How to sell

Author: Ellen Moore
Date Of Creation: 15 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Sell A Product - Sell Anything To Anyone With This Unusual Method
Video: How To Sell A Product - Sell Anything To Anyone With This Unusual Method


Selling anything from candles to cars is not difficult at all, provided you have the necessary skills, of course. In this article, you will learn how to sell a product or service simply by following the basic marketing rules.


Method 1 of 4: Preparing for the Sale

  1. 1 Sell ​​what interests you. Nobody wants to buy from a dull seller. This does not mean that you have to jump with excitement, but it is better to choose for sale what interests you, what you are good at. Your attitude to the product being sold is directly related to success.
  2. 2 It is important to know your position. Find out how your proposed product compares to similar products on the market. You need to distinguish favorably from competitors and, having thoroughly studied your product or service, you can achieve this.
  3. 3 Understanding the buyer. The key to a successful sale is a competent choice of the buyer. Not everyone needs photographer kits or some kind of phone service, so find someone who really needs it.
    • Advertise a product or service where the buyer will see the ad.
    • Do not try to shove the product to someone who is clearly not interested. This causes irritation and negative emotions in both of you.
  4. 4 Study the product. If you are unfamiliar with the product you are selling, you will not be able to successfully sell it. You need to prepare in advance for possible questions.

Method 2 of 4: Conducting a Sale

  1. 1 Keep your marketing message short. Even if you think that he is incredibly eloquent and convincing, remember: you have no more than 60 seconds to get the client interested. You need to interest a person in a minute or less!
  2. 2 Don't try to control the dialogue. If you force the conversation, the client will lose interest or become annoyed.
    • Allow the client to ask questions and comments, and listen carefully.
    • Ask questions so that the client gives a detailed answer. By asking yes-and-no questions, you will give the client the impression that you are not interested in their answers.
    • Don't manipulate your answers. Such attempts will irritate the client and diminish his interest.
  3. 3 Try to reach an understanding. You'd better be able to sell something to a family member or a friend, wouldn't you? This is because you are close and they want to help you somehow. If you can create a real relationship with a person, then they are more likely to be ready to buy something from you.
  4. 4 Be honest. Even if it means indicating the defects of the product or service. Most people like it, an honest salesperson inspires respect and sympathy.
  5. 5 When you start selling, let go of expectations. If you assume you know exactly how the customer will respond or how the sale will go, then you will be disappointed. You will react in accordance with the template and you will not be able to act flexibly, and this is exactly what the sale requires. Your message should be appropriate for both the situation and the specific audience.
  6. 6 Support the client's opinion. Whoever you sell to, the customer wants their opinion to be supported. Whether they agree with you or not, you must somehow support and approve of their expressed opinion.
    • If the client does not agree with what you said, agree that he understands everything correctly. Try to change their position by giving examples and actively participating in the dialogue.
    • Justify their need for your product. Justify the rationality of buying your product.

Method 3 of 4: Using Sales Techniques

  1. 1 Change your vocabulary. Instead of phrases like "I think that ..." or "Let me tell you," use customer-centric phrases like "You will like that ..." and "You will find that ...".
  2. 2 State the merits clearly. Your goal is to make the choice of your product obvious, and for this you need to clearly indicate its advantages: it simplifies life, increases profits, saves time and costs, etc. It should be clear that the customer, by purchasing your product, makes his life more convenient.
  3. 3 Avoid selling "to buy." If you offer too much for sale at once, then there is a risk of confusing the client with a variety. They will not be able to give a simple yes or no answer to your call. Concentrate on one product or service and ask how much the customer wants to buy.
  4. 4 Each sale must be followed by a new offer. If you sell something successfully, immediately suggest something else. Having already made a purchase from you, the client will be more responsive, and then it will be easier to carry out the next sale.
  5. 5 Make the buying process as easy as possible. If you have a complex shopping and delivery scheme, the customer may not like the sheer amount of effort they have to put in. If possible, simplify everything so that you, not the client, do the work.
  6. 6 Reach for mutual agreement. Make an appointment with the client about a new appointment or purchase. Try to schedule a future appointment after the customer buys something from you. This will give you at least another chance to sell them something.
  7. 7 Create a sense of urgency in the client. Don't rush the sale, but make the customer feel like they need to buy quickly. The reason may be the quick summing up of the balance, the increase in price, the limitedness of the goods.

Method 4 of 4: Completing the Sale

  1. 1 Ending directly. The easiest and most direct way is to directly ask the client for the final answer. It doesn't have to be head-on, but you need an answer to one question.
  2. 2 Completion of the sale with an assignment. To do this, offer a discount or something else at a reduced price. This will help not only complete one sale, but possibly lead another.
  3. 3 Free trial offer. If the customer seems interested in the product, overcome their doubts by offering a trial period for the product.It can be a few days or a sample of the product. If a customer has a chance to use the product and be convinced of its merits, then you will complete the sale and may be able to sell the product to that customer again in the future.
  4. 4 Completion with an ultimatum. Show the customer that the only sensible solution is to purchase your product. Explain how, by not buying a product, the client will create inconvenience for himself, or how your product or service is better than similar ones.
  5. 5 Indication of the daily price. Finish the sale by showing the customer how much your product or service costs per day. The number is likely to be modest and seem reasonable to the customer, encouraging interest in the purchase.
  6. 6 Completion with a compliment. Let the client understand that by buying your product or service, he is doing a reasonable and useful act. This will raise their self-esteem and both of you will be satisfied.