How to talk about any topic

Author: Clyde Lopez
Date Of Creation: 21 June 2021
Update Date: 24 June 2024
How to Talk About Any Topic in English
Video: How to Talk About Any Topic in English


To talk to a crowd of people on any topic, you need self-confidence, a good voice and quick wits. But with enough attention to this, anyone can cope with such a task. So, you stare in confusion at a crowd of people as they wait impatiently for you to say something. What to do? Continue reading…


  1. 1 Breathe correctly. This is very important, a matter of life and death.
  2. 2 Look directly at the crowd (that is, in front of you, not up at the ceiling!). The need to look into the faces of a large group of people makes most of us nervous and embarrassed (most often all thoughts go out of our heads), and this is where one useful technique comes to your aid:
    • Look at the crowd, but think about the topic you are going to talk about. When you do this, you are unable to see the crowd, as you are absorbed in your thoughts. When thinking, learn to look straight ahead, as this gives the impression that you are looking directly into the eyes of people in a crowd, which creates a confident image.
  3. 3 Before you start your speech, look at the time, as you need to know the time of day in order to properly greet the audience and not drag out your speech.
  4. 4 Don't start your speech crumpled. Structure it in your mind before speaking.
  5. 5 Try to make your intro as engaging. This is very important for grabbing the attention of your listeners (you absolutely don't need people to chat while you speak).
  6. 6 Try to relate what you are going to talk about with the things you are already familiar with (try to show true ingenuity).
  7. 7 Your mind is a huge database, so check it out!
  8. 8 Link what you already know about with the topic you are going to talk about. Connecting is a real art, do it creatively.
  9. 9 As you speak, visualize the subject of the conversation before your eyes. It will structure and fill your performance perfectly. If you do it right, you won't be able to see the audience most of the time (which helps a lot to remove the fear of the crowd). This may not make you a great speaker, but it will definitely help you to perform successfully in school, office, and so on.
  10. 10 Smile! This will help you, and if you also admit to yourself that you fear, then sometimes it also helps to get rid of it.