Love to be naked.

Author: Frank Hunt
Date Of Creation: 11 March 2021
Update Date: 27 June 2024


Loving to be naked can be difficult, especially if you don't like your body or are low on self-confidence. You can change the way you think about being naked by improving your image of your body and taking good care of yourself. Things like spending more time naked, adjusting negative thoughts, and spending time with supportive people can get you closer to your goal of enjoying being naked.

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Method 1 of 2: Change your point of view

  1. Find out what reasons you have for wanting to enjoy being naked. To motivate yourself to change the way you feel when you are naked, you need to know the reasons why you want to feel good when you are naked. Write these reasons down so you can review them and decide whether these reasons are about you or someone else. If these are your reasons, then you have a healthy motivation for improving your self-image. If they are other people's reasons, you may not have a healthy reason to change your self-image and you may need to see a therapist for help.
    • Reasons that are yours could be something like i want to feel good when i'm naked so i'm less aware of myself when i'm with my boyfriend. Or i want to be able to enjoy being naked so i can visit a nudist beach on vacation this summer.
    • Reasons that are about someone else may sound like i want to feel good when i'm naked so my boyfriend will love my body more. Or I want to feel good naked so that people don't feel disgusted when I go to a nudist beach.
  2. Spend more time naked. One of the best ways to feel more comfortable when you are naked is to spend more time naked. You can get used to being naked and the more you do it the more comfortable you will be. Make sure to stay relaxed while you are naked. Try taking a deep breath or doing nude yoga to stay relaxed while naked.
    • Try to walk around naked in your house (or bedroom) for a short time every day. If you have your own pool (where no one can see you), go for a nude swim!
  3. Compliment your own naked body. Finding your favorite qualities can help you feel better when you are naked. Look in the mirror while naked and try to identify your favorite body parts. Tell it out loud as you discover the parts of your body that you like. Repeat this process every day and then you should start to notice more of your good qualities and feel better when you are naked.
    • For example, you can say to yourself "I really like the shape of my calves". Or “I have a fantastic butt”.
  4. Remind yourself that your body is unique. There are so many different body models in the world, that's why it's important to remember that you have a unique, beautiful body. Try to focus on how different other bodies are to see that there is a lot of variation in body types.
    • Pay attention to what other people's bodies look like when you go to a shopping center, or better yet, a public swimming pool. See the different shapes, sizes, colors and other properties of people's bodies. Just be careful not to stare or you could get in trouble.
  5. Show yourself compassion. Being merciful to yourself can improve your self-image and help you feel better about yourself when you are naked. Self-compassion means being kind to yourself, even if you don't think you deserve love. This love can come in the form of sweet thoughts, sweet behaviors, or sweet words. If you find yourself thinking unkind things about yourself, ask yourself the following questions to determine if you have an unkind thought:
    • Does this thought make me feel good?
    • Would I say this thought to a friend or loved one?
    • Does this thought encourage me?
  6. Turn your negative thoughts into positive thoughts. If you have a hard time feeling good when you are naked, you may have fallen victim to your own negative thoughts. Changing the way you speak to yourself can also help you feel better when you are naked. The next time you have a negative thought about your naked body, stop yourself and turn the negative thought into a positive one.
    • For example, imagine that you have a negative thought like "I look like a pig." You can reverse this thought by turning it into something like "I may not be the thinnest person, but I have a lot of great traits and I love how unique my body is."
  7. Repeat a mantra. Repeating a mantra can help you calm down if you are feeling anxious, and it can also help calm your inner critic. Your mantra can be anything, but you will get the most benefit if your mantra sends a positive message to you.
    • Try something like "I love myself and I deserve to love being naked."

Method 2 of 2: Take care of yourself

  1. Move. Regular exercise can improve your health and feel better when you are naked, as research has shown that regular exercise can lead to better self-esteem. Find a form of exercise that you enjoy and do it often. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate physical activity every day.
    • Try walking, swimming, dancing, cycling, running, or some other sport!
  2. Eat healthy foods. Food that is bad for you can harm your body and mind. Research has shown that a lot of fat and simple carbohydrates (such as processed flour, sugar, etc.) can have a negative effect on your mood. This negative effect can make it difficult for you to enjoy being naked.
    • Instead, choose foods that nourish your body, such as fruits, vegetables, lean protein, and whole grains.
  3. Get plenty of rest. Insomnia can affect both the way your body performs and how you feel. If you feel constantly exhausted and sad, it can be even more difficult for you to feel good when you are naked. Make sure you get 7-9 hours of sleep a night to feel your best trying to feel better when you are naked.
    • Try to sleep naked. Sleeping naked has several benefits, including better sleep, a reduction in stress hormones and improved intimacy with your partner.
  4. Wear nice clothes to feel better when you take them off. What you wear can affect the way you feel naked, so choose clothes that make you feel great. Choose clothes that fit your body well and that make you feel comfortable wearing them. If you haven't bought yourself new clothes for a while, treat yourself to a new set. Buying something new for yourself to wear will remind you that you are worthy of beautiful things, which can improve the way you think about yourself when you take off your clothes.
    • If your fears about being naked are related to intimacy with your partner, try getting some sexy underwear. Wearing nice lingerie or silk boxers can help you feel more confident when you undress.
  5. Make time for relaxation. When you are stressed, it can affect your self-confidence by leading to self-blame, self-doubt, or anxiety. Relaxation is necessary for your general well-being and it can also help you feel better when you are naked. Make sure to set aside at least 15 minutes a day to just sit and relax. You can meditate, do deep breathing exercises, or just lie down.
    • Try taking a long bubble bath to relax. This will combine a relaxing activity with being naked, which can help promote positive feelings about being naked.
  6. Treat yourself. Another way you can build more positive feelings about being naked is by pampering your naked body. People who have poor self-esteem or low self-esteem tend to avoid pampering activities, but pampering can improve your feelings about yourself and your body.
    • If you've avoided pampering yourself, visit a sauna complex and get a massage, body mask, or any other indulgent body treatment that requires you to be naked.
  7. Spend time with people who love you. Think about the people you spend your time with and how they make you feel. If you have a lot of negative or judgmental people in your life, it can add to your discomfort of being naked. It is especially important that the person you are intimate with accepts your naked body.
    • If your partner doesn't appreciate your body, it may have something to do with why you don't like being naked. Consider moving on if the person you are with now doesn't value you for who you are, the way you are.
  8. Consider talking to a therapist. While there are several things you can do to feel good about being naked, you may need to talk to a therapist if your self-esteem issues are serious or if they are causing problems in your relationship. If you have problems with day-to-day functioning, or if you have other problems, such as an eating disorder, then you should seek help from a mental health professional as soon as possible.


  • Be patient as you work toward feeling good when you are naked. It may take you a while to get comfortable with your naked body, but don't give up.


  • Be aware that being naked is not acceptable in some places (work, school, etc.)
  • Check the legislation in your municipality. They may not allow nudism in certain places, and they may be subject to penalties!