How to pronounce Louis Vuitton

Author: Ellen Moore
Date Of Creation: 16 January 2021
Update Date: 2 July 2024
How to pronounce LOUIS VUITTON the right way
Video: How to pronounce LOUIS VUITTON the right way


Imagine this: you just left the store with a one-of-a-kind Louis Vuitton bag, dialed a friend to talk about it and are already listening to the beeps on your phone when you suddenly realize - “I don’t know how to say the name of my bag so as not to sound silly ". Relax! Whether you're trying to figure out how to pronounce Louis Vuitton in English, how to pronounce it in a high-class French accent, or even want to say the name of the bag you purchased, all you need is a few more basic instructions (and a little practice) to make it sound tres chic


Method 1 of 3: Using English Pronunciation

  1. 1 Say Louie. Based on the basic English pronunciation of "Louis Vuitton", saying the first word is a snap. All you need to do is say the English male name "Louie" (like Louis C.K., Louis Armstrong, Louis XIV, etc.). This is it! No additional work is required.
    • Useful Information: The Louis Vuitton brand is named after its founder, Louis Vuitton, a French artisan and businessman who founded the company in the 1850s. This is why the first word of the company name can be pronounced simply like the name "Louie", it is the name.
  2. 2 Say "Vit". The second word, "Vuitton" looks intimidating, but really isn't that hard to pronounce in English. The first syllable must be pronounced "vit" (rhyme for "fit"). Pay no attention to the U - in English it is almost completely eliminated.
    • Also, if you want, you can use a softer sounding "voot" (rhymes with "foot"; but not with "boot").
  3. 3 Say "Tahn". Next, to complete "Vuitton", say the second syllable, "tahn" (rhymes with "brawn").Add stress to this syllable: "vit-TAHN", not "VIT-tahn".
    • In English, the stress on the second syllable in a two-syllable word is usually used in verbs rather than in nouns. However, most native speakers will not consider this a delusion, perhaps because the word has a foreign origin.
  4. 4 Put it all together! Now you have everything you need to pronounce Louis Vuitton! Try it several times: "Loo-ee Vit-ahn". Practice makes perfect, so don't be afraid to start saying it out loud, even if there are other people around.
  5. 5 Finish the word with "Toh" if desired. Some native English speakers who would like to sound trendy or upscale when they talk about a bag they just bought add a little French pronunciation at the very end of their typical English version of Louis Vuitton. To do this, instead of ending with a normal "tahn" sound, try "toh" (almost rhymes with "thaw"). This is not exactly what the French say, but a good compromise for intermediate English versus trying to understand difficult French vowels.
    • For an added benefit, try to push some air out of your nose as you pronounce the final word. If you do it right, you will just sound a little arrogant - a great addition to the “just bought a new bag” feeling.

Method 2 of 3: Using French Pronunciation

  1. 1 Say "Lwee". Saying "Louis Vuitton" with a real French pronunciation is a little more difficult than in English. First, let's get to Louis. Here the pronunciation will be similar to but not identical to English. In French, "Louis" is spoken very quickly (almost in monosyllables). As a result, the sound "lou" at the beginning of a word becomes very short. For native English speakers, this is the easiest way to get your pronunciation of "lwee" closer to French
  2. 2 Say "Vwee". Unlike English, the U in "Vuitton" is not leveled. Give a light sound W. Do not "bury" with the sound W, try not to purse your lips as tightly as you do in English; the W sound almost never tends to V, and this syllable may confuse you a little, but you have to show tenacity until you do.
    • I in Vuitton should have the same sound as long, vowels E, when "squeezed". He has to be very fast so that his final pronunciation is like I, that's okay.
  3. 3 Say "Toh". In French, the ending "-on", with very few exceptions, has a quiet "N" sound. This means that in fact you need to make a normal "O" sound (as in "low" or "so"). However, in order to make the sound truly French, this vowel must be "voiced", pronouncing it partly with your drift. Avoid pursing your lips like in English when pronouncing the "O" sound. Instead, keep your mouth slightly open and your tongue in the middle of your mouth.
    • Try this simple test to see if you pronounce "toh" correctly: place your finger under your nose as if you are about to sneeze and say a word. You should feel a tiny flow of air from your nose; these and many other French words are pronounced partly with the nose, which is normal for this language.
  4. 4 Put it all together! You are now ready to say "Louis Vuitton" like a native speaker. Observe all of the above rules when combining syllables and trying to combine them into one whole. Your pronunciation for "Louis Vuitton" should sound a bit like "Lwee VwitOH". Practice makes perfect, so don't be afraid to try and say it a few times on your own before you start pronouncing it in public!
    • If you are having problems, try listening to the pronunciation of the French announcer. If you don't know such a person, just use the search engine you want and download a quick search for “Louis Vuitton French Pronunciation” - you should easily find at least a few helpful video tutorials.
  5. 5 For perfect pronunciation, use the French ou sound. The instructions above will help you pronounce “Louis Vuitton” with an approximate actual French accent, but not quite perfect.In French, the vowel combination "ou" can sometimes lead to a sound that is not used in English. To pronounce Louis Vuitton perfectly, you need to practice this vowel sound and use it in Louis instead of the English "oo" sound you may have done before.
    • To learn how to pronounce this new “ou” sound, start pronouncing the English “O” sound, as in the “glow” “snow”. Press your lips close together - try to look like you are drinking from an invisible straw. Finally, without moving your mouth, begin to pronounce the English "E" sound, as in "free" or "glee". The sound that comes out of your mouth must be a combination of "O" and "E", which sounds strange to English speaking ears. This is the sound you will use for Louis!

Method 3 of 3: Pronunciation of Louis Vuitton Products

  1. 1 Say the word Damier “dah-myay”. Once you've mastered the name of the label itself, try to learn how to pronounce some of the hard-to-pronounce French product names. First, try saying "Damier". The first syllable is simple: "dahm" rhymes with "bomb". The second is a little more complicated: "myay" rhymes with "play". Remember to say the I in the word - this is "DahMYAY" not "DahMAY".
    • Note that the French ending "-ier" almost always has a quiet R.
  2. 2 Pronounce the word Multicolore "mooltee-colohr". To pronounce the name of this bag, you must use long vowel sounds for every vowel you encounter. The first syllable is "mool", rhymes with "pool". The next "tee" is pronounced as it sounds. The third syllable "col" sounds like "coal". Finally, the final syllable sounds like "lore", only with a soft, delicate R sound, which is created by pressing the back of the tongue against the top of the mouth.
    • Remember that in French I usually has an "her" sound (not an "eye" sound). This way, you never say "mult-EYEcolor".
  3. 3 Say the word Tahitiennes "tah-ee-tee-enneh". The trick to pronouncing "Tahitiennes" is to ignore the spelling, which can cause problems for native English speakers. Just voice the first three syllables "tah" "ee" and "tee". The last two are a little more difficult - they are pronounced “enn-uh”, but without the S sound, even if there is an S at the end of the word. Don't forget the final syllables “eh” or “uh”. They should be delicate but audible.
    • Note that the French H sound is very light or quiet here. The word does not have an audible "hee" sound like the English "Tahitian".
  4. 4 Say the word Popincourt "pope-in-cohre." It may be tempting to say that word "Poppin Court" but refrain from it! Instead, say “pope” then “in” then “cohre” (rhymes with “bore”). Use the same light, gentle R sound as in Damier for the end of a word, not the hard English R.
    • Don't say the T at the end of a word - again, the final consonant is quiet here.
  5. 5 Say the word Batignolles "bat-EEN-yoleh". In French, the consonant pair “gn” creates a “nyuh” sound similar to “habañero”. With this in mind, pronounce Batignolles by the sound of the syllables "bat", "een" (rhymes with "mean"), "yol" (rhymes with "role"), and "eh". As in Tahitiennes, the final S is quiet, but there is still a very light fourth syllable "eh".