oil. Dampen a clean piece of cloth with mineral oil and wipe off excess oil and spills from furniture. Teak oil can ruin other furniture or floors if not wiped off immediately.
  8. 8 Repeat the procedure regularly. Your furniture will tarnish if you don't reapply the oil. Do this every few weeks or months, as soon as you see that the furniture has lost its color and shine. You can apply an additional coat to achieve a richer color, but apply a new coat only when the surface is completely dry.

Method 2 of 2: How to Maintain Teak Furniture

  1. 1 Just dust off from time to time if you like the natural color. Furniture will not deteriorate, even if the color becomes lighter or even silvery over time. If you like this look or don't want to put in extra effort, just wipe down your teak furniture regularly and wash it from time to time if mold develops on it.
    • In the beginning, the color of the furniture may be uneven, but this will disappear over time.
  2. 2 Wash teak furniture if you want to keep the color. You can clean the furniture with a soft bristled brush and warm soapy water to preserve its color for a while. Do not use a brush that is too hard, as this may damage the material.
  3. 3 Use a teak cleaner if you want to thoroughly clean the surface of your furniture. A special cleaner can be used if there is not enough soap and water to remove dirt or brighten the color of the furniture. There are two main types of teak cleaner:
    • A single cleaner is safer and easier to apply. Rub it into furniture with a soft bristled brush for 15 minutes. Gently rinse the furniture surface with clean water using sandpaper. Do not use steel wool; this may tarnish the teak.
    • Dual cleaners are more powerful and work faster by dissolving dirt. Apply the cleaner and acid and wait for a while as directed on the package. Apply a second portion of the acid-neutralizing cleaner to completely cover the furniture surface.
  4. 4 Apply a clear protective coat to protect furniture from damage. If you use teak furniture a lot, you can protect it from stains beforehand. The transparent protective layer can be applied thickly to dry furniture every time. The name and method of application of such products differ depending on the manufacturer. Look for “teak preservatives” or “clear teak varnish” and follow the directions on the package.
    • Some people think that using a fixing agent along with oil can be detrimental to furniture, but some manufacturers recommend this method.
  5. 5 Cover teak furniture when not in use. One of the advantages of teak is strength, so this material does not require protection. But teak furniture is easier to care for when you cover it. Never use plastic or vinyl materials, as these will trap moisture in the furniture.
  6. 6 Scrape off the stains gently. Some stains, such as red wine or coffee stains, are difficult to remove with washing. Scrape off the top layer of the wood with sandpaper and then use a lighter sandpaper to secure the result. This will make the furniture brighter, as the inside of the furniture is saturated with natural oils.


  • Teak oil can stain surfaces or clothing. Take action to protect things.You can place cardboard underneath furniture before oiling it and wear gloves and an apron to protect your clothing and skin.
  • Teak oil is highly flammable. Dispose of the pieces of fabric you used to clean the furniture, or keep them away from sources of fire.