How to reduce cortisol levels

Author: Helen Garcia
Date Of Creation: 15 April 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024
How To LOWER Cortisol Levels? – Dr.Berg
Video: How To LOWER Cortisol Levels? – Dr.Berg


Cortisol is a hormone produced by the adrenal glands during stressful situations. While cortisol is essential for some people, others make too much of it. When this happens, the person experiences feelings of anxiety, stress, and may even gain weight. When you notice one or more symptoms, it is very important to take immediate action. Reducing the amount of cortisol produced has a positive effect on the overall health of a person, he becomes more relaxed and calm.

Attention:the information in this article is for informational purposes only. Before using any methods, consult your doctor.


Method 1 of 2: Make Changes to Your Diet

  1. 1 Cut back on drinks high in caffeine or stop drinking them altogether. These include soda, energy drinks, and coffee. Drinking caffeinated drinks leads to a spike in cortisol levels. people who regularly consume caffeinated drinks develop "immunity" to this drink and the spikes in cortisol levels occur with less intensity.
    • If you like coffee and other caffeinated beverages and don't want to cut back on them, drink them at regular intervals. Cortisol levels peak between 8 am and 9 am, 12 noon, and 5:30 pm. So drink coffee between, say, 7 or 10 am, or anytime between 1:30 pm and 5:00 pm.
  2. 2 Reduce your intake of processed foods. Processed foods, especially simple carbohydrates and sugars, lead to a spike in cortisol. Excessive consumption of such food leads to an increase in blood sugar levels, as a result of which a person experiences anxiety. Try to avoid the following refined carbohydrates in your diet:
      • White bread;
      • Regular pasta (not whole grains)
      • White rice;
      • sweets, cakes, chocolates and so on.
  3. 3 Drink plenty of water. One study found that even if your body doesn't have enough half a liter of fluid, it can respond with a release of cortisol. Dehydration is a vicious circle: stress causes dehydration and dehydration causes stress. Drink enough water throughout the day to keep your cortisol levels at the right level.
    • If your urine is dark, it could be a sign that you are not drinking enough water. With a sufficient level of water in the body, urine is light, almost like water.
  4. 4 Consume ashwagandha (Indian ginseng). This plant helps to normalize the level of cortisol in the body. If you have high cortisol levels, ashwagandha can help lower your cortisol levels, and significantly. In addition, Indian ginseng relieves stress and anxiety.
    • Always check with your healthcare professional before taking any supplement.
    • Ashwagandha can be ordered online.
    • There are currently no side effects from the use of this supplement.
  5. 5 If your cortisol levels are high, take medications based on rhodiola rosea. Rhodiola rosea is a herb in the same family as ginseng and is a well-known folk remedy for lowering cortisol levels. It is said to revitalize, burn fat and lower cortisol levels.
  6. 6 Eat more fish oil. According to doctors, consuming 2 grams of fish oil per day lowers the level of cortisol in the body. If you do not want to chew on special supplements, you can consume the following types of fish for the required amount of fish oil:
    • salmon;
    • sardine;
    • mackerel;
    • sea ​​bass.

Method 2 of 2: Make lifestyle changes

  1. 1 Control your stress levels. When we are nervous, the body releases more cortisol. If all you do is stress, your cortisol levels are unlikely to be okay. Fortunately, you can learn to control your emotions.
    • Engage mindfulness. Learn to be in the moment so you can avoid stress.
    • Try relaxing techniques such as breathing exercises, visualization, and journaling.
    • Set aside your own personal tranquility. Place a comfy soft blanket there, an inspirational book, a bar of chocolate, and don't forget essential oils or candles such as lavender. You can use a back comb or a massage ball - use whatever relaxes you.
  2. 2 Establish sleep patterns. To normalize your cortisol levels, get up and go to bed at the same time. In addition, normalizing sleep helps reduce stress levels. When a person gets enough sleep, they remain calmer throughout the day, while their cortisol levels remain low.
    • Do something before bed that promotes healthy sleep. Reduce the temperature of the air conditioner to a comfortable level, get into a comfortable position and do something that relaxes you - read or listen to soothing music. Don't forget about aromatherapy.
  3. 3 Brew a teapot of hot black tea. Scientists have found that drinking black tea lowers cortisol levels in a group of people performing stressful tasks. So the next time you feel your cortisol is running high and is about to burst into a wave of stress, grab a cup of black tea and calm down.
  4. 4 Try meditating. Meditation activates the vagus nerve, which, among other things, is responsible for your body's response to low cortisol levels. Meditation techniques are very different - it can be both deep breaths and exhalations, or visualizing a peaceful place. It is best to meditate for 30 minutes a day, three to four times a week. After the first meditation, you will notice a difference in how you feel.
    • Sit in a quiet, dark room. Relax. If you find it difficult to do this, imagine a quiet, peaceful place. Imagine your whole body relaxing and try to recreate this feeling yourself. This will help relieve muscle tension.
    • Close your eyes. Take a deep breath in and out, over and over, until you notice your heart rate slow down. Pay attention to the beating of your heart when you are relaxed. Imagine all tension leaving your body through the tips of your fingers and toes. Feel the tension leave your body.
  5. 5 Watch a funny movie or listen to a funny story. According to the American Association for Experimental Biology, joyful laughter inhibits the body's production of cortisol. So hang out with a funny friend or remember a funny story to help reduce cortisol levels.
  6. 6 Do specific exercises to lower your cortisol levels. Exercise is good for relieving stress, isn't it? But does all exercise lower cortisol levels? Not really. This is because running and other exercises that speed up your heart rate will eventually increase your body's cortisol levels.
    • Try yoga or Pilates for an exercise that not only lowers cortisol, but also helps burn calories and trains muscles.
    • Try other exercises, such as using the Wii game console to raise your heart rate without raising your cortisol levels.
    • The main thing in the exercises is to know when to stop. Overdo it and your cortisol levels rise.
  7. 7 Bring some fun into your life. Make time for a fun activity every day and on weekends. Joyful emotions make life better, avoid stress, and keep cortisol levels normal. Even on busy days, take 15 minutes to enjoy life.
    • Go for ice cream, enjoy lunch outdoors, play a board game with a friend, watch a movie with your partner, take your pet for a walk in the park - in short, do what you enjoy.
    • On weekends, go to the beach, bowling, take part in a soccer game, play a game night, attend an exhibition opening, or sign up for piano lessons.
  8. 8 Listen to music. Music therapy is known to reduce cortisol levels in patients undergoing colonoscopy. So the next time you feel depressed and depressed, put on some nice music and relax - your cortisol levels will drop very soon.


  • If you sleep poorly due to high cortisol levels, talk to your doctor about melatonin, a hormone that regulates circadian rhythms.


  • Do not take any sleeping pills without first consulting your doctor.