How to make your buttocks round

Author: Helen Garcia
Date Of Creation: 14 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
10 BEST EXERCISES TO START GROWING YOUR BOOTY 🔥 | Beginner Friendly Butt Workout | No Equipment
Video: 10 BEST EXERCISES TO START GROWING YOUR BOOTY 🔥 | Beginner Friendly Butt Workout | No Equipment


Recently, curvy, rounded shapes, also called "round buttocks", are rapidly conquering the world of female beauty. Celebrities such as Kim Kardashian, Jennifer Lopez and Beyoncé are pioneers of this fashion trend. The shape of your buttocks is largely determined by your genetic makeup, but you can also accentuate your shape with exercise, diet, and clothing.


Part 1 of 3: Exercise for Round Forms

  1. 1 Focus on your buttocks. Any combination of cardio and strength training will help keep your body fit. If you want to have a large and rounded buttocks, you should focus on the gluteus maximus, which is responsible for the shape of your buttocks.
    • Any movement that makes your body move upward helps shape your buttocks. It is possible to make your butt bigger and rounder if you build muscle with certain exercises.
  2. 2 Lift the dumbbells. An effective way to build up your glutes (this applies to all muscles in the body) is to work with heavy weights 2-3 times a week. For strength training, use a weight you can lift in 5 sets of 5 reps.
    • Make sure the weight is heavy enough for you to do the last set with maximum muscle tension.
    • Some fitness experts argue that the popular advice to do 8 to 12 reps is outdated, and it is much more effective to do fewer reps (no more than 5), but with a heavier weight.
  3. 3 Learn to squat. Squats, especially the barbell squat, are the most popular exercise for building a large, round butt. Before starting the barbell squat, you should master the no-weights squat.
    • Starting position: Stand straight with your back straight, chest forward, head up, chin parallel to the floor. Spread your feet shoulder-width apart with the toes slightly apart.
    • Squat: (make sure you stay in the same position: back straight, chest forward, head up) bend your knees and slowly begin to lower your butt down. To avoid slouching, put your knees forward and place your weight on your heels.
    • As you go down, make sure your knees don't hang over your toes. Imagine a line running between your toes and don't let your knees deviate from that path. Otherwise, such squats can lead to injury.
    • Typically, many stop after their legs are bent at 90 degrees and their hips are parallel to the floor. However, you can go even lower if you are confident in your abilities!
    • After reaching the lowest possible amplitude, return to the starting position: exhale with force and push the body up, while leaving the heels pressed to the floor.
  4. 4 Do barbell squats. Place the barbell on your shoulders just below your neck and hold it with both hands. Try to squat down as deep as possible without letting your knees go beyond the line of your toes. Immediately after straightening the body, squeeze the buttocks together to transfer all the tension to the sciatic muscle.
    • For safety reasons, it is helpful to use an appropriate machine for this exercise. Check with your trainer if you're not sure if your gym has a similar machine. Most of the gym staff will be happy to show you how to use the machine properly, so don't be shy!
  5. 5 Try alternative exercises that are safe for your back. For back or shoulder problems, you can substitute barbell squats for exercises with dumbbells or a leg press machine.
    • Dumbbell Option: Squat with a heavy dumbbell in each hand. Just hold the dumbbells on the sides of the torso with your arms down; you don't have to do anything with them. Remember to keep your core and back straight as you would with any kind of squat!
    • Leg Press Machine: Bend your knees at a 45-degree angle, while resting your heels on the machine platform, keeping your toes 45 degrees apart. Doing this exercise will help build the muscles of the buttocks, and not the upper thighs.
  6. 6 Do weights lunges. Experts say that squats and lunges are the two main exercises you need to create a rounded shape. You can do lunges without heaviness, but exercise with weights will significantly speed up the achievement of results. For a perfect lunge you need:
    • Stand straight with your back straight, chest forward, chin parallel to the floor. Feet should be hip-width apart with toes straight.
    • Step forward about 60 cm with your right leg and lower yourself down until both legs are bent at a 90-degree angle. In this case, the lower leg of the right leg should be perpendicular to the floor, and the knee of the left leg should stop only a few centimeters from the floor.
    • Lift your left leg up and at the same time push your body with your right to return to the starting position.
    • As with squats, make sure that the knee going forward during bending does not go beyond the line between the toes, otherwise you risk injury.
    • Add weight to your dumbbell lunges and keep them in your down arms as you squat. After 5 reps, you should feel tired.
  7. 7 Do plyometric exercises. Bouncing squats, bouncing lunges, and high jumps will not only help build your muscles, but they will also speed up your metabolism and help you burn more calories. The secret is to make the technique explosive. To perform the jump squat correctly, you need to:
    • Take the starting position as with a normal squat (feet shoulder-width apart, back straight, chest forward, head up) and cross your arms over your chest.
    • As you inhale, squat in the usual manner until your thighs are parallel to the floor or even lower.
    • Place your weight on the pads of your feet, push off and jump into the air as high as possible. Then exhale.
    • Immediately after touching the feet of the floor, perform a squat and repeat the jump. The number of repetitions in this case will depend on the level of your physical fitness. It is best to do this exercise as long as you can get your muscles to work.
  8. 8 Engage your glutes at every opportunity. Think of ways to train your glutes during any vigorous activity, for example, while exercising on a treadmill, set the incline angle that will allow you to use your hips, ankles, and most importantly, buttocks.
    • You can train your glutes even while sitting at a table, standing in line, but if someone spots you, it can attract surprised looks. Wherever you are, cyclically tense and relax your glutes in turn, first the right side and then the left side.
  9. 9 Exercise regularly. With the constant alternation of workouts for different muscle groups, you will not overextend them. For example, you can train your arm muscles 2-3 times a week, and on the rest of the days move to your legs and buttocks.
    • You can also do something less intense on other days, such as yoga, Pilates, or swimming.

Part 2 of 3: Take care of yourself

  1. 1 Be prepared to spend a lot of time doing this. You will need to work hard to get a thin waist and a big, rounded butt. Be prepared to work on yourself every day and eat right.
    • Famous curvy women like Kim Kardashian, J. Lo and Beyoncé work out for at least an hour every day. Their workouts consist of alternating cardio and strength training.
  2. 2 Always warm up and cool down. Whenever you exercise, you need to warm up and cool down afterwards. The effectiveness of your workouts will depend on the process of proper heating and cooling of muscles:
    • Before your cardio workout, you should do some light aerobic exercise, such as walking or light jogging. Cooling down your muscles will involve walking or jogging slowly and then stretching.
    • Before strength training, always do cardio exercises for all muscle groups, especially the ones that you intend to train today. Cooling down the muscles thereafter includes jogging or walking slowly and then stretching.
  3. 3 Give your muscles some time to recover between workouts. Muscle growth requires recovery. A rest day doesn't mean you skip a workout. This involves changing activities so that the same muscles do not work every day to avoid stress and injury.
    • It is very important to listen to your body. Soreness, general exhaustion, or sudden boredom during exercise may indicate that your body is trying to force you to take a break.
    • The rest interval depends on your fitness level. Beginners may need frequent rest at first. As strength results improve, this interval will decrease.
  4. 4 Eat healthy foods. Studies show that exercise alone is not enough to lose weight. If you want to have not only a big butt, but also a flat stomach, you need to eat right and drink plenty of water.
    • Eat lean proteins (chicken, fish, legumes), healthy fats (almonds, olive oil, avocados), fresh vegetables, fruits, and whole grains.
  5. 5 Make sure your body is getting enough protein. Protein is required for muscle building, so you must consume enough protein to build muscle.
    • The main sources of protein include lean meats (chicken, fish), nuts (almonds, walnuts) and protein shakes (hemp and rice protein powders will help improve protein absorption without the weight gain that can occur from dairy products).
  6. 6 Don't lose weight too much. Through exercise and proper nutrition, you can lose weight. However, this is good as long as the thinness does not become excessive. The rounded shapes should be different from the emaciated figures of supermodels.
    • Leave all your worries about cellulite and an insufficiently tight ass, because the owners of large buttocks are more worried about their size and shape than about elasticity.
    • Kim Kardashian, for example, openly declares his love for his "irregularities" (cellulite).

Part 3 of 3: Understand How It Works

  1. 1 Wear jeans that fit your bottom. An important aspect of having curvy forms is their demonstration. Invest in a pair of skinny jeans to highlight your butt.
    • Look for jeans with a Brazilian waist, which are characterized by a very low waistband and a short zipper (no more than a few centimeters in length).
    • Jeans with a high rise accentuate a narrow waist and further accentuate your rounded bottom.
    • Jeans with small back pockets will visually make your butt look even bigger.
  2. 2 Wear tight-fitting stretch pants. It is preferable to choose spandex material for trousers, because the more they stretch, the better.
    • This is especially important when choosing jeans that should seductively hug your bottom without squeezing too much or it will appear a little smaller.
  3. 3 Don't forget about dresses and skirts. It is difficult to find oversized tight-fitting clothing, especially if you have a thin waist. When choosing clothes, it is worth considering the fact that it should fit you perfectly.
    • All of Kim Kardashian's outfits are specially selected to highlight her dignity.
  4. 4 Shake your booty! The appeal of a big butt is not only in the way it looks, but also in the way it moves. You should feel confident in every step after all the exercises you have done!
    • Learn to walk like a diva.
    • Take dance, hip-hop, or belly dancing lessons to help you learn to carry yourself proudly and stay fit.


  • Boring squats, lunges, and plyometric workouts can be replaced with a variety of other exercises that will help you build a big butt, such as bridges or back bends.
  • Remember that your personality comes first when communicating, even if initially someone drew attention to you just because of your outstanding forms.It's okay if you can't pump a big ass.
  • Having a lush ass is a reason for pride and the result of working on yourself!


  • When exercising, always listen to your body. There is a difference between feeling tired and feeling pain. Stop exercising immediately if you feel pain in your knees, legs, or other parts of your body.
  • The fashion for large, rounded buttocks has prompted many people to get implants. If you are considering plastic surgery, then you need to consult with a qualified surgeon who can provide a portfolio of their work. A failed plastic surgery can disfigure and hurt you. Moreover, when the fashion passes, there will be something in your body that you may no longer want!
  • If you have any health problems, or even none, you should consult your doctor before trying any new fitness program.