How to make a positive impression in a job interview

Author: Helen Garcia
Date Of Creation: 18 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Make a Good First Impression in a Job Interview - Ft. Sarah Johnston
Video: How to Make a Good First Impression in a Job Interview - Ft. Sarah Johnston


What are the most important things to remember before a job interview? What do you need to do to make a positive impression? Successfully passing an interview, regardless of your qualifications, can be a reason for hiring. Here are some tips to help you get through your top-level interview.


Method 1 of 3: Preparing for the interview

  1. 1 Find out the location of the company. If you are not familiar with a particular area, you need to know how to get to your destination, where to park, and check the traffic intensity on Day X. If you do not take these nuances into account, you may be late, and being late is not always forgiven.
    • Explore the area a few days before your interview. If you will be driving during rush hour, consider alternative routes. Knowing the area and traffic on the road will help you calm down and focus on what matters most.
  2. 2 Research the activities of the company. Go to her website, see reviews and documents. This knowledge can come in handy in an interview. You will be able to find out what is required of you in this organization, if you familiarize yourself with its charter and the mission of the company.
    • Knowing the information will not only help you answer questions brilliantly, but you will also be able to turn the interview into a casual conversation. It will be easier for your interviewer (he also doesn't enjoy pestering you with questions) and you can make a friendly impression. If the interviewer asks you about the company's activities, you can develop his thought and ask questions based on the information received.
  3. 3 Choose your clothes. In this regard, you need to prepare as well as possible, especially when it comes to your appearance. If you have your interview clothes ready, you don't have to worry too much. Plus, you can look like a real professional, which is easiest to do if you don't pick a suit in the morning in a hurry.
    • Discard jeans. Depending on the position you want, you need to put on a suit. It doesn't matter what position you occupy on the career ladder - a tie and a skirt will come in handy anyway.
    • Either way, leave unnecessary accessories and flashy outfits at home.Stick to personal hygiene, but do not pour a bottle of perfume on yourself. Remember that you are making the first impression. Even before you start speaking, the interviewer will evaluate your appearance.
  4. 4 Come for an interview 10 minutes before the scheduled time. Show up early for an interview gives you extra time to think and leaves a great impression of your person. Most likely, there will be an obstacle in front of you in the form of a staircase or a locked door - it is better to calculate every little thing.
    • "To arrive exactly at the appointed time" is not punctual. In many firms, such an appearance will be considered a delay. There is no such thing as the acceptability of being late for an interview. It's best to be punctual.

Method 2 of 3: During the interview

  1. 1 Radiate energy. Shake the interviewer's hand and smile. A firm handshake demonstrates self-confidence and conviction in their actions. When combined with a smile, the handshake makes a positive impression on the employees of the company.
    • Smile as sincerely as possible. A smirk can be calculated a mile away. Think about how happy you are to have been invited for an interview, and how exciting it will be to work for this company.
  2. 2 Maintain eye contact throughout the interview. This is vital. If you are embarrassed to look the other person in the eye, the interviewer may feel uncomfortable and think that you are not suitable for the desired position.
    • If you worry a lot, the interviewer may draw the wrong conclusions about your ability to do a particular job. This is especially true for professions that require communication with people. Maintaining eye contact is a reliable way to express confidence and prove that you are the right fit for the job.
  3. 3 Answer questions, but don't forget to ask. The block of questions will go off with a bang if you practice a little. Introduce yourself. Tell us about your skills and experience. Prepare to answer common questions (“Why will our team benefit from your presence? How did you cope with difficulties in your previous job?). Ask a few questions to the interviewer to demonstrate your interest and involvement in the conversation.
    • In general, follow the interviewer's train of thought. If he talks about what raises questions, do not be afraid to ask them. You will show your interest, thoughtfulness and will be able to clearly demonstrate that you are an active listener.
    • Don't be afraid to ask what you would like to know! Ask questions about the job title, requirements and expectations. In this way, you will show interest and understand what you have to do.
  4. 4 Watch your body language. Even if you say everything correctly, your gestures can reveal that you do not believe in your words and feel uncomfortable.
    • Do not cross your arms over your chest. Keep your head straight and face the interviewer. You want to come across as an open, friendly and confident person. If you use "mirror gestures," you subconsciously nudge the interviewer into an informal tone of conversation. Both him and you will be more comfortable.
  5. 5 Relax. The longer you remain calm, the more you remain yourself. You can be cheerful, welcoming and friendly. If you are nervous and shy, the interviewer will not be able to discern your competence. Getting ready is the best way to relax.
    • Practice your interview the day before the decisive moment. Choose a suit, investigate the area, review company documents, and prepare questions that you can easily ask the interviewer. Do whatever you want to make yourself comfortable - you can guarantee a successful interview.
  6. 6 Come prepared. It is not necessary to talk about this out loud, but it is best to come with documents in hand. You will be direct and professional. Grab a folder to look as organized as possible.
    • Do not forget to bring references, a copy of your resume, citizenship documents (if necessary), or a portfolio. Make sure all papers are neat and free of coffee stains.

Method 3 of 3: After the interview

  1. 1 Send the interviewer a short letter of thanks. You want to show him that you value his time, and how pleased it was that you were given the attention. Do this immediately after your interview. Follow the rules of etiquette by sending a letter to your employer. You will simultaneously show your interest and remind of yourself. You will show your professionalism and politeness as much as possible and confirm the qualities that were mentioned during the interview.
    • In some cases, a phone call is considered an acceptable option. If you were interviewing face to face, your phone call will be a show of respect.
  2. 2 Use your resources. If you know someone in this group whom you can confide in, ask that person to put in a good word for you. Learn about the recruiting process to increase your chances of getting this position.
    • Establishing business contacts should be an ongoing process. Always look for new opportunities and expand your business network.


  • Try to be the first or last person to be interviewed on a specific day. Interviewers remember the first and last interviewee better than others.
  • Put negative thoughts and curses aside. When it comes to previous employers, try to be objective. It is best to remain a positive person.
  • Exude enthusiasm. They speak to you as a person, not as a potential employee.