How to massage the sinuses

Author: Joan Hall
Date Of Creation: 6 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Self-Massage to Relieve Sinus Pressure | Head Massage
Video: Self-Massage to Relieve Sinus Pressure | Head Massage


If you suffer from nasal congestion, sinus massage can help reduce some of your irritation. A sinus massage can also help relieve the pressure you feel when your sinuses are blocked. There are several different types of massage available for your choice, including simple massage, full-face massage, and massage that targets a specific part of the face.


Method 1 of 2: Performing a Simple Sinus Massage

  1. 1 Place a small amount of powder or oil on the palm of your hand. The powder and oil will help reduce the friction that results from rubbing your hands on your face. The scent of oil or powder can also provide an extra degree of relaxation.
    • Rub your hands together, palms inward, to warm up your fingers. Cold hands can strain your muscles.
  2. 2 Find the notch in your eye socket. The eye socket is located on either side of the nose, where the bridge of the nose meets the edge of the eyebrows. Applying pressure to this area can relieve colds, sinus congestion, frontal headache, and eye strain.
  3. 3 For a long time, press your fingers directly into the notch in the eye socket mentioned in the previous step. The strength of the impact should be between a pleasant sensation and a painful one.
    • Press down on the notch with your fingers, and then move them in a circle for three minutes.
  4. 4 Press down on your cheeks. Move your index and middle fingers so that they are on both cheeks, just near the nostrils.
    • Applying pressure to this area will help relieve nasal congestion, sinus pain, and facial paralysis.
  5. 5 Press down on your cheeks for a long time. The strength of the impact should be between a pleasant sensation and a painful one. Press your fingers on your cheeks and move them in a circle for at least three minutes.
    • Stop massage if you experience pain.

Method 2 of 2: Massage Specific Sinuses

  1. 1 Frontal sinus massage. Apply lotion or massage oil to your hands to soften the movement of your fingers over your face and remove friction. Place both index fingers between your eyebrows. Move your fingers from your eyebrows to your temples in a circular motion.
    • Repeat this movement 10 times.
  2. 2 Lattice labyrinth massage. Apply a small amount of lotion or massage oil to your hands and rub it well to warm it up. Use your index fingers to press along the bridge of your nose. Moving up towards the top of your nose, make small circular motions with your index fingers near the corners of your eye.
    • But do not touch the eyes themselves, otherwise oil may get into them.
    • Repeat this movement 10 times.
  3. 3 Maxillary (maxillary) sinus massage. Again, apply some lotion or massage oil to your hands and rub them in to warm them up. Use your index fingers to apply downward pressure to each cheek near the outer corners of your nostrils. In small circular motions, move your fingers along the cheekbones towards the ears.
    • Repeat this movement 10 times.
  4. 4 Massage of the sphenoid (main) sinus. As with previous types of massage, apply some lotion or massage oil to your hands and rub them in to warm them up. Use your index fingers to move in a circular motion behind your earlobes. Then move towards the front of your ears and apply pressure along the entire length.
    • Repeat this movement 10 times.
  5. 5 Relieve congestion with the nose-rub technique. This method is recommended for people with sinus problems and nasal congestion. Apply some oil to your hands. In a circular motion, rub the tip of the nose with the palms of your hands, repeating this movement 15-20 times.
    • Change the direction of rubbing and do 15-20 more repetitions. For example, if you rub your nose clockwise for the first 15 times, then you should do counterclockwise for the next 15 repetitions.
  6. 6 Relieve nasal congestion through massage. Apply some lotion to your hands and rub them. Use your thumbs to massage your face, moving from the middle of your nose towards your ears. Repeat this movement two or three times, then do the following:
    • Place your thumbs in the middle of your nose and start massaging towards your ears. Repeat this movement two to three times.
    • Place your thumbs under your jaw and move them along the sides of your neck towards your collarbones.


  • This process is the ancient Chinese healing art. When we press on specific points in our body, we thereby increase blood flow to that area of ​​the body. This process is based on the concept of life energy that flows through the meridians in the body. Thus, we turn on the natural healing mechanism that aims to clear the blockages in these meridians. Stop massage if you experience excruciating pain.


  • Never apply pressure in a sudden, strong, or abrupt manner.
  • Do not directly massage the area with burns, scars and ulcers.