How more romantic to hug a loved one

Author: Eric Farmer
Date Of Creation: 8 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
National Hugging Day 2021 | Hug Your Loved Ones | Dating & Romance | Hollywood Style Romantic Hugs
Video: National Hugging Day 2021 | Hug Your Loved Ones | Dating & Romance | Hollywood Style Romantic Hugs


There are hugs and hugs. Sometimes the other half wants to be in your arms. But you want your partner to feel more than just a hug in those moments. The article provides some tips on how to learn to hug your loved one more tenderly and romantically.


Method 1 of 2: Face-to-Face Hugs

  1. 1 Walk up to your partner and, placing your hands on his / her shoulders, hug so that your bodies touch. This is the so-called romantic hug. In this position, you will be comfortable and warm, moreover, you will be as close to each other as possible.
    • Usually, a guy is taller than his girlfriend and therefore he hugs his beloved around the waist, and she, in turn, holds him by the shoulders or gently wraps her arms around his neck. It may be the other way around, especially if there is a big difference in height between you. The taller person hugs the loved one by the shoulders (and pulls them to his chest), and the other grabs him / her around the waist.
  2. 2 Remember to touch your heads. Leaning towards someone is a signal of proximity. When you want to hug your partner, move your head to the side (in the United States, most people automatically move their head to the right). Don't lean too far, you want your cheek to touch your partner's face. To add another romantic touch to the hug, press your head or face against your partner's head or neck (or chest if you're shorter).
  3. 3 Press firmly against each other and make the moment stop. A romantic hug lasts longer than a platonic hug. Press gently together a little tighter for two or three seconds. Take a deep breath and exhale, relax and enjoy the hug. Note that your hug should be strong enough, but do not strangle your partner in the impulse, let him / her breathe freely. If your partner passes out from lack of oxygen, he / she will no longer want these experiments.
  4. 4 Use your hands. Hug your partner by placing your hands on his / her back and gently run over it several times. If your hands are on your partner's shoulders, caress his / her neck or run through his hair. Gentle and slow touches are very romantic. Don't rush it, it looks funny, except when it's cold outside and you want to keep warm by quickly rubbing each other's hands or back.
  5. 5 Don't let him / her out of your embrace quickly. After hugging, try to hold your partner's hand so that he / she can feel your touch. At this moment, you can look into each other's eyes, smile and say words of love.

Method 2 of 2: Hugs from behind

  1. 1 Walk up to your partner from behind. You can surprise your loved one by unexpectedly hugging him / her from behind. If he / she is not busy with something serious, you can wrap him / her around the waist and rest your head on his / her shoulder. This can be very nice.
  2. 2 Stand behind the person you want to hug. Press your torso against the person's back and hug him. Your height doesn't matter here, your hands matter.
    • Usually, the taller partner relaxes their shoulders and hugs you, wrapping their arms around your waist. A person is shorter, does not bend his arms at the elbows when hugging.
  3. 3 Place your hands in front. You can hold hands by placing them on top of each other, lifting them higher to your chest, or holding your partner by the shoulders.It all depends on the length of your arms.
  4. 4 Touch your heads. As with a face-to-face hug, tilting the head means closeness. If you are the same height or you are slightly taller than your partner, you can snuggle against his / her face or neck. If you are shorter, place your head on his / her shoulder.
  5. 5 Hug tightly and linger in this position. As already mentioned, a romantic hug lasts longer than a platonic one. Snuggle together for a few seconds and enjoy the warmth of your bodies.
  6. 6 Use your hands. When you hug your partner, he / she, in turn, can caress your hands, face or neck with gentle, pleasant touches. You can also stroke his / her neck or hair. A hug can easily get aroused. If you both want to continue the lovemaking, a hug can be a good start to intimacy. If your partner is not ready for closer communication, take your time. Proceed with caution. One of two things, either you will smash through the cold wall between you or your nose will be broken. In love affairs, everything must be done gradually.
  7. 7 Turn your partner to face you. Enjoy being close to each other. If you need further guidance, start reading the article over. Enjoy!


  • During hugs, you get closer to each other, so take care of your personal hygiene. Remember that perfume, cologne, or lollipops for fresh breath can make a hug even more pleasant, just don't overdo it. Nothing can be worse than an unpleasant smell from you or your partner, so be careful when using perfume. It can also cause discomfort.
  • If you are a guy, hug your girlfriend around the waist and bring her closer to you so that she feels the warmth of your body and complete safety.
  • Make sure that you smell good, not everyone will want to cuddle with someone who smells bad. Never rush things, relax. Don't make it clear that this is some kind of rehearsed gesture, do it spontaneously and sensually.
  • Hugging is like a dance or a kiss, it is an interactive process. You are feeding on the energy of another person, you cannot demand a response.
  • Do everything slowly. Quick hugs are for people you don't know and family members you don't really approve of. A long hug is for people you want to enjoy being around. A romantic hug is interactive intimacy. If your partner does not want to hug you, do not pressure him / her, give him / her time. Perhaps he / she is not comfortable. Do not fly at Boeing speed, operate smoothly so that your partner understands what you are doing.
  • If you use cologne, don't overdo it with the scent. When she gets closer, she should hear a soft and pleasant scent, not a strong-smelling insect repellent.
  • Choose natural scents like fruity.
  • If you want to hug your partner from behind, do it under the starry sky, and then kiss and say good night.


  • Not everyone likes hugs, even if you're in a romantic relationship. It is important to understand your partner and be open with him / her. If you feel that your partner is not enjoying your hug, you must understand and accept.