How to talk to spirits

Author: Janice Evans
Date Of Creation: 24 July 2021
Update Date: 23 June 2024
Mediumship: How to Talk to Spirits
Video: Mediumship: How to Talk to Spirits


The world of spirits and ghosts is open before you! If you know how to knock on the other side with a talking board or other suitable method, you can communicate with the dead! Are you ready for such a creepy, blood-curdling experience? The door is in front of you - do you have the courage to open it?


Method 1 of 4: Talking Board

  1. 1 Buy or make a talking board. It is also called the "witchcraft Ouija board" and "ouija board for seances." Behind the loud names is an ordinary flat board with letters of the alphabet, numbers from 1 to 10 and the words "yes, no" and "goodbye".
    • In addition to the chalkboard, you will need a movable pointer with which the perfume will point to the letters.Even a stack will do, but any talisman you put your hands on will work as well.
    • There is nothing magical about the board itself, so you can easily create your own board.
  2. 2 Find participants or at least a participant. One person cannot handle the witchcraft board. It is best if like-minded people interested in communicating with spirits are ready to help you.
    • Let one (and only) one person become a medium. He will have the task of asking questions loudly, it will be he who will communicate with the spirits, even if there are two (or all at once) holding hands on the pointer.
    • It will be useful if another person writes down everything said by the spirits. If the pointer moves too quickly, it can be difficult to read the otherworldly message. If someone records it, it will be easier.
  3. 3 Create a mood. Go to a quiet and peaceful part of the house and wait for X hour. Light candles in the room and do not forget to cleanse the room by burning sage or at least saying a ritual cleansing prayer.
    • It is easier to get an answer from the spirit world from 9 pm to 6 am, so it is worth conducting a session within these time frames (or others, if it is important).
    • In some cultures, it is supposed to expose the spirits a treat - a little alcohol.
  4. 4 Awaken the spirits by asking a question. Carefully place your fingers on the pointer, which should be in the middle of the board. As a rule, it is put on the letter “P” (if the alphabet is written as on keyboards), since it is in the middle. It is appropriate to start by asking, "Are there benevolent spirits here willing to communicate?"
    • Introduce yourself and tell us about your intentions. Call your names out loud and assure the spirits that you are well-intentioned: "We just want to hear what you have to say."
  5. 5 Concentrate all your energy on communication.
    • Some witchcraft boards require participants to close their eyes - both as a way to focus energy on communicating with the spirit, and as a way to hedge against cheating in the movement of the pointer.
    • You understand that you cannot cheat, it is disrespectful both in relation to the assembled living, and in relation to those who have arrived ... not alive.
  6. 6 Be patient and polite. After asking a question and introducing yourself, sit down and wait. You can try asking other questions, but remember - the spirits do not have to answer you, and therefore - wait.
    • When the pointer starts to move, keep calm and write, write.
    • Treat this conversation as normal. Ask questions that interest you that are relevant. Do not demand from the spirit "proof", forcing them to answer any "test" questions. Spirit is a participant in the conversation, almost human, so be polite and reasonable.
  7. 7 End the conversation at the appropriate time. By moving the pointer over the word "Goodbye", you hint that it is time and honor to know. However. it doesn't hurt to say out loud, “Thank you for talking to us. Now goodbye. "
    • Close the board and remove it to put an end to the conversation.

Method 2 of 4: Recording Electronic Voice Phenomena (EVP)

  1. 1 Get a reliable voice recorder or microphone. The basic principle of EVP recording is that you record your voice when you ask questions (like with a witch's board), and then scroll through the recording, trying to catch the voices from the other side that are responding to you. This can be an unforgettable experience.
    • Devices that can record sound cleanly and without interference will serve you well. However, now even voice recorders on mobiles produce good quality sound.
    • Be sure to turn the recording sensitivity to the maximum. EVP is voices from the other side that we do not pick up, but instruments are quite, if, of course, they support recording with such sensitivity.
  2. 2 Find a suitable place. A place with strong ESP will work best. New buildings and shops, you know, are not good, but an old hospital, an abandoned church, or, say, a library are quite.
    • If your home is over 50 years old, try fishing EVP right there. If it doesn't work out - well, look for another place.
  3. 3 Start recording by clarifying your intentions. Whenever you are trying to communicate with what is on the other side of life, you need to: remove everything that may distract you, turn off the clock, create the most quiet environment. After that, by clicking on the entry, start speaking:
    • "Are there benevolent spirits here willing to communicate?"
  4. 4 Ask a few questions. Depending on what you want to know, ask appropriate questions - both more specific and more general. For example:
    • What do you want?
    • Why are you here?
    • What would you like to tell us?
    • Who are you?
    • Is there something we can do for you?
  5. 5 Pay attention to other forms of communication. While the recording is in progress, pay attention to your feelings, both emotional and physical. Mention them in the post to compare them later. Also pay attention to:
    • Warm and cold spots
    • Tingling sensation in the back of the back
    • Misgiving
    • Sounds and whispers that you will hear
  6. 6 Listen carefully to the recording afterwards. After thanking the spirits and saying goodbye to them, leave the place where you were recording. Return home or wherever you feel comfortable. Create the most comfortable atmosphere around you.
    • And now - headphones in your ears and forward, listen to everything over and over again. Turn the volume in quiet parts of the recording to the maximum, listen to everything carefully. If you can overlook the recording on the computer, pay attention to the peaks, highlight those areas and try to decipher them.

Method 3 of 4: Other Ways to Communicate with the Otherworldly

  1. 1 Use the services of an experienced medium. If you want to communicate with spirits on a more serious level, then turn to an experienced medium. The medium during the seance will allow the spirit to take control over itself, after which the spirit will communicate with the audience.
    • Communication can be written, oral, or otherwise, depending on the medium.
    • Of course, you should only contact a professional. Don't try to do it alone!
  2. 2 Try divination with a magic crystal. In principle, the crystal is secondary here, the essence is in the use of an object or substance as a means of communication with the otherworldly. Crystals, candles, smoke, stones, bones, grass, entrails of the sacrificial lamb are not important. Of course, divination is most effective when it is carried out by an experienced and often practicing medium. You yourself understand that it is difficult to “read” the smoke and may even be dangerous.
  3. 3 Working with a mirror. Remember Bloody Mary? Well, when the kids lock themselves in the tub with no light and call Bloody Mary to appear in the mirror? Here is almost the same thing we offer you. A long look in the mirror after cleansing and creating a safe place to attract well-behaved spirits can be an unforgettable mystical experience.
  4. 4 Car. This is especially often used in the southern United States, where there are many legends about how they communicated with spirits through a car parked in a special place in neutral. How, you ask, did the communication take place? The spirits pushed the car to indicate their presence! Legends say that the driver had to get up at midnight in a special place and sprinkle talcum powder on the bumper, on which the palm prints of the perfume remained.
    • If there is such a legend in your area, give it a try! Drive to the right place, turn off the engine, put the car in neutral and invite the spirits to push you. Let's see what happens.

Method 4 of 4: Security

  1. 1 Never try to communicate with spirits alone. Regardless of what you believe in, for your own well-being and mental health, you should have Ouija with at least one other person. This is not a joke!
    • It is even better if you have an experienced medium with you who will take over the business. Communicating with evil spirits is not something you want to experience.
  2. 2 Your intentions and thoughts must be pure. Indicate your intentions out loud, communicate with the spirits only when you are moved by sincere curiosity and kindness. If you take up the witchcraft board as a joke, then you can attract evil spirits to your home. Needless to say, the spirits may not want to leave your home?
  3. 3 Be polite and calm when communicating with spirits. Whenever you want to communicate with the otherworldly, calm down and focus. Honey agarics will be much brighter and more complete if you focus on the goal and will not be distracted. Turn off the creepy music, close the curtains, unplug your phone, and shut down your computer. Now is not their time.
  4. 4 Say goodbye properly. Never interrupt a conversation with spirits in mid-sentence. To end a conversation, you should always thank the spirit and ask him to come back to your world. Professional mediums take this step extremely seriously, especially when conducting sessions at home (they do not need a poltergeist at home). You, if you are not alien to prudence, should do the same.


  • Do not panic.
  • Be brave.
  • Don't be afraid to talk to spirits.
  • Be patient.
  • Session with friends.
  • Don't run away from spirits.
  • Listen to your own feelings.
  • Wear something loose.
  • Put on all your lucky things.


  • Don't be rude, spirits were once human.
  • Never and never communicate with spirits alone.

What do you need

  • Friends
  • Cold room