How to recognize a womanizer

Author: Florence Bailey
Date Of Creation: 23 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
9 Signs he’s a Womaniser
Video: 9 Signs he’s a Womaniser


As a rule, a romantic relationship with a womanizer leads to suffering, but recognizing a heartthrob in advance is not always easy. Take a close look at the person's behavior in private and in public for warning signs.


Part 1 of 4: General Specifications

  1. 1 Overconfidence. There is nothing wrong with having healthy self-confidence, but being confident and arrogant are not the same thing. If a guy is acting a little overconfident in trying to impress you, it is often the experience that is the reason for this behavior.
    • Most people get at least a little nervous around the person they like. A confident guy is not necessarily a womanizer, but if he can ask you out on a date without embarrassment or behaves detached, then his intentions are unlikely to be serious.
  2. 2 Age difference. If a man suits you as a father, then this is not the best sign. Mature ladies' men, who do not change their own habits, often try to lure young and less experienced girls into a trap, which are easier to fool around.
    • Of course, not every man of age is a womanizer, but if he is much older than you and at the same time, other signs of a Don Juan appear, then his age is a dangerous signal.
    • Conversely, not every womanizer is a man of age. There are also many young heartthrobs in the world.
  3. 3 Mobile phone. When the man is typing a message, lean over to him and look at his phone. You don't have to stare at the screen. It is much more useful to evaluate his behavior. In such a situation, an experienced womanizer will hide the phone from you so quickly that you will not have time to blink an eye.
    • Moreover, if he constantly looks at the phone or pays more attention to him than you, then you should be wary.
    • This advice does not mean that you can grab someone else's phone and view the call log. Many will regard this behavior as an invasion of privacy, so the guy will be unhappy, even if he is not a womanizer at all. There is no need to look through your messages or call log, as being overly concerned about your phone's privacy is a bad sign in itself.
  4. 4 Track your partner. Pay attention to the places that he often visits without you. If he is in the same place where he loved to spend time before starting a relationship with you and meet women, then it is very likely that he continues to seduce various ladies there.
    • This is not means that you need to follow on his heels.There is a healthier way: you just have to ask people questions and find out who could see him, when, where, and with whom. You can also visit the institution in which you met and look for it among those present.

Part 2 of 4: Speech Features

  1. 1 Beware of flattery. Sincere compliments are always pleasant, but you are unlikely to believe the person who praises you every minute. Lovelaces often try to win over a girl with an excessive amount of flattery and praise.
    • Pay attention to the type of compliments. Common phrases that sound at every turn or are applicable to any girl (beautiful hair, great smile) will always show that he does not really think about your personality and personal qualities. Also be wary of men who compliment your weaknesses.
    • Often a womanizer almost immediately begins to call a girl one or more affectionate names like "sun", "bunny" or "fish". Such behavior is appropriate some time after the start of the relationship, but not on the first day.

    Maya Diamond, MA

    Relationship Coach Maya Diamond is a dating and relationship coach from Berkeley, California. He has seven years of experience helping people with relationship problems gain inner confidence, deal with their past and build healthy, lasting, loving relationships. She received her MA in somatic psychology from the California Institute for Integral Research in 2009.

    Maya Diamond, MA
    Relationship coach

    As a rule, ladies' men are looking only for opportunities to have a good time, but not for a serious relationship. If you notice that a person compliments you a lot or becomes close to you, but does not ask questions about you and does not take an active part in the conversation, you are probably unfortunate enough to meet a womanizer. Such people are not at all interested in taking the relationship to a new level, all they want is just to have fun.

  2. 2 Notice the deception. The Lovelaces are notorious liars. It is not easy to catch him in a lie, but if this happened, then it is better to pay attention to it. Be especially careful with those you have repeatedly caught lying.
    • Most often, a womanizer tells lies about his past, recent pastime and the people in whose company he was.
    • If you have suspicions, and you told the guy about it, then pay attention to his reaction. As a rule, the womanizer will try to laugh it off and change the topic of the conversation. If this number does not pass, then he can admit the truth, but at the same time shift it to you blame for my False.
  3. 3 Consider the details of a womanizer's life. Most ladies' men are selfish, so they will immediately start talking about themselves even before you ask. If a guy is in no hurry to share information about his life, then ask him questions and notice inconsistencies in his words.
    • Everyone wants to show themselves to the person they like in a favorable light, but the womanizer will usually be too much good. If his story looks like a finished script and is hard to believe, then your guess may well be true.
    • Take note of the details. If the facts don't agree, then the whole story may not be true.
  4. 4 Tell us about yourself. Since many ladies' men are only interested in themselves, such a person will not waste time on your stories. If a man is really interested in you, he will always want to know more about you, but the womanizer does not care.
    • An experienced womanizer will certainly take an interest in your life, but he will hardly remember the details. Bring up the topic you discussed last time. It is quite natural for a man to forget some trifle, but constant inattention is a bad sign.
  5. 5 Discuss past relationships. Ask him about past relationships, and also talk about yourself. Such conversations give the womanizer the opportunity to manipulate your feelings.
    • He may ask about your past relationship and become obsessed with the insecurity you felt at the time. Knowing your weaknesses, he will be able to use such information to his advantage.
    • In the story of his last relationship, he can omit many details, but at the same time emphasize that he was hurt. It is perfectly normal to mention the offense once inflicted, but trying to evoke pity betrays the manipulator's tactics.
  6. 6 Defend your innocence. Lovelaces often accuse their girls of infidelity. As a rule, by such an act, a person tries to divert attention from his misdeeds.

Part 3 of 4: Spending time together

  1. 1 Value your time. Pay attention to how the guy invites you to meetings and how he responds to your invitations. Nice guys will value your time, which is not the case for ladies' men.
    • Lovelaces usually offer to meet immediately. Since meeting with you may not be a priority for him, the womanizer considers you as a backup plan and asks you out only if you cannot find another option for the evening.
    • If a guy says “maybe” to every suggestion you make to meet, it’s likely that he doesn’t want to commit himself and is waiting for a more suitable offer. If a man often cancels meetings at the last minute, then he may be guided by the same considerations.
  2. 2 Changeable behavior. Lovelaces are fickle in their affection and can go from one extreme to another. For example, a guy may not think about you for several weeks and then suddenly start giving you more attention than is necessary.
    • During the quiet moments, the guy is probably spending time with other girls and is too busy to think about you.
    • In moments of "aggravation" he either has no other choice, or loses interest in another lady. As a result, he returns to you to fill the resulting void.
  3. 3 Change the meeting place. If you usually meet in the evenings, then suggest meeting in the afternoon. Most likely, the womanizer will refuse such an offer and his justifications will be very dubious.
    • If you don't have the option to change the date of the date, try changing other aspects. Instead of a private meeting or a date at a bar, go to a crowded place or café that barely drinks. In this case, the guy's chances of dragging you into bed are reduced, so the womanizer is unlikely to agree to such a change.
  4. 4 Maintain eye contact. Try looking your guy in the eye in a crowded place. It is not at all necessary to stare at each other, but on a date, your partner's eyes should at least be directed towards you.
    • If he sometimes looks around, then there is nothing wrong with that, but it is not normal to constantly look at other people. You should also be alert if he is looking at another woman.
  5. 5 Don't rush things. Lovelace is only interested in your body and the ability to possess it. One of the best ways to recognize a womanizer is not to rush things after you meet. He simply does not have enough patience.

Part 4 of 4: Public Opinion

  1. 1 Publicize your relationship. If you are in a relationship with a womanizer, then for sure he is dating not only you. Potential publicity increases the likelihood of exposure, so he is unlikely to agree to publicize your relationship.
    • Watch how he treats you in public. If he refuses to show any signs of attention or treats you like all other women, then it is possible that this is how he is trying to keep your relationship secret. For this reason, he may refuse to meet with you in certain places if he thinks that others can see you there.
    • Check out the pages on social networks. If he refuses to add you as a friend or subscriber, never responds to your public comments, then it is possible that he is trying to hide your relationship.Unwillingness to renew one's “marital status” is another possible indicator.
  2. 2 Meet his friends. Offer to spend time with friends. Lovelaces do not want to introduce girls to their friends, and not at all because they fear that another man will take their beloved away.
    • At a possible meeting with friends, there is a risk that one of them will let her slip out, and the girl will accidentally find out the truth.
    • If you managed to get to know his friends, follow the guy's behavior in the company. Among friends, a womanizer can lose vigilance and show his true face.
  3. 3 Introduce the guy to your friends and family. Invite him to get to know your loved ones. Lovelace is not interested in a serious relationship, so he usually refuses such offers or at the last minute finds an excuse not to show up for a meeting.
    • Moreover, attentive friends and relatives can recognize the ladies' man when they meet. If the womanizer agrees to meet with your loved ones, then he runs the risk of finding himself.
  4. 4 Seek outside opinions. Ask other people about the guy and find out about possible rumors. People from his social circle can cover the ladies' man, but the rest of these games are simply not needed.
    • Ask your close friends to do their own investigation. Surely among the friends of your friends there are people you don't know who may have useful information.
    • You can even talk to your new boyfriend's ex-girlfriends, but be careful as some of them may deliberately say nasty things about the person as revenge. Among other things, your ex-girlfriend may think that you have “stolen” her boyfriend and be very unfriendly towards you.
  5. 5 Watch how the guy treats other people. Lovelace is not polite enough not only to you, but to other people as well. Sometimes it is difficult to know if he is really dismissive of you, but it is much easier to determine how he treats other people.
    • Pay close attention to how he treats and talks about other women. Even disrespect for female relatives can indicate disrespect for women in general.
    • Watch how he treats service personnel in the places where you go. Lovelace can be content with his position and be rude to employees of institutions.