How to make a Tumblr-style room

Author: Sara Rhodes
Date Of Creation: 10 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
DIY Tumblr Inspired Room Decor! | Breezylynn08
Video: DIY Tumblr Inspired Room Decor! | Breezylynn08


As you check out the blogs on Tumblr, you will realize that most users have very beautiful bedrooms. Showing your room is an informal Tumblr tradition; users who like to be photographed, as a rule, make the room beautiful so that they feel free to upload photos to the network. If your room doesn't match Tumblr users' rooms, make it like this!


Part 1 of 3: Decorating the room

  1. 1 Hang the collage on the wall. Most Tumblr users have one wall of the room occupied by the collage. Collage is a variety of images glued together in the order you choose. These can be personal photos, pictures cut from magazines, or even original artwork made by you. There is no limit to the size of the collage (it is limited only by the size of the wall).
    • Let's take a look at the decoration of the rooms using the example of three characters - David, Kim and Louis. By watching how they decorate their rooms, you can learn how to do this and apply what you learn to decorate your own room.
    • Let's start with David. David is passionate about taking photos with his phone camera. Since David entered university and is about to leave, he wants to make a "collage of memories", that is, a selection of photographs of his growing up. To do this, he prints hundreds of photographs on paper, which gives him a huge selection of images to create a collage that can take up an entire wall.
  2. 2 Buy beautiful bedding. The bed is the most visible object in your bedroom, so make it beautiful. It is not necessary to buy very expensive linen, as it is difficult to determine its value from a photograph, but it should be clean (without stains) and go well with other elements of your room. If you're unsure of which color to choose, try matching it to the walls or furniture in your room (white sheets will work with everything).
    • Let's move on to Kim. Kim's bed looks a little pathetic; she is using an old duvet cover and there is a juice stain on the sheets that cannot be cleaned.To decorate her bed, Kim needs to buy a new checkerboard duvet cover that fits under her bedside table, as well as plain white sheets.
  3. 3 Hang various items on the wall. Another common trend in photographs of rooms on Tumblr is the hanging of various objects on the walls, for example, flags, blankets, beads, old clothes, homemade curtains, and the like. Such items will not only decorate your room, but also give it a little personality.
    • Let's take a look at Louis. Luis is a student from Peru who is proud of his country. Therefore, for him, the logical choice would be to hang the Peruvian flag on the wall (above the door, for example). If the chosen method is respectful of the flag, then this is a great opportunity to show your love for your homeland on Tumblr.
  4. 4 Think about the lighting in the room. Rooms in Tumblr photos often have unconventional lighting (for greater impact). Often, rooms are illuminated with New Year's electric garlands, LED strips, decorative pendant lamps, so that the lighting gives the room additional comfort. You can make a decorative lamp out of a regular one, for example by using an unusual lampshade.
    • Kim is going to hang a New Year's electric garland over the head of her bed; it will decorate the room and moreover, Kim can use the light from the garland to read in bed. Kim is also going to put an antique lamp on his bedside table to add old-fashioned charm to the room.
  5. 5 Buy old or antique furniture. In the photos of Tumblr users' rooms, you will not find furniture from IKEA. If you want to impress, put old furniture in your room. Such furniture will make your room stylish, give it a "retro charm" or even a little irony (especially if antique furniture is placed next to modern furniture). Old furniture is inexpensive, although the finest antique furniture is very expensive.
    • David doesn't have much money to buy furniture for his room, so he decides to buy an old chair (for only $ 20) from the 70s with a bold orange fringe. He puts a chair at a modern desk and will sit on it while working on a computer. The table and chair are so inconsistent with each other that it makes an unforgettable impression.
  6. 6 Hang decorations and arrange furniture appropriately. Original things or furniture in your room is half the battle; you need to hang / arrange them correctly, that is, so that they can be seen, and they looked great from where you are going to rent your room. Moreover, the arrangement of furniture should not prevent you from moving freely around the room.
    • If you are unsure of how to arrange furniture, refer to interior décor theories. For example, one of these theories is Chinese Feng Shui, which, among other things, teaches how to properly arrange furniture to obtain "favorable energy flows."
  7. 7 Think about new wallpaper or painting walls. If you have time, money and desire, change the walls of your room. This is a serious task that requires not only skill but also the permission of the homeowners (or your parents). If you don't like the walls, but you cannot paste over or paint them, then just hang decorations on them.
    • Louis wants to transform the white walls of his room. He decides to divide one wall into three equal parts (vertically), and paint over the side stripes with red paint. As a result, he will get a giant flag of Peru.
  8. 8 Check out more photos on Tumblr to get an idea of ​​how to decorate the room. While many of the rooms in the Tumblr photos are very similar, there is no single way to design them. Any room on a Tumblr photo is different from the rest, so just browse through the photos on Tumblr to find ideas for decorating your room.Do not be afraid to "spy" the idea in the photos of other users - all great artists have sources of inspiration.

Part 2 of 3: Personalizing the room

  1. 1 Hang quotes on the walls that you like. This is one of the fashion trends on Tumblr. These are often romantic or motivational quotes, but you can also find funny or weird quotes. To make your room highlight your personality, choose a quote that makes sense and is important to you.
    • David has always loved the saying of Vincent Lombardi, which his football coach once told him: "Perfection is not attainable, but if we chase perfection we can catch excellence." occupies almost the entire wall of David's room, and he cannot hang this quote on it. Therefore, he shortens the words in the quote and thus places it on the free space of the wall.
  2. 2 Place memorabilia in your room. As they age, people accumulate trinkets, souvenirs, and other memorabilia. Place such an item (or several items) in a prominent place in your room to make it unique. It is also the simplest way to show other people memorabilia.
    • Be careful with disclosing personal information. Do not display items containing your name, address, phone number, or financial information to prevent such information from reaching unscrupulous Tumblr users.
    • For example, Louis might put an old leather-bound cookbook given to him by his grandma on the table. In this way, he will demonstrate his love for Peruvian cuisine. However, he most likely will not open the book on the page with a dedication ("To Luis Cuspe from grandmother"), so as not to reveal his name to other users. So Luis will open the recipe book with a colorful picture.
  3. 3 Place posters on the walls to highlight your interests. By posting posters, you can clearly indicate what you like without the need for self-promotion or careful selection of memorabilia. Also, due to the decent size of the posters, they are used to cover up empty spaces on the walls that look boring.
    • Kim loves rock music, so she has no shortage of posters. On the Internet, she buys some old posters and now her walls are decorated with images of Allman Brothers, Led Zeppelin and Chuck Berry.
  4. 4 Be sure to show that you are reading, listening and watching. Books, music albums, movies, and other types of media can say a lot about your taste. Try putting some of your favorite vinyl records on your bed, or taking close-ups of books in your closet.
    • Love rock and roll, Kim has many records in her room, which she puts in different places to show that she knows about rock music. She even hangs one of the phonograph envelopes on the wall.
  5. 5 Show your sense of style by laying out some of your garments. It will help reveal your personality, or you may just show some interesting things. People use clothes to express themselves or to look good. Make sure you lay out clothes that are clean and ironed.
    • David prides himself on his sense of style, which is why you can see an old disco shirt in some of the pictures. He also sometimes leaves his wardrobe open to showcase a wardrobe of amazing things.

Part 3 of 3: Taking a snapshot of the room

  1. 1 Position your computer or webcam for the best view of your room. If you are capturing a photo of a room with your webcam or the camera built into your computer, positioning it is key. You cannot move freely with these cameras and take pictures the way you like, so you will have to limit yourself to just a few pieces of furniture and decorative elements. Cameras in laptops do not restrict freedom of movement that much, but they also have their drawbacks (due to their lens).
    • With these cameras, you won't be able to photograph an entire room (in one shot), but you can turn this disadvantage to your advantage by photographing only certain pieces of furniture and decor.
  2. 2 Part the curtains to light up the room. If your room has windows facing the sun, part the curtains during the day to take photos in natural light. Sunlight shots can turn a dark room into a bright and cozy room. However, sunlight can accentuate unpleasant details that aren't visible in flash photos, so make sure your room is tidy.
    • Do not take pictures with sunlight entering the lens. If the sun is bright, the camera will not be able to display some of the details of your room. In this case, it is better to turn sideways to the sun. Take close-up shots with the subject against a dark background rather than light.
  3. 3 Turn on your lamp or decorative lights at night. Light up the room brightly enough for your camera to display the right amount of room detail. But do not overdo it with lighting - in this case, the pictures will lose the charm of semi-dark lighting; on the other hand, insufficient lighting will make it impossible to make out the dark and light parts of the room in the pictures. Experiment to find the right lighting level.
    • Do not use flash at night. In pictures, objects will be unevenly lit, and shiny things will stand out ugly. Unfortunately, without using a flash, the camera shutter has to stay open longer (to get an image), which can lead to a loss of image clarity. If you can't get clear pictures without the flash, try lighting up the room brighter or use a tripod to avoid blurring your shots.
  4. 4 Visually enlarge the size of your room. Sometimes bedrooms are tiny; in this case, use visual techniques that visually increase its size. With the right choice of color and camera positioning, you can increase the size of your room. Here are some tips on how to do this:
    • Use light colors; whites, pastels and other neutral colors create the impression of large, open spaces.
    • Try not to leave a lot of items on shelves and tables.
    • Hang mirrors that reflect light and visually enlarge the room.
    • Place furniture along the walls to make room in the center of the room.
  5. 5 Use a high quality digital camera to display fine details (instead of a webcam, phone or laptop camera). A good camera captures high definition and detail, but keep in mind that this level of detail will show literally everything, including crumbs, blemishes, and other imperfections, so keeping the room clean is essential.
    • For digital cameras, set the ISO to 800 or lower (when shooting indoors). This value can be set manually (check the documentation for your camera).


  • Make sure the room reflects your personality. Most of the rooms in Tumblr users' photos are interesting because they contain original solutions. Choose quotes that matter to you, photos that make you smile, and hang things that you like, not just look good. Your room will only highlight your personality if you choose the items you really want to see.
  • Place objects in the room that indicate your interests and abilities.
  • Use pillows in bold colors or pillows with words.

What do you need

  • Posters
  • Newspapers
  • Dye
  • Bed dress
  • Furniture
  • LED bulbs
  • Cushions
  • Photos