How to order at Starbucks

Author: William Ramirez
Date Of Creation: 17 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to ORDER COFFEE in English at Starbucks
Video: How to ORDER COFFEE in English at Starbucks


Ordering at Starbucks can seem like a daunting challenge to those who are not regulars or not versed in the types of coffee. Knowing the basics of making coffee will help you easily order and enjoy a great drink.


Method 1 of 2: Ordering a drink

  1. 1 What are your preferences? The drink must suit your tastes so that you can really enjoy it. Ordering at Starbucks isn't just ordering coffee. In fact, there is a rich selection of different drinks, including tea, smoothies and hot chocolate. To make the right choice, you must consider the temperature of the drink and the weather conditions.
    • Don't be afraid to ask the barista for help or advice. They will advise you on which drinks suit your preferences and you can order.
    • Consider if you want a hot drink, cold, blended, and what its sugar and caffeine levels should be.
  2. 2 Please select a size. Starbucks is known for its specific sizes, but it is not at all difficult to understand them: tall - 0.3 ml, grande - 0.4 ml, venti - 0.5 ml. Some coffee shops also have 0.2 ml or 0.7 ml drinks.
  3. 3 Aromatic additives. It doesn't matter if you order coffee, tea or another drink - you can always add sugar or syrup. However, if you get sugar for free, you will have to pay extra for the syrup.
    • If you are unsure of what is best to add, ask for a supplement menu or ask a barista what are the most popular supplements available. There are a myriad of additives out there, and you are not limited to just “sugar-free” or “sugar-free” choices.
    • The most popular syrups are vanilla, caramel and nutty. All are without added sugar.
    • Some types of syrup are found at different times of the year. For example, pumpkin syrup is often available in winter or autumn, and coconut in summer.
  4. 4 Choose a base. Some drinks are made with milk, while others are made with water. If you prefer a certain type of milk, please specify it when ordering. You can usually choose low-fat, 2% milk, soy, or half-and-half milk. Some coffee shops may also offer you coconut or almond milk.
    • You can order a hot or cold drink. Many coffees are blended in a blender and it is best to order a milk base for the correct consistency.
    • The evaporated milk forms a thick, fluffy froth on top of your drink. If you don't like foam, ask to make a drink without it.
  5. 5 Pay attention to the caffeine content. You can order a drink with caffeine, ½ caffeine or decaffeinated.

Method 2 of 2: Choosing a drink

  1. 1 Brewed coffee. This is a regular coffee from a coffee maker that you can make at home, but with different flavors. This coffee is the cheapest on the menu and the easiest to make.
  2. 2 Latte. Latte is made on the basis of espresso with the addition of evaporated milk. Any additives and types of milk can be used in a latte. Can be served hot or cold.
  3. 3 Americano. The most popular drink among coffee lovers, made with espresso and water. You can add froth, sugar or other additives.
  4. 4 Cappuccino. Similar to a latte because it is also based on espresso and evaporated milk, but the cappuccino is more frothy. Thus, your drink is softer and more whipped than a liquid one. Used with any additives.
  5. 5 Caramel macchiato. The espresso in this drink is poured over the top rather than stirring. Composition of caramel macchiato: vanilla syrup, evaporated milk and foam, espresso, drops of caramel.
  6. 6 Mocha. Mocha is a chocolate latte. This can be milk chocolate or white chocolate. Usually done without foam, but you can ask to add whipped cream on top.
  7. 7 Espresso. If you are a lover of traditional coffee, espresso is for you! You can choose a double espresso.
  8. 8 Tea. If you do not like coffee, there are different types of tea for your choice. Mostly all of them are made with hot water, but there are also types with hot milk, for example, London Mist (earl gray plus sweet vanilla). Tea is also served hot or cold.
  9. 9 Frappé. Frappé is mixed in a blender, usually coffee is taken as the basis, but there are exceptions, for example, strawberry or cream. Chocolate or caramel is often added.
  10. 10 You can also try hot chocolate, apple cider, lemonade, or a variety of smoothies.
  11. 11 Once you have made your choice, place an order. Tell me the size, name and what additives you want. For example: grande latte with vanilla syrup. Don't be afraid to combine!


  • Don't be afraid to ask for help if you don't understand something.
  • Do you drink coffee on the spot? Just say “here” and you will be served coffee in a nice glass, not a cardboard one.
  • Make sure that someone else does not take your drink, especially if you have the same order. Keep your receipt just in case.
  • If you want to order something new for yourself, but are afraid to miscalculate, ask for a tasting.
  • Do not be distracted by phone calls while ordering, this is indecent.
  • Bottled drinks on offer are usually found in the refrigerator next to the display case.
  • You can also order snacks with your drink.
  • Check if the drink was given to you only after it is ready. No need to stand at the counter and give advice to the barista while cooking.