How to recognize symptoms of vitamin D deficiency

Author: Helen Garcia
Date Of Creation: 18 April 2021
Update Date: 25 June 2024
Vitamin D Deficiency Signs & Symptoms (ex. Fatigue), Diagnosis, Treatment
Video: Vitamin D Deficiency Signs & Symptoms (ex. Fatigue), Diagnosis, Treatment


Vitamin D is a fat-soluble element that our bodies produce in response to sunlight. Vitamin D aids in calcium absorption and helps regulate phosphoric acid levels. It is very important to have enough vitamin D to maintain bone health. Lack of this type of vitamin leads to serious health problems in both children and adults.


  1. 1 Assess your risk factors. Vitamin D deficiency symptoms do not come out until your condition worsens significantly. Consider a few examples of complications that can be caused by a lack of this sunshine vitamin, which can help you decide to get tested to check the amount of vitamin D in your body.
    • Age: children and the elderly are at risk. Children spend little time in the sun and eat few foods containing this element. Older people need more vitamin D than younger people, and older people do not walk outside much because of mobility problems.
    • Sun exposure: The body is able to synthesize vitamin D when exposed to the sun. People who have to spend most of their time indoors or who wear clothing that protects their bodies from the sun's rays may not be getting enough solar energy to produce vitamin D.
    • Skin color: People with dark skin color have a lot of melanin, which can interfere with the production of vitamin D in their skin.
    • Health status: People with kidney or liver failure are at risk of vitamin D deficiency. Those who experience gastrointestinal conditions such as celiac disease or celiac disease also have a high chance of acquiring vitamin D deficiency syndrome.
    • Obesity: People with a total body mass index above 30 are often deficient in vitamin D.
  2. 2 Review the quality of your food. People also have access to vitamin D through limited food options. Eating oily fish (salmon, sardines, and tuna), egg yolk, beef liver, certain types of cheese, and mushrooms will provide you with a natural supply of vitamin D. Natural suppliers of this vitamin also include milk and other dairy products, and some grains.
    • Consider getting tested for vitamin D deficiency, especially if you are a vegetarian, and even more so if a strict discharge. There are several ways for vegetarians to get their vitamin D through food.
  3. 3 If you experience bone pain, weakness or lack of strength in muscles, or if you are at risk of vitamin D deficiency and have the symptoms described above, then consult your doctor immediately about this.
  4. 4 Take a closer look at your child's bone health by looking for crooked legs or arms. Children suffering from vitamin D deficiency can have deformed bones, as this disease does not allow enough minerals to get into the bone tissue for its subsequent development.
  5. 5 Talk to your pediatrician if your child is not growing well. Slow growth or lack of growth as such can be a sign of vitamin D deficiency or rickets.
  6. 6 Be alert for signs of bone softening that occurs due to bone mineralization abnormalities in adults.
    • Pay attention to any difficulty walking.
    • Discuss the possibility of having osteomalacia if your bones are weak and break frequently.


  • Vitamin D tablets can help, although overdose is not a good idea, as this can translate all the benefits into a toxin burden on the body.
  • If you are at risk of developing skin cancer, be extremely careful with sunbathing and talk with your doctor about alternative ways to get vitamin D.