How to show love for someone who needs it

Author: Helen Garcia
Date Of Creation: 21 April 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024
Skye - Love show
Video: Skye - Love show


Relationships with people are an important aspect of any person's life. It is difficult to imagine life without loved ones. We especially understand this when we find ourselves in a difficult situation. However, communication also plays an important role in everyday life. The mutual manifestation of love and care makes the relationship strong. Some people find it easy to take care of loved ones, while for others, it is a real problem. This is often due to the fact that each person has their own idea of ​​what love is and how to show it.


Method 1 of 3: Showing Love for Your Soul

  1. 1 Touch your partner as often as possible. A kiss is the most vivid expression of love. You can also show affection in a subtle way in public. For example, you can hold hands or hug your partner. It will not be so striking in the eyes of others, unlike passionate kisses.
    • If your partner is having a stressful day, they most likely especially need your love. Offer to give him a back massage. This is a great way to show love for your soul mate.
    • Sit next to your loved one while they watch TV. This small but gentle gesture will show him that you care about him.
  2. 2 Say nice words to your partner. Good communication is the key to a strong relationship. Praise your loved one and talk about how much you love him. Alternatively, you can write a note or send a message to your partner. This will show that you think of him even when he is not with you. If your loved one is in trouble, be supportive. Give him sweet words that show that you want to support him in difficult circumstances.
    • Tell your loved one that you were very bored and were waiting for him to return from work.
  3. 3 Make a gift. If you see that your loved one is not in the mood, give him a gift to cheer him up! Choose a gift that suits the interests of your loved one.Even a gift as small as a CD with your spouse's favorite songs can greatly improve your mood. Write a note with the words of declaration of love and enclose it as a gift.
    • Make a gift with your own hands. This will show that you know your partner very well, and also take the time to surprise him.
  4. 4 Give your partner your full attention. This means that you need to put away your phone and other distractions while talking to your loved one. Chat with your partner as often as possible. If your loved one is having problems, spend more time talking to them. You will show love by sacrificing your time. This will make your relationship stronger.
    • Even if you love a noisy pastime, be prepared to give in to your partner if he wants to stay at home and be in a quiet environment. Stay at home with your loved one. For example, you can watch an interesting movie together.
  5. 5 Treat your relationship as something very important. Many of us send emails or messages on a daily basis that lack expression and personal attention. If your partner needs your care and personal attention, be sure to give it to him. Instead of sending messages that are more of acronyms or dry information, write: “I really want to see you. I'll be there soon. " This will show that you value your relationship and want to be with your loved one.
    • Remember to thank your partner for what they do for you. Every day, your loved one does work that very often goes unnoticed (for example, throwing out the trash). Don't forget to thank him for that.
    • Give compliments that match your partner's merits. For example, instead of saying, "You are beautiful," say something more specific. You can say, "You have an amazing smile." Pay attention to the more specific things that make your partner unique. Say, “You are such an interesting conversationalist. I get so much new for myself ”or“ I've never laughed like that before. You have a wonderful sense of humor. "
  6. 6 Help with household chores. Each person has a favorite housework. We take the rest of the responsibilities as a matter of course. When we are overwhelmed with work, we have no time for household chores. If your partner is going through a difficult period, help him with household chores.
    • You can help with minor things like washing dishes or more substantial help like painting the walls of a house.

Method 2 of 3: Showing Love for Family and Friends

  1. 1 Show affection and affection for your loved ones. All families are different. In every family, love manifests itself in its own way. Some parents cannot imagine a relationship without the hugs of their children, while others are limited to a handshake. All people are different, so this leaves an imprint on the relationship between friends and on the manifestation of love and care for each other. Regardless of who you show love to, a relative or a friend, remember to be close to loved ones when they need it.
    • Children really need attention and love. Hold your child by the hand when crossing the road or hold him in your arms if he is very tired and cannot walk. Thanks to this, the child will feel your love for him.
    • If you are interacting with an adult family member or friend, place your hand on your shoulder or hold a loved one by the hand to show that you care about what happens to your loved one.
  2. 2 Talk to loved ones about your feelings. As people age, they become less open with their loved ones. This creates a barrier between them.Be open and honest with your family and friends, especially when they are in trouble.
    • For example, you can hug your friend tightly if they move to another city.
    • The attention of parents is very important for children. Tell your children that you love and care for them. Do not take care of children only when they need it or when they are behaving well. Otherwise, they will think that you love them only in such situations.
  3. 3 Give gifts. Of course, this does not mean that you need to spend all your money and time making gifts to friends and family members. When choosing a gift, think about a loved one. The gift you have chosen should certainly please your loved one. It can be simple. The main thing is that he should please his recipient.
    • Time is the most precious gift. Spend time with the people you care about. Of course, this can be challenging due to over-employment. However, your loved ones will appreciate your efforts if you are there at the right time.
  4. 4 Help friends and family when they need it. Help your mom clean the house or give a friend the help she needs. They will be grateful to you. Household chores can weigh heavily on your loved one’s shoulders. If you want to show love, be ready to provide the help you need. For example, if your friend or relative is caring for a newborn, help him prepare food. Even this little help can make your loved one's life much easier.

Method 3 of 3: Understanding the pros and cons of showing love

  1. 1 Learn about the five love languages. Loving, we begin to speak in a special language. Each person is unique, therefore, the characteristics of this language are different for everyone. In order to live with a loved one in harmony, in order to understand his feelings and desires, it is necessary to know the language of love and its features. There are five main languages ​​of emotional love that people use to express and perceive love: words of encouragement, time, gifts, help, and touch. In love, you must explain yourself in the language of the one you love.
    • For some people, the idea that their partner speaks another love language is perplexing. If you want to understand your partner's love language, talk to him about it. Listen carefully. To find out which of the five languages ​​is the main one for you and your partner, take a test to identify the love languages ​​most characteristic of a particular person.
  2. 2 Determine what kind of relationship you have with the person you care about. As a rule, it is not difficult for us to determine the depth of the relationship when it comes to our close relatives. This is not the case with friends. Of course, some friends may have a closer relationship than family members. However, not all friends develop in this way.
    • With friends and colleagues, you can follow the same five principles mentioned above. Your actions should match the depth of your relationship. For example, if your coworker likes compliments, you might say she has a pretty hairdo. Needless to say, her legs look sexier in the new dress.
  3. 3 Don't impose your love. If you see that a person is uncomfortable with the fact that you show love for him, stop in time. Of course, this person can explain why he has such feelings. However, he is not obliged to do this. A person has the right to decide for himself whether to accept your love or refuse it.


  • Don't expect reciprocal feelings, especially if the person you care for is upset.
  • Surprise the person with something pleasant, and he will understand that you love him.
  • Don't take it personally if the person didn't like your gift or refused to meet with you. Show love and your loved one will certainly appreciate your efforts.


  • Make sure your actions are appropriate. Agree that communication with a five-year-old son will be fundamentally different from a relationship with a fifteen-year-old daughter.