How to recognize a dangerous man

Author: Clyde Lopez
Date Of Creation: 25 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Spot a Dangerous Person | 5 Strong Signs
Video: How to Spot a Dangerous Person | 5 Strong Signs


Unfortunately, it is not easy to learn to recognize dangerous men - you must be able to listen to your instincts and trust them when your new acquaintance says or does something that makes you feel threatened and dangerous. Dangerous men behave in such a way that in their behavior one can notice the conviction of the justification and legality of their actions. In addition to that, keep in mind that dangerous men may not have any intention of hurting you physically, but instead they will harm you emotionally, sexually, and may even be capable of committing a crime against you.


Method 1 of 2: Recognize risky or dangerous behaviors

  1. 1 Listen to your instincts and learn to recognize dangerous men. A dangerous man looks just like one who is not going to harm you or anyone else. The danger from him does not have to include a physical threat - he can pose a threat to you financially, spiritually, emotionally, or sexually.
    • Control is a danger sign. If a man is trying to control you spiritually, economically, or emotionally, this is a red flag. Also beware of lies that he can use to strengthen his dominant position.
  2. 2 Push the man away from you if his actions or words tell you that she is dangerous. Although society has taught you to be polite and courteous, if a man is dangerous, and you find it, you have the right to act rudely, because you need to give a decent response to his superiority in front of you.
  3. 3 Once outside in the dark, take preventive measures. If you are walking in an empty parking lot or a dark street, place your keys between your fingers; squeeze them in a tight grip if you meet a stranger. If he is following you, look for working stores or any establishments where you can get help. If you plan to use protective equipment, you must be sure that it will work (in any climate, in any weather, etc.).
    • We recommend using a gas canister as a means of protection. Choose one that is powerful, long-lasting and accurate. A good spray can be incredibly traumatic for an attacker.
  4. 4 Change your partner selection habits. If you have been involved in unhealthy relationships in which a man has harmed you in the past, try to figure out what attracts you to these men and work to change those behaviors for healthier ones.

Method 2 of 2: What psychotherapists look for

  1. 1 Look for signs of a dangerous man before getting involved in a relationship. In short, attention should be paid to the presence in the past of a man of rapidly developing relationships, to the peculiarities of his history, to whether the man had several relationships in parallel, to his mechanism for choosing a girl and to his model of behavior.
    • Resist his attempts to speed up the development of the relationship. Dangerous and pathological men usually start new relationships with a clear goal. They want "immediate proximity", and therefore may begin to victimize you (to impose the role of victim).
    • Explore his past. Study his criminal history. Find out if he has had mental health problems and episodes of domestic violence or aggression directed at his partner.
    • Ask your boyfriend about his past relationship. If he decides to talk about his previous girlfriends, listen very carefully. Men who hate being alone create many parallel relationships, so your boyfriend may already be in a relationship with another girl or girls!
    • Pay attention to persistent, persistent behaviors. Dangerous men with pathological disorders behave the same way with all new women they start dating.
    • Look for information about your boyfriend's ex.If he was with a girl who is also emotionally unwell, trust your intuition and back down.
  2. 2 Study this type of men: emotional predators, looking for a woman for the role of a parent, the presence of a hidden life, emotionally unavailable, cruel, mentally ill, have problems with addictions, are always sticky and obsessive. Such men have a mental pathology, and if it has not yet been diagnosed, the psychotherapist must examine them and draw appropriate conclusions.
    • Keep a close eye on such a man, especially if he is able to quickly understand your needs and satisfy them. Emotional predators can instantly identify your needs and vulnerabilities.
    • Listen to your instinct. Have you met a man who wants you to satisfy all of his needs? Such a man wants a parent and will use you to take care of himself.
    • Study this man's story. Note issues such as criminal behavior, children or illnesses that he has kept secret from you, women you have never heard of from him, dangerous habits, addictions, or hobbies.
    • Trust your instincts if you meet a man who fulfills some obligations to another woman, but swears that he is "almost" ended the relationship with her. This man is looking for a woman who has trouble keeping boundaries.
    • Be especially careful if you suspect that this is a man of the so-called "Dr. Jekyll / Mr. Hyde" type. His negative side comes out when he needs to re-establish his dominance. At such moments, he is capable of hitting, shaming, causing physical harm, making you feel guilty, deciding to damage your property if this forces you to return to him.
    • Listen to your instincts if you realize that you are in a relationship with a man suffering from some kind of addiction. His addiction does not have to be about drugs or alcohol; it could be an addiction to pornography, thrills, sex, or just being in a relationship.
    • Pay attention to your feelings. For example, if you feel that you have given every last one to this relationship, you may be dealing with a pathological "sticky."


  • If a man constantly makes you feel obligated to him, like he's doing you a huge favor, be careful. No one should force anyone to experience such feelings for a long time.
  • If the conflict escalates into a flash of anger, be careful. This can be a serious warning, a warning signal that tells you that you have contacted a dangerous person.
  • If your family, coworkers, or friends start telling you that your boyfriend is dangerous, listen to what they have to say.
  • Avoiding your responsibilities to a man can be challenging. This is not necessarily dangerous, but it can get you in trouble. Make a decision when the relationship should end and then just move on.


  • If you have already been involved in dangerous relationships and have been exposed to violence, you should know that when you decide to end the relationship, you will face a myriad of dangers.
  • If a man inflates a scandal from a minor incident, reacts incommensurably sharper than the significance of the problem, easily loses his temper, etc., then such a man is probably mentally unstable and capable of harsh behavior.