How to get rid of a bloated stomach

Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 16 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Reduce Bloating Quickly - Causes of Bloating and Tips to Debloat Fast!!
Video: How to Reduce Bloating Quickly - Causes of Bloating and Tips to Debloat Fast!!


Many people have a bloated stomach, which can be very uncomfortable. Fortunately, there are several ways you can change your diet and lifestyle to reduce or remedy the problem. If the solutions below do not help, ask your doctor for advice.

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Part 1 of 4: Getting instant relief with over-the-counter remedies

  1. Balance your gut bacteria with probiotics. Probiotic supplements contain yeasts and bacteria similar to the yeasts and bacteria that live in a healthy gut. These bacteria aid in digestion. They can soothe bloating caused by the following conditions:
    • Diarrhea
    • Irritable bowel syndrome
    • Difficulty digesting fiber
  2. Try activated charcoal. This natural remedy is often used, but it is not clear whether it really works to get rid of bloating. If you'd like to give it a try, you can buy it at the pharmacy or drugstore. The following products contain activated carbon:
    • Norit
    • Carbo adsorbent
  3. Experiment with products containing simeticone. These drugs help to break up uncomfortable gas bubbles in your digestive tract so that you can get rid of them more easily. These products are often used, but their effectiveness has not been scientifically proven. If you try them, read and follow the directions on the packaging. Well-known brands include:
    • Rennie Deflatine
    • Zantac Redugas
    • Dulcogas
    • Aeropax
  4. Use STW 5 (Iberogast). This is an herbal remedy that contains extracts and oils from various plants, including bitter crooked flower, chamomile flower, caraway seeds and licorice root. It can help with upset stomachs such as bloating. It is not known exactly how this drug works and it does not work for everyone. You can use it by drinking half a glass of water with a few drops of the medicine before or during a meal.
    • You can buy Iberogast without a prescription at the drugstore and pharmacy. It is available in the form of drops.
    • Read and follow the directions on the packaging.
  5. Take supplements containing lactase enzymes. Many people who are lactose intolerant still crave dairy products such as ice cream. If this also applies to you, then you don't have to stop eating dairy. With the help of a supplement, you can ensure that your body gets the enzymes it needs to process dairy. Well-known brands are:
    • KeruTabs
    • Kruidvat Lactolerance Capsules

Part 2 of 4: Changing your diet

  1. Do not eat fruits and vegetables that contain a lot of air. You can replace them with other healthy fruits and vegetables that won't interfere with your digestion or cause painful bloating. Regularly eating industrially baked cookies can also cause bloating. These cookies contain a lot of sugar and heat-resistant hardened fats such as palm oil. This combination of a lot of sugar and fat can worsen the bacterial balance in your intestines. So eat less of this and see if you feel better. The following foods often cause bloating:
    • Cabbage
    • Brussels sprouts
    • Cauliflower
    • Broccoli
    • Beans
    • Lettuce
    • Onions
    • Apples
    • Peaches
    • Pears
  2. Make sure you consume less fiber. Fiber is healthy and aids digestion, but it can also make you have more gas in your intestines. Foods that are high in fiber include whole wheat bread, brown rice, whole wheat flour and bran.
    • If you recently adjusted your diet to get more fiber by, for example, eating whole grain foods or taking nutritional supplements, consider gradually switching to your new diet. Eat less fiber first and then slowly increase the amount so your body has a chance to get used to it.
  3. Eat less fatty foods. Fats are digested slowly by your body. This extra digestion time means that the food can produce more gas during digestion. To eat less fat, you can do the following:
    • Eat less industrially baked bakery products, as they often contain a combination of refined sugar, yeast and saturated fats such as palm fat and / or glucose syrup. These ingredients can disrupt the bacterial balance in your intestines.
    • Eat lean meats like fish and poultry instead of fatty red meat. If you do eat red meat, cut the fat off the edges.
    • Drink low-fat or semi-skimmed milk instead of whole milk. Your body needs some fat to properly process fat-soluble vitamins, but most people consume too much.
    • Cook yourself. Food in restaurants often contains a lot of cream, butter and fat. By cooking at home you can determine exactly how much fat you put in your food. Fast food usually contains a lot of fat.
  4. See if the problem may be caused by artificial sweeteners. If you're on a diet and trying to cut down on sugar, take it easy with artificial sweeteners. In some people, the body has trouble digesting sweeteners and they develop bloated stomach or diarrhea. Read the packaging of any diet food you buy. These substances are found in many low-calorie foods. Note the following ingredients:
    • Xylitol
    • Sorbitol
    • Mannitol
    • Maltitol syrup (can be in sugar-free pastilles)
  5. Consider whether you may be lactose intolerant. In many people, the body can no longer digest dairy products when they get older, even if they were not lactose intolerant as a child. Gas and bloating are common symptoms. Check for symptoms after eating dairy products. If so, you can cut down on dairy and see if that helps. Dairy products that you can eat and drink less of include:
    • Milk. Some people can drink milk if it has been thoroughly and firmly boiled first.
    • Ice
    • Cream
    • Cheese
  6. Eat fermented dairy products. Fermented dairy products such as yogurt and kefir contain bacteria cultures. These bacteria can help your body break down and digest food properly. If you have digestive problems due to the causes below, eating yogurt can be helpful:
    • You have irritable bowel syndrome.
    • You have recently taken strong antibiotics that cause less healthy gut bacteria than usual.
  7. Avoid water retention by eating less salt. When you consume a lot of salt, you get thirsty and your body retains water to restore the electrolyte balance. If you are often thirsty after eating, consider cutting back on your salt intake by doing the following:
    • Don't sprinkle salt on your food. If it is your habit to sprinkle salt on your food, consider removing the salt shaker from the table.
    • Do not put salt in the water when cooking pasta and rice. Also, sprinkle less salt on meat before preparing it.
    • Only buy canned foods that are low in sodium or salt. Many products are canned in salt water.
    • Eat out less often. In restaurants, a lot of salt is often added to the food to improve the taste.

Part 3 of 4: Improving your lifestyle

  1. Get moving. Exercise stimulates your body to move food through your digestive system, so that it stays in your intestines for less time and can rot there. It also helps you maintain your weight, increase your metabolism and relax physically and mentally.
    • It is recommended that you do aerobic exercise for 75-150 minutes a week, or 15-30 minutes five times a week. Choose an activity that you enjoy. Many people enjoy jogging, walking, cycling or swimming, or joining a local sports club such as a basketball or volleyball club.
    • Start slowly and make more of an effort. If you have health problems that may make it unsafe for you to exercise, consult your doctor first.
  2. Eat more small meals to reduce constipation. If you are constipated, your stool is less likely to move through your body than it should. This means it can rot in your intestines for longer and is likely to produce more gas. It may also be the case that you cannot get rid of the gas produced as a result.
    • Eating a small meal regularly keeps your digestive system busy without putting too much strain on it. Try to eat less at your regular meals and then have a snack between your breakfast and lunch, as well as between your lunch and dinner.
  3. Get rid of habits that make you swallow air. People often swallow air without noticing it. If you have the following habits, consider unlearning them.
    • Smoking. Smokers often swallow air while smoking, causing a bloated stomach and gas. By quitting, you will feel less bloated and you will also improve your overall health.
    • Drink through a straw. As with smoking, you often swallow air.
    • Gobble your food. If you eat too quickly and don't take the time to chew your food, you are more likely to swallow air. Consciously eat slower. The chance is therefore smaller that you eat too much.
    • Chewing gum and chewing hard candies. When you chew gum or nibble on a piece of candy and taste the taste, saliva is produced. As a result, you have to swallow more often and it is more likely that you will swallow air.
  4. Drink fewer carbonated drinks. Carbonated drinks taste good, but cause carbon dioxide to enter your body. By not drinking them anymore you will have less problems with gas in your intestines. This applies to the following drinks, among others:
    • Soft drinks and club soda.
    • Many alcoholic drinks, including those mixed with soda.
  5. Control stress. Your body naturally produces stress hormones when you are under a lot of pressure. These hormones can disrupt your digestion. If you are very stressed, try to control it so that your body reacts less strongly to it. Not only will you feel more relaxed, but your digestion will also improve.
    • Use relaxation techniques. There are several methods that are used by many people. You can try different techniques until you figure out what works best for you: visualizing soothing images, meditation, yoga, massage, tai chi, music therapy, art therapy, deep breathing exercises, or progressive muscle relaxation.
    • Get enough sleep. Most adults need about seven to eight hours of sleep. When you are well rested, you can deal better with stressful things in your life and come up with creative solutions to your problems.
    • Have a social network with friends and family. By maintaining social relationships you have social support from people who care about you. If the people you care about live far away, you can communicate by phone, email, social media, or by writing letters.

Part 4 of 4: Get medical attention

  1. See your doctor if there are any signs of an underlying condition. See your doctor if your pain is so severe it disrupts your life. The following symptoms may indicate an underlying condition that needs to be treated:
    • Nausea that does not go away
    • Black tar-like stools or stools with bright red streaks
    • Severe diarrhea or constipation
    • Chestpain
    • Losing weight for no reason
  2. Have serious symptoms examined immediately. There are several conditions that have symptoms similar to gas. This means that you should be examined by your doctor if you are not sure if you are only experiencing gas or if there is more to it.The following conditions have symptoms that feel like gas:
    • Appendicitis
    • Gallstones
    • Intestinal obstruction
    • Irritable bowel syndrome
    • Heart disease
  3. Get examined by your doctor. Be honest and open with your doctor. In order to make the best diagnosis, your doctor should examine you physically and ask you questions about your diet.
    • Have your doctor tap your stomach and hear if it sounds hollow. If so, you probably have a lot of air in your stomach.
    • Your doctor will also listen to your stomach with a stethoscope. Loud rumbling and gurgling noises can indicate that the intestines are full of gas.
    • Tell your doctor honestly about your eating habits.
    • Tell your doctor about your health history and provide him or her with a complete list of the medications, supplements, and vitamins you are taking.


  • Changing your diet is the best way to avoid bloating after eating.