How to lose weight

Author: Helen Garcia
Date Of Creation: 17 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Lose Weight: The Real Math Behind Weight Loss
Video: How To Lose Weight: The Real Math Behind Weight Loss


If you are too obese and have made a goal of losing weight, you may need to lose 12-25 kilograms or even more. To lose such a lot of weight, you need to set a solid goal, make a plan and stick to it for a long time. Depending on how much weight you want to lose, you will need 6-12 months or more. To lose significant weight, stick to your planned diet, exercise, and maintain high motivation.


Part 1 of 4: Goal Setting

  1. 1 Think about how much weight you would like to lose. If you feel that you are too obese, determine how much you are overweight and how many kilograms you should lose.
    • There are two methods to determine how many kilograms you need to lose weight: by body mass index (BMI) and ideal body weight. In both cases, simple formulas are used (you can find online calculators on the Internet).
    • To find the BMI, the body weight (in kilograms) should be divided by the square of the height (in meters). There are several different categories of BMI. If your BMI falls in the 25-29.9 range, you are considered to be about 18-27 kilograms overweight. With a BMI of 30-34.9, obesity is observed, and in this case, the excess weight is 27-36 kilograms. If the BMI exceeds 35.0, this indicates abnormal obesity, in which excess weight exceeds 36 kilograms.
    • Determine your ideal body weight. This value depends on your height and gender. Subtract your ideal body weight from your current weight to find how many pounds you should lose.
    • Compare the values ​​for excess weight obtained by the two methods. You can use any of them or find the arithmetic mean and be guided by it.
  2. 2 Plan for slow, gradual weight loss. Even if you need to lose many pounds, you should not resort to risky diets and try to quickly lose weight. Lose weight gradually and slowly: this way you will not harm your health, and the results of losing weight will be long-term.
    • Most doctors recommend dropping no more than 0.5 - 1 kilogram per week. This relatively slow speed allows for long-term results.
    • Determine how much weight you want to lose (or amount of excess weight) and estimate how many weeks it will take. For example, if you are going to lose 25 kilograms and lose one kilogram a week at the same time, you will need 25 weeks, that is, about six months.
    • You can lose weight faster in the first few months.This is normal if you are trying to lose a lot of weight. After the initial period, weight loss may slow down, and in this case, you should not get upset and try to force the process.
  3. 3 Set a specific goal for yourself. Knowing how many kilograms and how long to lose will help you develop a specific weight loss plan.
    • A realistic and well thought out weight loss plan will give you extra strength and motivation. This is especially important if you are looking for the long term.
    • When setting a goal, try to keep it specific and realistic. In particular, plan to lose no more than 0.5-1 kilograms per week.
    • When designing a program, consider how you are going to lose weight. Are you planning to follow a specific diet? Are you going to develop your own diet? Will you exercise to lose weight?
    • Also, allow for a few weeks off, during which you can rest and even allow yourself a little weakness. After the first stage, there may be a plateau during which your weight will fall more slowly; in addition, you can reserve one to two weeks in order to relax a little. Consider this in your plan.
  4. 4 Consult your doctor. If you are going to lose weight, especially a lot, you should definitely consult your doctor so as not to harm your health.
    • Your doctor will help you determine the most effective and safest way to lose weight. As a rule, with a lot of excess weight, losing weight can significantly improve your overall health.
    • Overweight and obesity are often associated with chronic conditions such as high blood pressure and diabetes. These diseases can complicate the process of losing weight.
    • Talk to your doctor about appetite suppressants. These drugs are recommended for very overweight people. If necessary, your doctor will prescribe the appropriate medication for you.

Part 2 of 4: Composing a Weight Loss Diet

  1. 1 Make an appointment with a professional nutritionist. This advice is extremely helpful if you are looking to lose weight. A professional dietitian can help you create a weight loss program and explain how to keep a food diary.
    • Ask your doctor to recommend the right dietitian for you, or find one online. Sign up for a consultation to discuss your weight loss plans.
    • Ask your dietitian for advice on a diet that suits your ability and lifestyle. Your dietitian will advise you on specific calorie intake, discuss a suitable diet with you, and more.
    • You can see your dietitian regularly (once a week or month) so that he can monitor your progress and adjust plans if necessary.
  2. 2 Calculate your calorie intake. If you are composing your own diet, you should limit the amount of calories you consume in order to lose weight. Calorie tracking is a cornerstone of any weight loss program.
    • To maintain a safe plan that allows you to lose 0.5-1 kg per week, you should reduce your daily diet by 500-750 calories.
    • To subtract 500 calories from your daily diet, start by making a list of what you usually eat in one day. Keep a food diary (or use the appropriate mobile phone app) and write down everything you eat over the course of several days.
    • Calculate the average number of calories you consume in one day and subtract 500-750 calories from it. This will allow you to find the daily calorie requirement that will allow you to lose half a kilogram - kilogram of weight every week.
    • Unfortunately, restricting calories more will not help you lose weight faster.At least 1200 calories should be consumed daily. If you consume fewer calories, weight loss will slow down or stop altogether, and your body will begin to experience nutrient deficiencies.
    • If after subtracting 500 or 750 calories from your daily allowance, you end up with less than 1200 calories, consume 1200 calories per day.
  3. 3 Eat a high protein diet. Many studies have shown that a high-protein diet is good for weight loss. This type of diet is especially good if you are going to lose a lot of weight.
    • Protein is good for weight loss for several reasons. They help maintain muscle mass and prevent metabolic slowdown, that is, support the body's ability to burn calories. In addition, protein food contributes to better saturation of the body, after taking it, the feeling of satiety remains longer.
    • When losing weight, eat lean, protein-rich foods. These foods contain fewer calories and less fat and are well suited to a low-calorie diet.
    • Try not to eat your daily protein intake in one go, but eat 1-2 servings of protein with each meal. In this case, a high-protein diet will be much more effective.
    • One serving of protein foods should be 85-115 grams, or about 1/2 cup. Protein is high in seafood, legumes, low-fat dairy products, lean beef, eggs, poultry, and tofu.
  4. 4 Eat moderate amounts of carbohydrate-rich foods. In addition to high-protein foods, eat few carbs.
    • As with the high-protein diet, research has shown that low-carb diets can help you lose weight faster and easier than simple, low-calorie diets.
    • Since carbohydrates are found in many foods, you are unlikely to be able to eliminate them entirely from your diet. In addition, a complete rejection of carbohydrates will lead to an imbalance in the diet.
    • Limit your carbohydrate intake with grains. Grains do contain healthy nutrients, but these same vitamins and minerals can be found in many other types of food as well.
    • Unless you're completely out on bread, rice, or pasta, choose foods that are 100% whole grains. Compared to refined grains such as white bread or white rice, whole grains are rich in fiber, vitamins, and micronutrients.
    • Also, watch your portion sizes when eating grains. One serving should be 30 grams, or 1/2 cup.
  5. 5 Add plenty of fruits and vegetables to your diet. On a low-calorie diet, you often feel as though you are not eating enough and not feeling full. You can get rid of your hunger by eating 5-9 servings of fruits and vegetables daily.
    • Fruits and vegetables are low in calories, while at the same time they are rich in dietary fiber, vitamins, trace elements and antioxidants.
    • Making half of your meal with fruits and vegetables will help you fill up and not consume extra calories.
    • Among other things, food rich in dietary fiber creates a feeling of fullness even with small portions, and this feeling lasts longer after a meal.
    • Measure your portions of fruits and vegetables. Aim for 1 cup of dense vegetables or 2 cups of leafy vegetables and 1/2 cup of fruit with each main meal.
  6. 6 Suppress appetite with water. In addition to food, you can use water to help you lose weight and stay on track.
    • While water alone does not lead to weight loss, it can help you lose weight faster. Make sure that your body does not lack fluid.
    • Even a small lack of fluid can cause a deceptive feeling of hunger instead of thirst. In this case, you will want to eat, which will slow down the weight loss.
    • Drink plenty of fluids regularly to prevent dehydration.Try to drink 8-13 glasses of liquid daily so you will not feel thirsty during the day.

Part 3 of 4: Playing Sports

  1. 1 Lead an active lifestyle. If you want to lose significant weight, bOGetting more physical will help you reach your goal.
    • If you are currently sedentary or have recently reduced your physical activity for any reason, try to lead a more active lifestyle.
    • Choose a daily exercise that does not require special conditions or special efforts. You can walk more often, climb stairs, or do housework.
    • Some studies have found that doing routine physical activities throughout the day is as effective for losing weight as doing short sports (like jogging for 20 minutes).
    • Consider how you can increase your physical activity throughout the day. Plan routes that allow you to walk more. Park further away from your destination, take the stairs instead of the elevator, walk around lunchtime, and do squats during short breaks at work.
  2. 2 Include moderate cardio in your weight loss program. In addition to being more active, you should also engage in aerobic or cardio exercise. This exercise will help you burn off extra calories, which will have a beneficial effect on your weight.
    • If you need to lose a lot of weight, it will be difficult for you to do intense exercise. Include low intensity workouts in your program, after a while you can move on to more intense activities.
    • Low-intensity exercise includes water aerobics or water walking, and elliptical or recumbent exercise.
    • It is recommended that you devote about two and a half hours a week to exercise. It's okay if you can't do that much time from the beginning. Just start exercising and gradually build up the duration. Take your time to increase the duration or frequency of each session.
  3. 3 Start strength training. Another type of exercise is strength training, or resistance or resistance training. Unlike cardio training, strength training can help you build muscle and speed up your metabolism.
    • If you are sedentary, start by increasing physical activity and cardio exercise. Once you can do cardio with ease, start incorporating strength training into your workouts. It can be difficult to combine three activities at the same time.
    • Strength training has many benefits. They help speed up your metabolism and burn more calories at rest.
    • Try to do strength training 1 or 2 days a week. For one lesson, 20 minutes is enough, during which all major muscle groups should be trained.
  4. 4 Consult a personal trainer. It is recommended that you seek the advice of a personal trainer or other exercise professional. This is especially important if you have never done strength training before.
    • If you have never done strength training before, or are trying to resume strength training after a long break, you should consult with a specialist. Tell him about your plans to lose weight and ask how strength training can help you with this.
    • A personal trainer will create an exercise plan to help you lose weight. In addition, he will show you how to properly use the equipment and do the exercises so as not to get hurt or injured.
    • Many gyms have personal trainers. When registering for training, you will be offered the services of a personal trainer and a schedule of classes that is convenient for you will be drawn up.

Part 4 of 4: Maintaining Motivation

  1. 1 Create visualization board. This board is an effective and creative way to keep yourself motivated over the long term.
    • A render board is any board (for chalk, felt-tip pens, or stickers) on which you can place anything that inspires you. When you look at such a board, you will feel a surge of vivacity, your mood will improve and your motivation will increase.
    • You can put anything on the render board. These can be inspirational quotes, pictures of clothes that are still small on you, pictures of activities you can do after losing weight, or pictures of yourself when you were of normal weight.
    • Place the render board in a prominent place. As you move towards your goal, change it and add something new.
  2. 2 Track your progress. Nothing is more inspiring than watching your weight loss progress. Watch how you lose weight so that the intermediate results achieved increase your motivation.
    • Many studies show that constant monitoring of your weight loss progress helps you stay on track and helps you achieve long-term results.
    • Weigh yourself no more than 1-2 times a week. To track your weight loss more accurately, try to weigh yourself on the same day of the week and wear the same clothes.
    • In addition to weighing, other measurements can be carried out. Measure your waist, pelvis, hips, and arms once a month and record your results.
  3. 3 Find a support group. When shedding excess weight, the support of others is extremely important. It is much harder without such support.
    • According to a number of studies, those people who experienced the support of others during and after a weight loss program were easier to adhere to their intended diet and were better at maintaining optimal weight in the long term.
    • Discuss your weight loss plans with friends, family members, or even work colleagues. Ask them to support you. Some of them may even want to join you.
    • If you cannot find sufficient support among the people around you, sign up for a weight loss group or register in the appropriate online group.
  4. 4 Keep a weight loss diary. With this diary, you will be able to track your progress and keep yourself motivated for a long time.
    • In such a diary, you can enter various things. You can note in it what you eat, the number of calories, workouts and next successes.
    • Studies show that those people who noted their food intake and progress in their diaries found it easier to lose weight. Journaling is a great way to self-control.


  • Before you lose significant weight, be sure to consult your doctor. Your doctor will recommend the most effective and safest methods for you.
  • If you need to lose a lot of weight, be prepared to stick to your diet for an extended period of time. Losing weight quickly is not safe for health, and after it, extra pounds, as a rule, come back.