How to respond to jokes

Author: Helen Garcia
Date Of Creation: 13 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to be Funny in Any Conversation
Video: How to be Funny in Any Conversation


Everyone loves good jokes, but when the jokes are about you, it can be difficult to figure out how to respond, respond, and continue to have a good time. Try to remain calm and understand the original intentions of the joker. If the joke was not malicious, don't be offended by it. The usual automatic response to a joke is laughter, while resentment is a deliberate choice. You yourself are responsible for ensuring that the joke does not hook you.


Method 1 of 4: Knowing the True Intentions of Jokers

  1. 1 Expect the best for others. Try to remember that majority jokes refer to good-natured attempts to amuse others. Sometimes people take the cheapest route to fun, and this sometimes takes the form of attacking someone. If you yourself have become the object of a joke, try to remember that the person is just trying to appear funny; and the joke is probably more about his or her, how you.
    • The joke can be good-natured, but poorly formulated. Perhaps the joker simply underestimated your sensitivity to a particular topic.
    • Sometimes people joke about sensitive topics to give support to those in need or to cheer them up.
  2. 2 Consider your surroundings. Feel the atmosphere. If the joke is intended to be kind-hearted (with no intention of offending you or anyone else), you can respond with the same kindness on your part. To keep the conversation going, you can joke back or just smile and dismiss the joke.
    • When making fun of a joker, make sure your jokes remain good-natured. Remember that the person is just trying to have a little fun and fool around.
    • However, if the joker's intentions are violent or threatening, your response may be appropriate.
  3. 3 Consider the source of the joke. Some people are just stupid or quite good-natured, but not able to correctly formulate their thoughts. In such cases, it is better to just turn a deaf ear to the joke. Your friend may be naturally sarcastic. Learn to accept this as part of his humor and remember that he is not trying to offend you in any way.
    • Each of the people has not the best traits. An overly sarcastic friend is unlikely to be able to do anything with himself, so there is no point in taking offense at his remarks and potentially damaging your relationship.

Method 2 of 4: Choosing Behavior Based on the Situation

  1. 1 Goodbye light attacks on you. Recognize that sometimes everyone goes too far, so ignore minor attacks. If a friend found something to catch on in this situation and issued a dismissive comment to you, forgive him.Consider that it was a mistake he regrets and that otherwise he continues to fulfill his role as a friend with his inherent compassion and empathy.
    • If inappropriate comments or low jokes continue to give you problems, then it's wise to talk it over with a friend.
  2. 2 Play along with harmless jokes with a smile. There are several situations in which this behavior will be appropriate, for example, in school, when pranksters do not know you very well or do not understand that they are annoying you with their behavior. Sometimes, if you manage to show condescension to other people's jokes, you can even win the respect of the jokers and get yourself a few more new friends.
    • For example, if someone poured water on you and asks, "Would you like to go swimming?"
  3. 3 Ignore low-grade jokes. The content of humor varies greatly. Physical maturity, emotional well-being and personal circumstances all contribute to a sense of humor. Understand that your humor can differ significantly from someone else's humor.
    • Ignore jokes that don't sound funny to you - this is the easiest way to show your disapproval without creating unnecessary stress.

Method 3 of 4: Learning to laugh at yourself

  1. 1 Don't take yourself too seriously. Recognize yourself as an ordinary person who, like others, is prone to making mistakes and sometimes very funny. A good-natured little prick can be helpful in lightening the picture a little from your point of view.
    • If you find it difficult to find something funny in a joke addressed to you, try to look at what is happening from the outside. Repeat the joke in your mind, but for someone else, probably even someone you don't know at all. This may help you lower your defensiveness.
  2. 2 Knock the joker out from under your feet. If the person tells something about you that you wanted to keep to yourself, take control of the story. Interrupt the joker to correct or add details to an aspect of the story, and then retell it yourself. Probably, others will prefer to hear everything from the original source and will redirect their attention from the joker to you.
    • Awkward moments become less unpleasant when you turn them into a joke, so take the opportunity to get rid of some negative feelings with a joke.
  3. 3 Surpass the joker. Show the joker that you don't care about his jokes by making an even funnier joke about yourself. Self-centered humor is great for relieving stress in a situation, as it brings you closer to other people. People around you begin to feel more comfortable in this situation when they see that you are able to laugh at yourself.
    • Also, this will draw the attention of others to yourself, which will allow you to take the situation under your own control.
    • An easy way to seize the palm in your own hands is to use the following phrase in response to someone else's joke: "That's nothing, you didn't see me when ..."

Method 4 of 4: Setting the Boundaries

  1. 1 Express your grudge calmly. Just as a joker has the right to tell his jokes, you also have the right to protest and discuss the consequences of bad jokes. Take a deep breath, and if necessary, excuse yourself to go to the bathroom and calm down. Then explain the problem in a way that is as clear and polite as possible.
    • In the case of inappropriate jokes, you can say the following to the joker: "Please don't joke about this. This is a rather sensitive topic for me."
  2. 2 Do not engage in low jokes on other people. Understand that your intentions can also be misunderstood by other people, so be careful not to engage in potentially hurtful jokes. Set a tone of communication that will serve as an example for others.
    • If you are not sure how you can make a joke without offending anyone, try to joke with yourself. Self-centered humor helps those around you to relax and release tension.
  3. 3 Offer to discuss what topics you can joke about and what you can't. If the tone of the jokes becomes negative or offensive, pause the conversation. Explain that the conversation has taken a problematic direction and suggest some rules to get it back on track. For example, you can list inappropriate topics and even establish certain consequences for violating the ban on discussing them.
    • The rule-making game will allow you to change the direction of the conversation without overshadowing its general tone.


  • Smiling or grinning in response to an insult is an excellent defense.
  • Check out popular jokes. Getting to know them will allow you to become more prepared for any situation.


  • When jokes are aimed at making you feel bad, humiliating you, or disrupting your social status, you may be bullied on purpose. If this is the case, it is wise to discuss your situation with someone you trust.
  • Know that sometimes the best thing to do is just get out of the situation. Trying to stand up for yourself, unfortunately, can make you an even more attractive target if you are deliberately bullied.

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