How to take a break from social media

Author: Gregory Harris
Date Of Creation: 8 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Take an EFFECTIVE Break From SOCIAL MEDIA
Video: How to Take an EFFECTIVE Break From SOCIAL MEDIA


Taking a break from social media is a great opportunity to enjoy socializing with those closest to you and do inspiring things. Before taking a break, identify the reasons why you want to take a break from social media. Select the length of the break, specific networks, and create a timeline for reducing the duration of social media use. Turn off all notifications or completely remove programs to make it easier for you to follow the break. In the free time that has appeared, you can read, exercise, communicate with friends and relatives.


Method 1 of 3: Sign out of your account

  1. 1 Determine the length of the break. There is simply no correct length of break, so the decision is up to you. Nobody bothers to take a break for one day or one month or longer.
    • It is not necessary to be limited to the chosen period of rest. If at the end of the term you wish to continue the break, then that is perfectly normal.
    • On the other hand, you can shorten the duration of the break from social networks if you planned to do an important job and coped with the task ahead of schedule.
  2. 2 Take a break. It is best to take a break from social media during family holidays or vacations. This will allow you to spend all your free time talking with your family and not be distracted by updates.
    • You can also take a break if you need to devote all your attention to a person or business (for example, while working on a diploma).
    • If you are tired of bad news and political showdown on social media, you can also take a break. Pay attention to your condition. For example, are you extremely annoyed after browsing social media? Do you get hung up on what you saw and think about it all day long? Do you find it difficult to concentrate afterwards? In such a situation, it is better to take a break.
  3. 3 Choose social media. During a pause, you can completely stop using all social networks or just some of them. For example, you want to take a break from Facebook and Twitter, but use Instagram.
    • There is no mistaken approach to choosing networks from which to take a break. To begin with, it is recommended to consider the reasons for such a decision, and then temporarily stop using those networks that directly interfere with your achievement of your goals.
    • You can also simply sign out of accounts on websites and applications on your computer and smartphone. If you need to enter your data every time to use the site, you will less often have the desire to check social networks in moments of boredom.
  4. 4 Come up with a schedule to gradually cut down on the time you spend on social media. For example, if you want to take a break from New Years to Christmas, start spending less time on social media just before New Years. Get down to business 10 days before the start of the break. The time limit will depend on how much time you spend on social media on a typical day.
    • For example, if you spend two hours a day on social media, reduce that period to one and a half hours 10 days before the break. A week before the break, reduce the time to one hour a day. Four days before your break, reduce the time to 30 minutes a day.
  5. 5 Let your family and friends know about your decision. If you decide to spend less time on social media, you can let your friends and followers know about your decision to take a break. In this case, people will know why you do not reply to messages or stopped being online on social networks. In addition, responsibility can also help you hold back when you want to turn on your phone and open the app.
    • Optionally, you can schedule the publication of materials on a schedule, even during a break.
  6. 6 Don't forget why you decided to take a break. Without a good reason, it will be difficult for you to keep your promise to yourself. There are many reasons to temporarily stop using social media. Perhaps you want to spend more time with loved ones. Maybe you are very tired of using social media on a daily basis. In any case, state a clear reason so that you have a ready answer in case of questions, since the questions necessarily will be.
    • You can also make a list and keep it handy as an incentive.
    • Clear reasons for the break will come in handy the moment it feels like the break can be canceled. In this case, remind yourself: "No, I will not use social media until the appointed time, because I want to spend more time with my family."

Method 2 of 3: Stop using social media

  1. 1 Disable your account. For example, if you usually access social networks from your phone, uninstall applications. If you use your computer more often, do not turn it on during your break. There is a less drastic way - just turn off social media notifications on your device so you don't have to check for notifications.
    • In this case, also turn off email notifications.
  2. 2 Delete your account. If you feel more productive or happier during your break, you can extend your vacation and delete your network accounts. In this case, you will say goodbye to them forever.
    • The process for deleting an account depends on the social network. Usually everything is quite easy and simple - you need to go to the user menu and select actions for the account (often this item is called "Your account"). Then select “Delete my account” (or a similar item) and confirm your decision.
    • It should be understood that if you later want to return to the social network, then everything will have to start over.
  3. 3 Change your attitude towards this decision. It's easy to think that taking a break is like being banished from the internet. Rather, see the pause as a release from your unconscious obligation to constantly publish new content and participate in the communities within the network. Instead of publishing and posting, you can focus on any other exciting activity.
    • Buy a small notebook and write in it every time your day without social media is better than usual.
  4. 4 Take time out to get through the most difficult moments. The days will surely come when you miss social media.After a while (three, five, or even seven days, depending on your past habits), the urge to go in and check for updates will begin to diminish. During this period, it is important to remain a strong person and remember that soon everything will pass. There are a number of ways to resist temptation and temporary depression. For example, try to keep yourself occupied with the following:
    • watch a movie with friends;
    • read an interesting book;
    • find a new hobby (like fixing bicycles or playing the guitar).
  5. 5 Become aware of the deceptive nature of social media content. Very often people post only their best photos and rarely talk about bad events. Learning to distinguish this carefully planned public service from reality will make you less likely to think about social media and be skeptical about it. This mood will only strengthen your desire to take a break and not go online.
  6. 6 Consider whether to return. If you decide to continue using social media, then consider doing this well. Make a list of pros and cons to understand the reasons and make a decision.
    • For example, include benefits such as “staying in touch with your friends,” “talking about yourself and sharing photos,” and “sharing interesting news with your friends.” At the same time, you can point out disadvantages such as “getting upset about political publications”, “wasting time and constantly refreshing the page” or “unnecessarily worrying about your publications”.
    • Compare the reasons and make the best decision that will benefit you the most.
    • If you continue to use social media, some restrictions can be introduced. For example, give them 15 minutes twice a day, and the rest of the time just don't log into your account.

Method 3 of 3: Come up with alternative leisure activities and activities

  1. 1 Chat with friends outside of social networks. This is not the only way to stay in touch with people. Stop refreshing the page pending new posts. Just call your friends, send an email or message. Ask, “What will you be doing tonight? Can we go to a pizzeria? ”.
  2. 2 Meet new people. Without the constant urge to check social media, you will again start paying more attention to the world around you. Start a conversation with the person sitting next to you on the bus: “The weather is wonderful today, isn't it?”.
    • Get involved in community life. So, you can volunteer with local charities or non-profit organizations. Offer your help at a homeless cafeteria or animal shelter.
    • Go to hobby clubs and like-minded meetings. There are special sites with announcements of events and meetings of groups of people of interest, such as movies, books, or cooking. Find the right group or create your own!
  3. 3 Read the newspapers. Social networks allow you not only to communicate and follow the lives of friends. In many cases, they are also the main source of news. You can stay up to date without social networks. To find out the news, you can read the newspaper, visit the sites of news services or various thematic resources.
  4. 4 Read to catch up. People often make lists of books they plan to read "someday." Sit back in a comfortable chair with a delicious cup of tea and grab an interesting book from your list.
    • If you don't have the book you want, go to your local library and grab the volume you want.
  5. 5 Clean up your house. Collect dust, vacuum rooms and wash dishes. Open your closet and sort out the items that you will no longer wear. Take them to a thrift store. Choose books, games, and movies to part with. Place advertisements for the sale on the internet.
  6. 6 Take time to do things. Use the time that has come from not having to check social media to answer emails or voice messages on your phone.Start your coursework or do your homework. If you work from home, use the time to find new clients or sources of income.
  7. 7 Be grateful for what you have. Think about the people, events, or things in life you are grateful for. For example, make a list of friends and family who are always ready to help in a difficult situation. Make another list and write down your favorite things or places (for example, a collection of games or a local library). This will allow you to take your mind off social media and make it easier to get through the break.