How to develop running endurance

Author: Eric Farmer
Date Of Creation: 5 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Run Longer, Build Endurance: 3 Proven Ways to Improve Stamina
Video: Run Longer, Build Endurance: 3 Proven Ways to Improve Stamina


Are you a runner looking to build endurance and run marathons? Or maybe you are a beginner and would like to run a couple of kilometers more. Whether you are a beginner or a seasoned runner, here's how you can take you to the next level.


Method 1 of 4: Part One: Build Running Endurance with Interval Training

  1. 1 Use interval training. Their benefits will help you get more out of running and build endurance.
    • Develop your cardiovascular system. Endurance running can wear you down completely. With interval training, you will develop anaerobic capacity (by decreasing oxygen). And when you combine this with aerobic capacity (increasing oxygen content through light jogging and cross-country runs), you will become faster.
    • Burning calories. The bursts of energy (the high-intensity part of the workout) will increase the amount of calories you burn. This is the case even with relatively short accelerations.
    • This makes your running exercises more fun. It may seem like a small thing, but if the usual routine gets boring, it will be much more difficult to stay motivated.
  2. 2 Do your workouts at regular intervals. This is the easiest way to get used to interval training. Just alternate between high and low intensity running periods.
    • Start with a fifteen minute warm-up. To start, go fast and jog, pick up speed, and by the end of the warm-up run as fast as you can.This ensures proper warm-up before you start intensive work at speed.
    • If this is your first time doing interval training, you need to train your body to withstand heavy intervals. Speed ​​up for a minute, then jog or walk for two minutes. Repeat these intervals 6-8 times. Continue for a few weeks and everything else will get easier. Then reduce your recovery / rest time by 30 seconds until you run 50/50 (one minute of acceleration and one minute of rest). Before shortening your recovery / rest time, make sure you are prepared to increase the intensity of the rapid phase and shorten the recovery / rest time.
    • Finish your workout with a 15-25 minute cool down. Move from jogging to light jogging, then, towards the end of the hitch, step.
  3. 3 Use pyramid interval training. Start with short, high-intensity accelerations and build up the load so that your longest high-intensity workout occurs in the middle of your workout. Then gradually return to shorter accelerations and finish the workout with a cool down. This is more difficult than constant intervals, and you may want to use a stopwatch to keep accurate timing.
    • Warm up for ten fifteen minutes. As described above, start by walking at a brisk pace, go for a light run, and build up your speed towards the end of the workout so that you run at the highest intensity at the end of the warm-up.
    • Run vigorously for 30 seconds. Then calmly for one minute. Continue as follows:
    • 45 seconds intense, one minute and fifteen seconds calm.
    • 60 seconds intensively, one minute and thirty seconds calm.
    • 90 seconds is intense, two minutes calm.
    • 60 seconds intensively, one minute and thirty seconds calm.
    • 45 seconds intense, one minute and fifteen seconds calm.
    • 30 seconds intense, one minute calm.
    • Finish your workout with a twenty to thirty minute cool down, ending with a calm step.
    • NOTE -> When embarking on any interval training program, make sure your body is adequate and ready for it. Overloading it too quickly could result in injury. Just like building mileage, you don't just build up, you do it gradually. If you are preparing for a run, do longer intervals and rest for longer several months before the run. As you get closer to your run, increase your intensity and reduce your rest and recovery time.
  4. 4 Do varying intervals. If you also play sports like tennis in addition to running, then you know that speed and endurance requirements change according to the conditions of the game. Variable spacing helps you alternate between short and long high-intensity intervals in an unpredictable manner, which more closely matches the ragged accelerations typical of gaming conditions.
    • Warm up with a light jog for ten to fifteen minutes.
    • Change the intervals. High-intensity jogging for two minutes, then jogging for two minutes and thirty seconds. Acceleration for 30 seconds, jogging - 45 seconds. Change the intervals randomly. Above all, make sure to rest longer after long periods of high intensity than after short bursts. Rest a little longer when you start this type of workout, let your body get used to the exercise, and then shorten the rest intervals.
    • Cool down for 15-25 minutes.
  5. 5 Use the treadmill interval settings. When you run at intervals on the track, the car changes speed and incline by itself, and you are faced with new and unexpected challenges. The main thing is not to forget to warm up and cool down, if this is not provided by the program of the machine.

Method 2 of 4: Part Two: Engage in Related Species to Develop Endurance

  1. 1 Add weight training to your running workouts. Exercising like this will increase your running economy. while running, you will use oxygen more efficiently. Try doing strength exercises with free weights, on machines, or three other times a week.
  2. 2 Exercise cycling intervals. When you pedal on a stationary bike that is tuned to a high load, your leg muscles work even more than when running uphill, without stressing your joints.
    • As you pedal on the stationary bike, gradually increase the load level until you can hardly move the pedals.
    • Get up in the saddle and do the intervals as fast as possible. Rest between intervals and reduce the level of exertion. For example:
      • Stand up and pedal heavily for 30 seconds. Sit down, lower the load level, and pedal more slowly for a minute.
      • You can also do interval workouts of 30, 45, 60, and 90 seconds. Then come back in intervals of 60, 45 and 30 seconds. Make sure you pedal while seated and at low intensity between high intensity intervals.
    • Sign up for a spinning (even circular pedaling) course. The instructor will show you a series of pedaling exercises that will significantly develop your endurance.
  3. 3 Swim a few laps. You can swim to relax after a hard workout, or you can simply include swimming in your program for a change. Swimming also has the advantage of putting the muscles in the upper body to work, which runners often have underdeveloped.

Method 3 of 4: Part Three: Some More Ideas on How You Can Build Endurance

  1. 1 Increase your mileage by 10% every week. For example, if you run 2 km a day, increase your daily run by 2/10 km. To develop endurance, continue to increase your run by 10%. But be sure to alternate your workouts. For example, if you run 20 km a week, then the next you will run 22 km. But after another week, return the total mileage to the previous level, this is necessary for your body to get used to it (run, maybe 18-20 km). After another week, run 25 km in a week, and then run 21-23 km within a week. Gradually build up your running load. The maximum load depends on which race you want to participate in.
  2. 2 Run cross-country runs on weekends. If you are used to running 2 km a day on weekdays, run 4 km on weekends.
  3. 3 Run slower and longer. For example, run at 60% strength over a long distance. Running is designed to build endurance and is not a race. Make sure not to overwork your body in the days before and after these crossovers.
  4. 4 Try plyometry. Exercises such as jumping rope and jumping rope, reducing the time your feet are on the ground will help develop your running motor skills.
  5. 5 At the end of your run, speed up. Run the last quarter of the distance as soon as possible, then cool down. This exercise will help you resist fatigue at the end of the race.
  6. 6 Run in changing terrain. Whether you are running on a treadmill or outdoors, changing your incline frequently will help your cardio workout.
  7. 7 Change your diet. Cut out refined carbs and eat more lean proteins and vegetables. Eat less, but more often.

Method 4 of 4: Part Four: Create a Workout Schedule

  1. 1 Make a schedule. After creating a schedule, stick to a specific routine. This will allow you to achieve your endurance goal, as well as provide an opportunity to collect metrics: Are you on a rhythm? Can you run longer and / or faster, has progress stalled? Here's a sample schedule to help you build endurance and speed:
    • Day 1 - Equal intervals.Warm up for 15-20 minutes, then run quickly for a minute, then jog or walk at 1 minute and 15 seconds steps. Repeat intervals 6-8 times. Keep track of the time with a stopwatch, cool down for 20-30 minutes, gradually slowing down and moving to a step.
    • Day 2 - Easy jogging (only 3-6 km, depending on your form and experience).
    • Day 3 - Pyramidal intervals. Warm up for 10-15 minutes, doing pyramidal intervals as described above.
      • Run for 15 minutes at a normal pace, then exercise at varying intervals.
      • Finish your workout with a 20-25 minute cool-down, at the end of the cool-down move to a calm step.
    • Day 4 - Easy jogging (3-6 km, depending on your form and experience).
    • Day 5 - Easy jogging (3-6 km, depending on your form and experience).
      • It may seem that you will often rest here, but on the third day you did a good job. And given that on day 6 you will have to run cross-country, it is better to keep your strength.
    • Day 6 - Cross. Start at a slow pace and run at a leisurely pace for 40 to 90 minutes. It will be great if one of your friends or family members runs with you, or rides nearby on a bicycle.
    • Day 7 - Rest day (3-6 km, depending on your form and experience. Every 8th week, take a day off).
  2. 2 Change your routine a little. Do a good job once every three weeks using this technique:
    • To run, find a 400 meter long stadium near your home. Avoid the streets - they are too uneven: the foot closer to the road will be much higher.
    • Do dynamic stretches (not static) and warm up a little (for example, do 25 push-ups or jog for a bit).
    • Run 400 meters at speed, then another 400 - jog. Repeat at least 4 times.
    • Push the boundaries. When you reach the limit, write down the time and place of the race. Let it be the minimum distance or duration, try to improve the result. Increase the minimum as you improve.
    • Cool down. After every running workout, you can't just stop and that's it. Walk around and wait for your heartbeat to calm down. Then stretch.
  3. 3 Make a commitment. Don't quit the regime, don't tell yourself that you will do everything tomorrow, don't tell yourself that you are tired or busy. To do this sooner, run in the morning.


  • Never give up. Does it seem to you that there is no progress? This is wrong.
  • Have you heard the saying "now or never?" And there is! Even if you are not slimming, you are gaining shape! Never give up! Just do it!
  • Keep a diary of all running exercises. This will allow you to immediately see how the results improve over time.
  • Running in hot weather requires a lot of water, be careful.
  • Always carry water with you.
  • Ask other runners for advice. To learn something new about the development of endurance, join the club or register on the online forum.


  • Listen to your body and avoid injury. Be sure to stretch, warm up, and cool down. Be sure to make sure your shoes fit you.