How to wake up when you are tired

Author: Sara Rhodes
Date Of Creation: 12 February 2021
Update Date: 28 June 2024
I Always Wake Up Tired - What Can I Do? | This Morning
Video: I Always Wake Up Tired - What Can I Do? | This Morning


Do you pull the covers up when you hear that awful alarm sound in the morning? If your dream is to be the one who jumps out of bed and happily welcomes the new day, then there are simple tricks you can try to help yourself wake up when you just want to sleep. It is also possible to simply cheer yourself up if you want to sleep during the day. You may never become a morning person, but you can cheer yourself up well! See Step 1 to get started.


Part 1 of 3: How to Energize in the Morning

  1. 1 Anticipate your plans for the day. Remember when you were a child and jumped out of bed as soon as you opened your eyes in the morning? Then you had no worries, you were glad to wake up and do all the fun things that the day has prepared for you.Getting out of bed is harder if you're not looking forward to heading to work or school, but if you focus on the good things that happen that day, you can wake up faster. Try this tomorrow: As soon as you wake up, think about the best moment of the day and let your heart beat faster in anticipation.
    • It's easy for your birthday and happy holidays, but you need to get creative to smile on gray rainy Mondays. Even if you're not expecting a big event, think about all the little things that make you happy every day: walking your dog. First cup of coffee. Talking to your best friend on the phone after a hard day at work. Dinner at your favorite cafe on the way home. Whatever it is, think about it first when you wake up.
  2. 2 Let the sunshine in. Does your room have natural light in the morning? If not, then you are denying yourself the most effective alarm clock. When the sun shines through your windows in the morning, your brain naturally knows it's time to move. But your curtains are tightly closed and you don't get enough light in the morning, you will stagger until you go outside.
    • If you have blackout curtains that block out light from outside, try buying curtains in neutral colors that effectively block out most of the artificial light, but make your room light when the sun rises.
  3. 3 Drink a large glass of water. 8 hours without water (while you sleep) is enough time for mild dehydration to occur in your body, which can make you feel sleepy. Wake yourself up with a large glass of cool water to start your day right. You will feel more refreshed after a few minutes.
    • If you want to drink water while you are still in bed, fill a small thermos with ice in the evening and place it on your bedside table. In the morning, the ice will almost melt and you will have a cup of cool water to drink.
    • Drink water front coffee or tea.
    • Wash your face with cool water. This will lower your body temperature, affecting your warm, sleepy state.
  4. 4 Brush your teeth mint toothpaste. The scent of mint stimulates your body's trigeminal nerve, providing you with a boost of energy. Brushing your teeth with mint paste first is a great way to invigorate. Do this before you eat anything, as brushing your teeth immediately after eating is not good for your teeth.
    • If you don't like peppermint paste, keep a bottle of peppermint essential oil or a few peppermint candies handy and take a deep breath. This will have the same effect as using toothpaste.
  5. 5 Read an article or two. Brain work is another good way to start your engine in the morning. Read some interesting stories or watch a video. You will be busy learning new things, so you won't have time to think about how much you want to sleep.
    • Reading an email or a book - if the content is interesting - will have the same effect.
    • You can also listen to the radio or turn on the TV.
  6. 6 Move your body. Moving from horizontal to movement will definitely help you wake up and sing. Do you know how cartoon characters stretch when they get out of bed? In fact, this is a really good way to help your circulation and make yourself feel refreshed. If you don't like stretching, here are some things to try:
    • Take a short walk.
    • Wash the dishes left over from the evening.
    • Make the bed and tidy up the room.
    • Jump.
    • Go for a run around the block.
    • Better to do 30 minutes of cardio, such as running, swimming, or cycling.
  7. 7 Have breakfast. There is a good reason to call it the most important meal of the day; the protein, carbohydrates, and fats you eat in the morning keep your body healthy and give you a good start to the day. On days when you just don't want to wake up, give yourself a little pampering. Take time to grab your coffee, grapefruit, and scrambled eggs instead of stuffing a piece of dry toast into you while you're on your doorstep.

Part 2 of 3: How to cheer up during the day

  1. 1 Change your surroundings. Even if it's just a 10-minute walk around the office, finding yourself in a new environment for a while will help your brain stay active and engaged. If you find yourself feeling lethargic, you will be much more productive if you take a break.
    • If you can go outside, then do it - even if it is raining or cold. Changes in temperature will wake your body up from its midday nap.
    • Get up and walk often. Sitting in one place for too long affects your circulation - and this has a big effect on your state of mind.
  2. 2 Eat an orange or grapefruit. The scent of the fruit stimulates the production of serotonin, a hormone that lifts your mood. Snacking on a few slices of orange or grapefruit - or any other type of citrus - will overcome your daily slump. It will help even if you just squeeze the lemon into your glass of water.
  3. 3 Drink ginseng tea. Ginseng is a natural stimulant that improves brain function. Drinking a cup of ginseng tea or taking 100 mg of ginseng extract will improve your brain's ability to focus.
    • Check with your doctor before taking supplements. You shouldn't use ginseng if you have high blood pressure.
  4. 4 Avoid caffeine and sugar throughout the day. You can have lattes and biscuits when the clock shows 4:00 pm, but caffeine and sugar will only cause the decline after a temporary rise. To restore energy and focus, drink water or tea instead of coffee, and snack on a high-protein snack like almonds.
  5. 5 Listen to fun music. You might think you're not in the mood, but why not give it a try! Put on the music you usually dance to on Friday nights. Soon you will be beating out the rhythm and shaking your head - you will not be able to control it. Your slightly faster heartbeat will help you invigorate right away.
  6. 6 Take a nap break. Instead of fighting the urge to close your eyes, give up! Allocating 15-20 minutes for sleep will help you become much more alert. An afternoon nap might be just what you need to get through the rest of the day, especially if you didn’t sleep well the night before.

Part 3 of 3: Lifestyle Changes

  1. 1 Exercise often. Exhausting yourself during the day is the best way to ensure yourself a good night's sleep and feel refreshed during the day. If your lifestyle is predominantly sedentary, this change will make you feel a big difference. Start small - add 30 minutes of walking to your daily routine, before or after work or school. If you find that you enjoy physical activity, try running, cycling, or swimming to make the task a little harder. You can gradually challenge yourself by developing the following habits:
    • Choose the stairs, not the elevator, to get to your floor.
    • Get off the metro a few stops before your usual stop and walk the rest of the way.
    • Try 7-minute training methods for all your muscle groups every morning.
  2. 2 Watch what you eat after 20.00. Eating or drinking later than this time may affect your sleep. Your body will not be able to fully rest if it tries to digest food. Try to have dinner early and do not snack after 8pm to get a better sleep.
    • Alcohol can also affect your sleep.You will feel sleepy at first, but it can prevent you from reaching your deepest sleep phase. Therefore, you are likely to feel tired in the morning after drinking, even if you have slept for more than 8 hours.
  3. 3 Remove electronics from the bedroom. Do you check your mail and read articles until you turn off the lights? It is likely that your brain is still working on tomorrow's list of plans and controversial political topics, while you must rest mentally and emotionally. Help yourself feel calm and peaceful by getting rid of electronics before bed.
    • Leave your laptop in another room, or at least turn it off instead of leaving it idle and easily accessible.
        • Make your bedroom calm and inviting by filling it with soft pillows, candles, muted flowers and soothing fragrances - nothing that makes beeps or has wires.
  4. 4 Make up a regimen. Going to bed and waking up at the same time every morning will help you rest better. If you stay up until 2 a.m. and get enough sleep on weekends and then wake up at 6 a.m. on Monday, your body will be trying to catch up all day. Try to stick to a healthy schedule that won't break your internal clock.
    • Try not to wake up on an alarm if possible. Allow yourself to wake up on your inner alarm clock. If you wake up in this way, you can be mindful throughout the day, as you are not forcing your body to go into a state for which it is not ready.


  • Place your finger under your eyes and rub your eyes in circles to wake your eyes.
  • Aim for 7-9 hours of sleep.
  • Soak your face washcloth, place it in the freezer for 15 minutes, and then place it on your face.
  • Remove pillows from your bed if you are having trouble relaxing and falling asleep. Set your alarm clock away from your bed so you have to get out of bed!
  • Make sure you get enough sleep the next night and the next so you don't feel tired when you wake up!
  • As soon as you wake up, get out of bed and take your blanket to another room - this way you are unlikely to return to bed, especially if the house is cold.
  • Have some tea and run.
  • Open the window and let in fresh air (especially if it's cold).


  • Don't listen to hard rock too loud. Especially if you are using headphones. This can damage your hearing.