How to confess your love to your boyfriend

Author: Virginia Floyd
Date Of Creation: 12 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
8 easy way to express your love without saying "I love you".
Video: 8 easy way to express your love without saying "I love you".


You fell in love with your boyfriend, but you can't figure out how to tell him about it. While falling in love is exciting and wonderful, it can be very difficult to tell a guy that you love him and you may not know how to do it. The point is to find the best time, place, and way to say these three magic words to him. If you want to know the best way to confess your love to your boyfriend, follow these simple steps. ""


Method 1 of 3: Make Sure You Both Are Ready

  1. 1 Make sure you are in love. Declaration of love is a big step, and before you say these magic words, you should make sure that you really feel it. You may be charmed, obsessed, or attached to your boyfriend, but how do you know if this is love? Here are some signs that you are truly in love:
    • If there is nothing better than spending time with your soul mate. With him it is easy for you and you accept yourself for who you are.
    • If you cannot imagine your future without it.
    • If without it you cannot be yourself.
    • If you have a realistic idea of ​​what kind of person you are dating, if you can accept their flaws instead of thinking that they are absolutely perfect, this is a sign that you might be in love.
  2. 2 Think about his feelings. Although you cannot read minds, you can feel if he loves you or if you shouldn't tell him such important news. You can't know for sure if he loves you until you tell yourself, but here's what can help you better understand how he feels. Here are some signs that he shares your feelings.
    • If he always compliments you, praises you and says that he has never met one, then he may be in love with you.
    • If he constantly touches you and always wants to be with you. Make sure he is experiencing love, not lust - they can be easily confused. If he is attached to your mind and personality, and not just to the body, then he may be in love with you.
    • If you often catch his hazy, cute look. If he blushes and turns away when you catch his eye, then this is only a bonus for you.

Method 2 of 3: Choose the right place and time

  1. 1 Choose the right place to tell him. While the location you choose won't affect your boyfriend's feelings, it will help you talk about your feelings in a more comfortable environment. The right place can also help create the mood. Here are some options:
    • Choose a place that is special for the two of you. This could be where you had your first date, your first kiss, or where you had a memorable conversation. This place doesn't have to be romantic as long as it means something to the two of you.
    • Choose a romantic location. Confess to him in a restaurant with dim lights or in a garden with roses. The downside of a public space is that things can get complicated if things don't go as planned.
    • Tell him while walking. Walk down a beautiful alley in a nearby park. Stop and tell him how you feel.
    • Admit it while on holiday. This is the perfect opportunity to take your love to the next level.
  2. 2 Choose the right time to tell him. Though not all' depends on the time, the right time will help him to better penetrate your message, and it will be easier for you to confess. Here are some things to consider when timing:
    • Pick a time when both of you are in a good mood and stress-free.
    • Do not confess to him if tomorrow he has a difficult exam or if he is preoccupied with something else.
    • Tell him tonight. Everything sounds more romantic in the dark.
    • Tell him when you are ready.Remember that this time must be right for you as well.

Method 3 of 3: Confess your love for him

  1. 1 Start with the right body language. Your body and face should tell your boyfriend how you feel before you even say a word. You can let him know that something important is about to happen with the right gestures and glances. Here's what you can do:
    • Maintain eye contact. You need to look him in the eye, but not too hard. Make him feel important.
    • Turn your whole body towards it. Show him that all your attention is focused on him.
    • Touch it gently. Place your hand on his knee, grab his shoulder, or rub his back.
  2. 2 Confess your love to him. Now that everything is ready, there is no point in holding back. You wanted to talk about your feelings and this time has come. You can talk a little or make a joke before confessing, but don't drag it out.
    • Relax. Take a deep breath before telling him about your feelings. Tell yourself that the moment you confess it will feel better for you.
    • Be straightforward. Do not push water into the mortar. You can be cute or funny later on, but love is a serious topic. Just say, “I want you to know that I love you.” You can also say, “I fell in love with you.”
    • Don't look away when you say this. Your look will show him that you are serious.
  3. 3 Wait for his reaction. Once you've confessed to him, give him a minute to respond. While you may want to tell him more about your feelings, remember that you just told him something very important and he needs to think about it.
    • At best, he will tell you that he shares feelings and waited for the moment when he could tell you about them.
    • He may say that this is too unexpected and he needs time to think about it.
    • In the worst case, he will say that he was in shock and did not think that your relationship was serious. If this happens, don't be discouraged! You can handle it.
  4. 4 React according to the situation. Whatever his reaction, you shouldn't stop working on your relationship after you confess. Once he has confessed his feelings to you, you need to know what to do next in order to strengthen your relationship.
    • If he says he shares your feelings, hug him, kiss him and rejoice in your love!
    • If he said he needs time to think about what you told him, give him time. Do not press on him and do not get upset. Respect that he needs time to make a decision and do not ask any questions that may aggravate the situation.
    • If he says he doesn't share your feelings, don't despair. If you are really confident in your feelings and have a guess about him, this will not happen. But if it did, take pride in the fact that you were able to open up and do something bold, and move on.


  • If you think planning a declaration of love will stress you too much, be spontaneous and choose the right time. Confess your love to him in private, during a kiss, or when both of you are enjoying a great view.
  • If you're afraid to tell him, confess to him in writing. Write him a note, give him a postcard or even a poem that tells about your love. Although this will still worry you, it will make it easier for you to confess to him.