How to confess your sympathy to a girl through a message

Author: Sara Rhodes
Date Of Creation: 9 February 2021
Update Date: 2 July 2024
10 Signs Someone Only Likes You as a Friend
Video: 10 Signs Someone Only Likes You as a Friend


Being able to confess your sympathy to a girl through a message has its advantages. This is convenient if you often communicate via SMS or messenger, or are embarrassed to talk about your feelings face to face. Try to get to know the girl by talking to her in person and through text messages. If you confess your feelings to her and invite her on a date, then the girl will have no doubts about your sincerity.


Part 1 of 3: Start chatting

  1. 1 Get to know the girl better. Even if she is the most beautiful girl in the school choir, how do you know how much she suits you if you don't know anything more about her? Start paying attention to important aspects. How does she feel about friends? How does he behave with young children and with less popular students? What is she interested in? You need to make sure that you like the girl not only externally, but also as a person.
    • If she likes to have fun, then pay attention to her jokes. A good person doesn't scoff at other people's feelings.
    • If she's smart, see if she helps others. If she helps her deskmate solve an algebra problem, then this is a good sign.
  2. 2 Spend time with the same company. If you go to the same school or have mutual friends, try talking to a girl in a relaxed atmosphere. For example, try to be on the same team in a lab. If you want to socialize outside of school, then you can take a walk in the same company with her friends. Say: “Lena and Maxim and I are going to bowling today. Will you come with us? Grab someone else. "
    • If you don't have mutual friends, then just try to talk. Do not use common phrases from the series "How to pick up a girl." Just smile, say hello, call the girl by name and ask about something you have in common, say, lessons or extracurricular activities: “Hi Karina! Have you already learned the words for your role? "
    • Group meetings can be fun, but they are not dates.Do not think that you are on a date if it has not been discussed directly: only if both you and the girl know that this is a date, it can be considered as such.
  3. 3 Find out how interesting you are to the girl. Girls are not creatures from another planet, they do not need to be decoded using scientific methods. You can't say that a girl likes you if she just played with her hair or touched your shoulder a few times. You can only understand how pleasant it is for her to spend time with you. If she perks up when she meets you, or if you like to exchange jokes when walking with the same company, then you are most likely on the right track.
    • If a girl often touches your arm or shoulder, then she is comfortable with you, and this is already a good sign.
    • If she takes the initiative in communication (for example, offers to make up a dialogue together in a foreign language lesson), then she is pleased with your company.
    • If your conversations are easy and casual, then you probably have common interests and compatibility in communication. This is also very good.
  4. 4 Find out the girl's phone number. If you are friendly and you still like her, then go to the next step and find out the girl's phone number. You’ve already talked and spent time together, so there’s nothing out of the ordinary about this question. Keep calm.
    • Formulate your words simply and unassumingly: “Let's exchange numbers? I want to be the first to know what you think of the new Avengers. "
    • If you are involved in the same project, then the question will sound even more natural. Say, “We should probably meet this weekend to discuss the layout of the newspaper. Will I send you an SMS? "
    • Tell them that you are planning a vacation with mutual friends: “I definitely want to go to a concert with you, Kostya and Zhanna. Tell me your number to arrange where we will meet. "

Part 2 of 3: Start texting

  1. 1 First, say hello. When starting to correspond with a girl you like, it's best to ask friendly, open-ended questions. A greeting and a question will allow you to start a conversation and find out how busy the girl is. For example, send a message like this: “Hello! How are you?" or "Hello, what are you doing today?"
    • Don't just write "Hello" or "Salute". Such a message looks like you are too lazy to think, and the girl may not know what to answer to it.
    • Use clarifying questions. Ask her to talk about a weird dance teacher, her last volleyball game, or how she was looking after her little brother.
  2. 2 Write competent messages. Good message manners are not an easy question. For example, everyone knows that a dot at the end of every message indicates that you are angry. Don't try to write an essay on literature, but take the trouble to check your spelling and not put commas anywhere. The girl will notice that you put in the effort.
    • "Hi how are you? Are you also working on geometry? " would be much better than "Hello, you too, puffing on your homework?"
  3. 3 Write in the evening. In the evening, people are more likely to be relaxed as a busy day at school or work has come to an end. You will have more time to respond. Plus, having an evening chat seems more romantic than trying to confess your sympathy in broad daylight.
    • Don't post late to avoid being intrusive. Many people go to bed after 10:00 pm, so don't write so late.
  4. 4 Write at a time when the girl is not busy. It is necessary that not only you devote all your attention to communication, but also the girl can focus on the conversation. Better not to write if you know that she is busy right now. For example, if a girl said that she was going to meet with her friends, then it is better not to interfere. You can always write the next day and find out how the meeting went. Don't forget about yourself. If you are going to watch a movie, then do not text the girl before the start of the session.
  5. 5 Conduct the conversation in a positive way. The more lively and positive your communication is, the more receptive the girl will be to your recognition. Avoid unpleasant topics that can ruin your mood (problems at school or work, controversial issues where your opinions may differ).
    • Discuss common interests in contemporary culture. If you are both potter addicts, then ask her for her opinion on the adaptation of the latest book.
    • Joke about common everyday topics. If lunch at school was just disgusting, then you can ask if she now has culinary nightmares.
  6. 6 Go back to the topics of the previous communication. This will show that you know how to listen and remember everything she told you. For example, if a girl mentioned that she loves to play bowling, then ask her about the best result or favorite track.
  7. 7 Write a sincere compliment. Such an action is often more effective than direct recognition, since the girl will know that you understand her and see her best qualities. For example, if a girl is well versed in comics, then tell her that in every conversation with her, you will learn a lot of new facts.
    • At an early stage, try not to compliment your appearance (about the figure, eyes). It will be out of place now.
    • If the girl has recently taken part in a concert or other event, praise her ability.
  8. 8 Don't post too often. Messaging is great, but writing too much can tire her out. If you've been texting for hours on end, sometimes it's best to take a break, especially when the girl responds without enthusiasm.
    • If the girl did not respond to the last two messages, then it is better to relax the onslaught. If she is interested in you, then she will write herself at a more opportune moment.
    • Don't go to the other extreme and stop responding to her messages. You may be trying to portray a tough guy, but the girl will feel uncomfortable if you start ignoring her messages.

Part 3 of 3: Ask your girlfriend out on a date

  1. 1 Think over your words. You don't need to write a step-by-step script, but try to figure out how and when you can tell the girl that you like her. If you think about the phrases in advance, then you will not hesitate at a crucial moment and do not overwhelm her with an unexpected confession (“I've been crazy about you for seven years!”).
    • It is often best to ask the girl out on a date directly. This makes the girl clear that you like her and also gives her the opportunity to think about what to do next.
  2. 2 Learn to accept rejection. Anyone can be rejected. It is important to understand that life does not end there. The easiest way is to write “Thank you for answering! It's nice and just to be friends with you, so everything is fine ”, take a break and continue friendly communication in a couple of weeks.
  3. 3 Tell her that you enjoy spending time with her. This is a convenient indirect way to show the girl that you like her without saying it directly. Send this message after a party with mutual friends, or even after a date.
    • For example, you can write: “I had a lot of fun and pleasure to spend time with you! I am looking forward to a new meeting. "
  4. 4 Tell the girl that you like her. Keep it simple and straightforward. You will show confidence in yourself and your feelings by acknowledging them without indirect hints. Make the message more personal and say what you like best about the other person: “I like you because you have strong principles” or “I like you because your smile brightens even the darkest day”.
    • As with a compliment, mention a trait you like about her. Say that she knows how to make you laugh every time you meet, or praise her concern for the environment and animals.
  5. 5 Ask your girl out on a date. Now that your feelings are in full view, try moving on to the next step and starting a relationship. The only way to start a relationship with a girl is to go on a date with her.Confessing your sympathy, invite the girl to a meeting without friends to spend time together. Make it clear that this is not a party with friends, but a real date without strangers.
    • When asking a girl out on a date, always suggest a specific day and time. For example, write this message: "Let's have dinner together and watch the school play on Friday night?" She can suggest a different time if she really likes you, but she's busy on Friday. If you are not interested in her, then it is better to read "Sorry, I can not" than "I can not reciprocate to you."
    • When planning a date, consider general interests. If you both enjoy tennis or milkshakes, then go to the court or to the cafe. There is no point in doing what neither of you likes.


  • Try using emoticons in your messages to make your confession look cute and inviting. For example, before the confession, you can send a heart or a smiley with eyes in the form of hearts.