How to lose weight if you don't like vegetables

Author: Eric Farmer
Date Of Creation: 9 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Keto Diet Without Veggies Explained By Dr.Berg
Video: Keto Diet Without Veggies Explained By Dr.Berg


Many adults are dieting these days. Many weight loss programs focus on a well-balanced diet that includes low-calorie and nutritious foods from each group: protein, dairy, fruits, vegetables, and grains. But if you don't like vegetables or have little pleasure in consuming them, then it will be difficult for you to find the right diet plan. However, with a little planning and a few substitutions, you can find a diet that will help you lose weight.


Method 1 of 3: Preparing to lose weight

  1. 1 Consult your doctor. Check with your doctor before switching to a new diet or weight loss plan. Your doctor may recommend an alternative diet and suggest vitamins or minerals in addition to the diet, as you will eat fewer vegetables.
    • Tell your doctor your current weight, how many kilograms you need to lose, and also clarify what medications you are taking and what diseases you have or have.
    • Your doctor may also refer you to a dietitian for additional advice.
  2. 2 Meet with your dietitian. A nutritionist will advise you on a weight loss diet. He can also offer various alternatives to vegetables.
    • Ask your dietitian to help you plan meals that aren't predominantly vegetable-focused, but that promote weight loss.
    • To find a nutritionist in your area, you can use the vast amount of resources on the Internet.
  3. 3 Write down and track your goals. Setting a goal will help you keep track of your weight loss and stay motivated.
    • Be specific in your goals. You must set goals that are specific and realistic, and remember to set a specific date.
    • Remember, losing a lot of weight in a short period of time is unrealistic and unhealthy. Concentrate on losing less weight over a longer period of time.
    • Understand that with a low vegetable intake (and subsequent fiber intake), weight loss will be slow.
    • Break down long-term goals into short-term ones. For example, if you want to lose 10 kg in 5 months, your short-term goal would be to lose 2 kg in the first month.
  4. 4 Write a dietary program. A nutritional program can help make dieting and weight loss a little easier. You will have your own plan to follow throughout the week. Planning your meals and snacks can help you be more organized and focused.
    • Spend some free time scheduling meals and snacks for the week. It's much easier to stick to your diet when you have a plan.
    • While you can avoid or cut back on vegetables, try to include the rest of the food groups: fruits, proteins, dairy products, and whole grains.
    • Try to plan meals that are quick and easy to prepare. Try to be more realistic with your meal plan, as you probably won't be able to cook a complicated meal for dinner from scratch every night.

Method 2 of 3: Planning a Veggie-Free Weight Loss Diet

  1. 1 Measure serving sizes. Serving size must be measured with any weight loss plan. If you overeat even on relatively healthy foods, you can gain weight.
    • Reducing your portion size is an easy way to reduce your overall calorie intake, which in turn can help you lose weight.
    • When planning meals and snacks, use the following serving sizes: 1 serving of fruit is half a glass of fruit or 1 small whole fruit, 1 serving of cereals is 30 grams or half a cup, 1 serving of dietary protein is 90 grams, 1 serving of dairy products with low fat - 1 cup milk or yogurt or 60 grams of cheese. If you eat vegetables, 1 serving of vegetables is 1 cup of regular or 2 cups of leafy vegetables.
  2. 2 Count calories. Calorie counting is another easy way to lose weight. Reducing calories at every meal or snack will help you lose weight. By replacing high-calorie foods with low-calorie foods, you can reduce your total calorie intake and therefore lose weight.
    • Safe weight loss means, first of all, dropping 0.5-1 kg per week. In terms of calories, this implies a reduction in total calorie intake of 500 calories per day.
    • If you cut more than 500 calories per day, or eat less than 1200 calories per day, you run the risk of nutritional deficiencies. Weight loss achieved through a very low-calorie diet is usually short-lived.
  3. 3 Eat 2-3 servings of fruit every day. Fruits and vegetables are the main source of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. By avoiding or cutting back on vegetables, you can reduce the amount of nutrients you get from your food. Try to eat the right amount of fruit daily to maximize the nutrient content of your diet.
    • It is recommended that you eat about two servings of fruit a day - this equates to two glasses of fruit.
    • Different colored fruits contain different nutrients. Choose fruits of different colors to get the maximum amount of different nutrients.
    • Eat nutrient-rich fruits. While all fruits are healthy choices, some have more nutrients than others. For example, oranges, grapefruits and strawberries are very useful.
  4. 4 Make or buy juices. Juicing has recently become a popular way to consume fruits and vegetables. If you don't like raw or cooked vegetables, add them to the juice for a better taste.
    • You can buy vegetable juices at any grocery store.Try different brands of juices to find out which tastes better. You can add 1-2 servings of vegetable juice to your diet.
    • If you buy juice made from different fruits and vegetables, make sure it is 100% juice. Do not buy juice shakes, nectars, concentrates, or other foods with added sugar.
    • Try juicing yourself. You can buy a juicer and make a variety of combinations yourself. Vegetable juices often don't taste noticeable when mixed with sweet fruits such as pineapple or apples.
  5. 5 Make smoothies. Like juices, smoothies are another way to eat multiple servings of vegetables. Many vegetables, such as spinach, are almost tasteless when cooked with frozen fruits and other ingredients that have a distinct flavor and aroma.
    • Try different combinations of fruits, vegetables and different drinks to find the combination that you like.
    • Vegetables like spinach, beets, and carrots go well with fruit smoothies. They are slightly sweet and mix well with sweet fruits.
    • Another benefit of smoothies is that you use whole fruits and vegetables, which means you get fiber from these foods.
  6. 6 Eat dietary protein and whole grains. It is important for a weight loss program to have a balanced meal. While you can avoid vegetables, eat protein, dairy, and whole grains, it's important to balance your diet.
    • Choose dietary protein whenever possible, such as poultry, lean red meat, pork, seafood, lentils / beans, and eggs.
    • Dairy products are an excellent source of protein, calcium and vitamin D. They should be as low in fat as possible. Choose the least fatty milk, yogurt, cottage cheese and cheese.
    • 100% whole grains contain fiber and vitamins to help promote weight loss. Choose foods like brown rice, quinoa, barley, whole wheat pasta, or millet.
  7. 7 Take supplements. Taking vitamin and mineral supplements can be a good idea while dieting, especially when limiting your vegetable intake.
    • Various nutrients found in vegetables need to be replaced with other foods or supplements. Vegetables are high in potassium, magnesium, vitamin A, vitamin C, folic acid, and antioxidants.
    • Take 100% multivitamin / multimineral every day.
    • Please note that the use of supplements does not mean complete substitution of certain foods in the diet. Think of a supplement as a supplement, not a complete replacement.
  8. 8 Try new vegetables. Even if you don't like vegetables or want to keep your consumption to a minimum, you must understand that they are valuable and nutritious foods that you need to eat every day. If you find it difficult to find vegetables that you like, try new types or recipes.
    • Try it, try it and try it again. Maybe you don't like a certain vegetable, but if you haven't tried it in a long time, give it a try! You may be wondering how your taste buds have changed.
    • Buy vegetables you've never tasted. Perhaps there is some exotic or interesting vegetable that you would like to try. Buy it and cook it, you may want to eat it regularly.
    • Try cooking vegetables with different methods. Steamed Brussels sprouts probably doesn't look appetizing, but when fried they are savory and delicious!
    • Try vegetables that you may like. Many vegetables are mildly sweet and lacking in flavor. Try peas, green beans, carrots, tomatoes, and bell peppers.
    • Try to avoid sauces, additives, or seasonings with vegetables. While cottage cheese makes broccoli delicious, it is high in fat, extra calories, and salt. This combination is bad for weight loss.
    • It's a good idea to buy kale or spinach, chop, freeze and add to your meals.
  9. 9 Add vegetables to different dishes. You may not like stewed vegetables, but there are several ways to intelligently add vegetables to various dishes.
    • Grate vegetables and add them to soups and sauces. This will make the tomato sauce better. You can add shredded carrots or crushed nuts to your mac and cheese.
    • Plus, vegetables hide well in baked foods. Try adding grated vegetables to meals such as meatloaf or meatballs. You can add chopped zucchini, courgette, or carrots to dishes such as muffins or muffins.

Method 3 of 3: Track Your Results

  1. 1 Weigh yourself every week. Whenever you lose weight, you need to weigh yourself regularly. You will see progress and determine how effective your efforts are.
    • Weigh yourself 1-2 times a week. Standing on the scale every day, you will not see the result. Daily fluctuations in weight (gain or loss) are normal and may not reflect actual progress.
    • For the most accurate dynamics, weigh yourself at the same time, on the same day of the week, wearing the same clothes (or no clothes).
    • Regular weighing can help prevent weight gain.
  2. 2 Track your meals and snacks in a journal. Keeping a food diary helps people successfully lose weight. Take a short note of all meals and snacks. It can be difficult to afford too much if you know that you will need to write down everything that you have eaten.
    • You can buy a diary or install a special application. Track as many days as you can.
  3. 3 Analyze your progress. Check your progress every 1-2 months to evaluate it again. Determine how many extra pounds you've lost and how your diet is affecting you. Once again, a diet low in vegetables means slower weight loss.
    • If you are doing well, losing weight and enjoying the diet, continue until you reach your goal.
    • If you notice that your weight loss has stalled or slowed down, back off and reassess your lifestyle. Painstakingly keeping a food diary will help you see where you made a mistake or ate more than you should.


  • Drink plenty of water: about 2 liters every day. Drink a glass of water 20 minutes before lunch to feel full.
  • Measure how much you've lost in volume, the reduction in centimeters is just as important as in kilograms.
  • Avoid processed foods. Anything you buy in packs is usually high in fat, sugar and salt. Know what you are eating ahead of time.
  • Tell your family and friends that you want to lose weight and they will surely support you.


  • Before starting a weight loss diet or before making any dietary changes, consult your doctor to make sure the changes are safe for you.
  • Without proper planning, diet can lead to nutritional deficiencies. If you continue to cut certain foods from your diet, make sure you get the nutrients in those foods from other sources.
  • Please note that vegetables cannot be completely replaced. They contain many vital and important nutrients. Keep trying new vegetables, recipes, or cooking methods until you find something you like.