How to get your life in order

Author: Sara Rhodes
Date Of Creation: 15 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
✨How to get your life in order (5 do-able steps!)
Video: ✨How to get your life in order (5 do-able steps!)


Feel like you're bogged down in a swamp? Do you feel like chaos reigns in your life? Putting things in order in life is not easy, but nothing is impossible: start improving the quality of life, striving for change and analyzing your desires. Even small changes in your life and attention to your needs can help you find peace.


Method 1 of 3: How to Focus on Your Needs

  1. 1 Start managing your life. To put things in order in life, you need to manage it yourself. Remember that although both pleasant and unpleasant events are possible in life, a lot depends on you. Think about what you can influence and what you can change. Shifting responsibility onto others makes us powerless. Do not take what is happening as what is happening to you. Consider yourself a person who makes his own choice at every stage of life.
    • Be honest with yourself. How often do you find excuses for yourself and blame others? Don't judge yourself for this behavior - almost everyone does it, but try to change it. Be objective and determine what you can improve in yourself.
    • When a person stops making excuses, he takes responsibility for his life and controls it. This means that your choice, all your thoughts and actions depend only on you and not on others. This is how you move forward. This is how you control what is happening.
    • When something happens, don't lose your temper and blame others. Don't make excuses for mistakes. Accept what happened. Don't think about it too long. Go ahead and try to change something in your behavior so that mistakes are not repeated.
  2. 2 Let go of what you cannot change. There are things that we cannot influence. Since there is nothing you can do about them, let go of the situation. Try to get the situation out of your head and not come back to it. Think only about what you can influence. This is the key to a happier life.
    • We cannot change the past. Learn from your mistakes, but don't think too much about them. You cannot go forward if you look back.
    • You are not able to change other people - you can only change yourself. Don't get hung up on what other people are doing. Don't hang out with people who hurt you. If you've done the best you can, leave. You can only influence your own behavior.
  3. 3 Think about what makes you happier. Sometimes it is very difficult to understand what makes a person happy. If you are feeling unhappy and feel like you have no control over your own life, ask yourself what makes you happy. Answer honestly. Once you understand what you need to be happy, you can focus on the positive aspects of your life and start putting your life in order.
    • Try to give a realistic answer. It is unlikely that you can go on a trip for six months or quickly become a millionaire. However, for example, going to Italy, starting to save money or getting a promotion at work are goals that you may well aspire to.
    • Determine what your core values ​​are. What is important to you? Honesty, empathy, love, acceptance, dedication, hard work? Write down these values. Then analyze how you live. Is your life in line with your values? Do the people in your life live up to these values? Understanding what things are important to you will help you become better and surround yourself with good people.
  4. 4 Accept that not everything can be changed. There are things that you cannot influence. Everyone needs to study, go to work, and pay bills. We all have responsibilities. However, you can change some aspects of responsibilities so that they do not seem like a burden.
    • Perhaps some tasks are more convenient to perform on certain days? Maybe you could shop for groceries on Thursday night, so as not to waste time on it on a weekend? Find a way to complete all the tasks you need, but in a way that leaves you time for yourself.
    • Are you satisfied with your job? If not, think about what you would like to change. Would you like to do something else or get promoted? Or are you comfortable with the job because it pays well and allows you to work flexible hours, but you are not enthusiastic about what you are doing?
    • You don't have to be very enthusiastic about everything. It is important to understand what aspects of your life suit you and to come to terms with the role they play in your life.
  5. 5 Understand that it is impossible to do everything. The desire to be in time everywhere and to do everything perfectly exposes a person to great stress. You are only human. There are only 24 hours in a day. It is simply impossible to do everything in time. You have a job, family, friends, and other responsibilities. Sometimes work is time consuming and sometimes family. Don't be discouraged if you don't have time to do everything. Do what you can and forget about the rest.
    • Prioritize. This is especially important if you are short on time. Decide what needs to be done, what can be postponed, and what not to do at all.
    • Make a to-do list. This way you will not forget what needs to be done. Crossing off items from the list will make you feel like you've done a lot. But remember not to get upset if you can't do everything on the list. Think about what you have already accomplished.
  6. 6 Understand that you might have changed. It happens often. A person is getting older, going through partings and divorces. People die, we are left without work and we are experiencing tragedies. All of these can cause sadness, depression, and feelings of helplessness. If after this you rise and go forward, you may be surprised to find that something inside has changed. Any experience changes us, sometimes slightly, sometimes significantly. And that's not always a bad thing. Don't be discouraged if you are not the same as a year, five or ten years ago. Better accept the new version of yourself and start putting your life in order.
    • This does not mean that if you are sad, you can never be the joyous person you used to be.If you are depressed or desperate, remember that you can always get out of this state. But what made you happy in the past may stop making you happy now. Your views and opinions have probably changed. It is possible that now you like completely different things. This is fine. Life makes everyone change and adapt.
  7. 7 Discard phrases that start with "I am not... "Think how often you say these phrases. What makes you think that you cannot do something? Everything around us often reminds us that we cannot do everything we want. we don’t have enough money to buy something. We are too young or too old to do something. Because of this we feel that we should not do something, but we are not. Instead of "I can not" tell yourself what you can. Instead of "I'm not that kind of person" tell yourself that you are that kind of person.Try to do what you never dared to do before!
    • For example, if you've always thought you couldn't run, think about where you got that attitude from. Have you had an injury? Or are you not a marathon runner? Or maybe you just never tried it? Don't be idle - try to do what you didn't do. If you want to run, sign up for a marathon and start exercising. Even if you run slowly, you will still run.
    • Try new things. Do something that always scared you and seemed unattainable. Perhaps one day you won't succeed and you will feel stupid, but the next day everything will work out for you, your life will get better, and you will make new friends.
  8. 8 Think about yourself first. Sometimes, in order to put your life in order, you need to think about your interests. You may need to stop communicating with negative people who are hurting you and staying in touch with them out of a sense of duty. You may have to make a decision that others will not like, but that will be in your best interest. Remember, the main thing is to do what will benefit you.
    • Of course, you do not want to offend the people you love, but if you do what you need, they should show understanding and support you. The people you love shouldn't upset you. If they offend you, talk to them about it.
    • Learn to refuse. You don't have to always do everything for others. You may not have enough time or energy. This is fine. It doesn't make you a bad person. By refusing, you don't get worse.
  9. 9 Start going out and doing things more often. To put things in order in life, you need to tune in to the new. You need to find something to move you forward. You can join a club or organization, find new friends or hobbies. Perhaps you just need to make an effort on yourself and leave the house. Whatever you do, try to get yourself involved in new things.
    • Sign up for courses to meet new people. Create a page on a dating site. Sign up for a seminar or master class.
    • Give yourself time to recover. Take your time and do nothing that you are not yet ready for. All people need a different amount of time. Some come to their senses faster than others, and this is normal. Take your time and don't push yourself. Start small: call a friend, go to an event, go somewhere you've never been before. Think about how you are feeling now. If you're having a hard time dealing with your emotions, give yourself more time. If you feel comfortable, try to be somewhere more often.
  10. 10 Don't judge yourself by external factors. People often feel unhappy because they feel that their value depends on external factors. They think that money, a prestigious job, or perfect looks are the keys to happiness. There is nothing wrong with wanting a good job, enough money, and good looks, but none of these things define you as a person.
    • Think about internal factors more often.Don't compare yourself to others. Be the best version of yourself. Enjoy what you can afford, even if it's just a two-day trip close to home, rather than a Caribbean cruise.
    • Live your values. Be a good, honest, loyal, and hardworking person. Appreciate your work and what you have to offer the world, and don't strive to be the best at everything.

Method 2 of 3: How to Develop Good Habits

  1. 1 Move more. Sport helps to change life for the better. Physical activity is beneficial not only for well-being and appearance, but also for health. Sports reduce stress levels and help you relax. In addition, when we exercise, the body produces endorphins that improve mood.
    • Start walking 30 minutes 3 times a week.
    • Go hiking where you haven't been before.
    • Buy a gym, group, or cross-fit membership.
    • Sign up for a marathon and start running.
  2. 2 Eat right. Eating the right diet can help you put things in order. You can lose weight, improve your health, feel better. Start small and gradually introduce something new every week or every two weeks. Even small changes will have a positive effect on your body and your emotional state.
    • Cut back on processed foods in your diet. This applies to convenience foods, prepared meals and take-out meals. All of these foods are unhealthy.
    • Replace convenience foods and artificial foods with natural foods. Eat vegetables and fruits. Eat healthy carbs such as oatmeal and quinoa. Eat lean meats (such as chicken) and fish. Eating right doesn't mean starving. Just try to choose healthier foods.
    • For breakfast, make an omelet with tomatoes, spinach, ham and avocado. Or try making oatmeal with fruits (pineapple, bananas), berries, nuts, and chocolate chips.
    • For lunch, eat a saute of vegetables (cabbage, asparagus, carrots, broccoli, avocado, tomatoes, chickpeas, peas, beans), chicken, fish (tilapia, salmon), or feta.
    • Cook lean meats or fish and vegetables for dinner.
  3. 3 Give up bad habits. To improve the quality of life, it is worth giving up bad habits. Reduce the amount of alcohol you drink, quit smoking. Think about what bad habits you have and how you can fix the situation.
    • Start small and don't try to do everything at once. Some habits (for example, smoking) are difficult to get rid of.
  4. 4 Start with small changes. Take your time and do not try to do everything at once - this will inevitably lead you to failure. Treat change as a multi-layered process. Get a new habit and reinforce it so that another new habit emerges later. Each small success is a step towards a better version of yourself, and in the end, these small changes will lead to significant changes.
    • Write down what you want to change. Think about how you can change this. Take a look at your list. What can you do about it this week? You may not be ready to give up sugar, but you can start making healthier breakfasts. Start with this. Save all other tasks (avoiding sugar, carbs, sugary drinks, or strength training) for later. When you get a taste and feel that you have already achieved a lot, it will be easier to overcome old habits and acquire new ones.
    • Try to cook all your meals at home this week. If you eat outside of your home almost every day, try cooking all dinners at home, or eating less in establishments (just 1-2 times a week).
    • Promise yourself to move every day. Analyze your schedule and think about when you have time to exercise. Remember, "I have no time" is no excuse! Take time to jog in the park.On busy days, work out at home with Youtube videos.

Method 3 of 3: How to get things in order

  1. 1 Set aside 10 minutes every day to clean up. It's not that much time, but when you are busy all the time and cannot control everything that happens, it can be difficult for you to find the time to clean. Try to clean up the house for 10 minutes every day. It's impossible to remove everything in 10 minutes, but that's okay. This will help you clear up the space little by little, and it will make you feel better.
    • Set a timer for 10 minutes and play music. Make your bed, pack your dirty clothes, load the dishwasher, vacuum the floor - do whatever you like best.
    • Clean rooms every day. Clean up your bedroom on Monday, bathroom on Tuesday, and kitchen on Wednesday. This way you can clean your entire house in a week.
  2. 2 Do one thing at a time. Our life is chaotic. We have many responsibilities, and there are only 24 hours in a day. However, thanks to modern technology, we can do several things at the same time. This saves time, but multitasking also has its drawbacks - a person can be torn between tasks and feel like everything is out of control. Do one case at a time.
    • So that you don't have five unfinished tasks left on your hands, it is better to choose one task and bring it to the end. Then you can move on to the next.
    • Don't try to clean up the whole house at once. Take one room and don't move on to the next until you're done.
  3. 3 Set aside days for things you can't get done. Since unfinished business can pile up and create a sense of chaos, set aside separate days specifically for such tasks. Finish things that you usually don't have time to do because of your schedule.
    • Sort your mail, wash your clothes, and take unwanted paper or glass to a recycling center.
    • You can devote these days to things that you enjoy doing. Answer emails, call your parents, have lunch with a friend.
  4. 4 Take advantage of modern technology. Using your smartphone, you can quickly organize your time. There are apps for just about everything. You can set reminders, make entries in the calendar, keep everything in one place in a way convenient for you.
    • Try using the lists app. Make to-do lists for the day, for the week, or in general for the near future. Write down everything you need to do there, including movies you want to watch or activities you want to try.
    • Use fitness apps. There are apps to help you build your workout. There are apps that count calories and offer weight loss recipes. There are even special apps that remind you to drink water. These apps will help you stick to your plan, motivate you, and remind you of good habits.