How to train your Shih Tzu to go to the toilet on the street

Author: Florence Bailey
Date Of Creation: 21 March 2021
Update Date: 27 June 2024
How to Potty Train your Shih Tzu PUPPY
Video: How to Potty Train your Shih Tzu PUPPY


The Shih Tzu is a quick-witted and easy-to-learn dog breed. If you want to train your Shih Tzu to go to the toilet on the street, then you just need a little patience. Learning begins by setting some behavioral barriers. With their help, the dog must realize where and when he is allowed to relieve himself. Then the necessary behavior is reinforced with praise and treats. However, some inappropriate teaching methods should be avoided in teaching, such as swearing, which can make the Shih Tzu resent you.


Method 1 of 3: Setting Behavior Barriers

  1. 1 Keep your Shih Tzu in a cage. Until your dog is fully toilet trained, you should not let him out of the crate unattended. When you need to go to work, school, or just sleep, the Shih Tzu should be locked in a cage.
    • Choose a cage of a size that makes it comfortable for the Shih Tzu to stand and unfold in it. Placing toys, bedding, and water in the cage will make it more comfortable.
    • Using the cage awakens the pet's innate instincts. In the wild, dogs sleep in their den.Therefore, the Shih Tzu may even like her cage. During the daytime, keep the crate open so the dog can enter and exit at will. This way she will resist less when the time comes to lock her inside.
    • The cage allows you to train your dog to keep cleanliness in the walls of the house, but in no case should it be used to punish the pet. A dog is unlikely to want to get his cage dirty, since for him it will serve as a home and his personal territory. This is why the crate can be used as an aid to train your dog to go to the toilet on the street instead of at home.
  2. 2 Stick to a regular feeding schedule. If you follow a regular feeding schedule, your dog will always want to use the toilet at a specific time. Try to constantly feed your Shih Tzu at the same time. Then she will want to use the toilet about half an hour after feedings.
    • Besides the regular feeding schedule, it is very important to remember that you should not deprive your dog of water at night (in an attempt to prevent nighttime incidents). Restricting access to water will be bad for your pet's health. The dog must have fresh water at all times.
  3. 3 Watch for signs that your dog wants to use the toilet. When you are just starting to toilet train your Shih Tzu, it’s best to take her outside every time you think she’s about to go to the toilet. This will help her to make an associative connection between going out and getting help. If you notice that your dog begins to sniff and sit down, take him outside before he has time to do all his chores at home.
    • Keep in mind that your puppy needs to walk more often. Typically, Shih Tzu puppies go to the bathroom approximately every 2 hours. Stay alert and keep a close eye on your Shih Tzu as a puppy.
    • Puppies are no different from children and have a rather poor control of the bladder and intestines. Therefore, you need to be vigilant. Of course, you will not be able to completely avoid incidents, but you will be able to reduce them by taking your dog outside every couple of hours.
  4. 4 Walk your Shih Tzu at the same time. Having a fixed walking schedule will help your dog get used to going to the bathroom on the street at a specific time. The Shih Tzu will begin to expect her usual walks. It will be easier for her to have a little patience than to go to the toilet at home.
    • As already mentioned, a Shih Tzu puppy needs to be walked every two hours. As soon as you notice that your dog is less likely to use the toilet, you can increase the intervals between walks.
    • In addition, you should make sure to walk your Shih Tzu in the morning immediately after the first feed. Also, the dog needs a walk before bedtime. This will allow you to reduce the number of nighttime incidents.
  5. 5 If possible, designate a specific spot outside where your dog will need to go to the toilet. Allocating a toilet space in your yard will help your dog learn. The Shih Tzu will definitely smell her own urine and excrement, which will prompt her to go to the toilet again in this place. For example, you can always take your Shih Tzu to the toilet in the corner of your yard. This will make the toilet training run more smoothly.
    • If you do not have your own private yard, then finding a specific place for a toilet will be somewhat complicated. However, you can pay attention that on walks the Shih Tzu herself often goes to the toilet on a certain area of ​​the grass. To facilitate her learning, just try to walk her in this place.
    • If you can't find a specific spot for your dog's litter box, don't worry. While its presence will be beneficial for the Shih Tzu, it is just an additional element of learning. To achieve effective results, it is much more important to provide the Shih Tzu with a regular schedule of feedings and walks.

Method 2 of 3: Reinforce the desired behavior

  1. 1 Think about how you will be encouraging the Shih Tzu. Some Shih Tzu owners find it helpful to reward their dog for street work. This breed is very human-oriented and eager to please the owners. If you reward your dog when he walks to the bathroom, you will begin to reinforce the behavior he needs.
    • Praise and treats are the main forms of reward that can be used in this case. Just carry a small treat bag with you so you can always reward your dog when he goes to the bathroom outside. You can also give your dog some extra compliments. Tell her: "Good girl!" - and then stroke.
    • You can only decide to use treats in the first step of toilet training. However, many Shih Tzu owners refuse to use treats at a time when the dog is getting used to the new rarer walking schedule. You probably don't want your dog to constantly expect a treat from you for its basic behavior. Therefore, try to start gradually reducing the use of treats to naught when the dog is firmly aware of the main purpose of walking.
  2. 2 Reward your dog immediately after the action is taken. Dogs live in the moment. Encourage the Shih Tzu as soon as she goes to the bathroom. Tell her: "Good girl!" - or give a treat immediately after the required action. Be consistent. Give a treat every time the Shih Tzu goes to the bathroom.
  3. 3 Come up with a suitable command. Sometimes a special command can be helpful for toilet training. For example, you can use the command "to the toilet". With its help, you can remind the dog on the street that it is time for him to go to the toilet, the better to reinforce the required type of behavior.
    • Say the command "to the toilet" when the dog is just about to go to the toilet. For example, if you see that the Shih Tzu has begun to sniff or sit down, tell her: "To the toilet!"
    • In the end, the Shih Tzu will understand the meaning of the command "to the toilet". If it happens that the dog decides to prolong his walk, the command "to the toilet" will remind the pet of the main task.
  4. 4 Swear only at the moment of the dog's wrong actions. If you manage to catch the Shih Tzu at the scene of the crime, scold her right away. Clap your hands and give the "fu" command firmly. Then take the dog outside immediately. If you fail to scold the dog at the moment of committing the wrong action, then it is useless to do it afterwards, since the dog simply will not understand you.

Method 3 of 3: Preventing mistakes

  1. 1 Don't punish the Shih Tzu. Shih Tzus react poorly to punishment. If you find your dog has gone to the bathroom at home, it’s too late to scold him. Punishing a Shih Tzu for an incident that has already occurred will only confuse the pet.
    • Never punish a dog by placing it in a crate. Under no circumstances should physical violence be used as punishment, such as hitting a dog.
    • Also, you can not scold the dog. The only way to scold a dog should be the "fu" command. Raising your voice can scare your pet, making it fearful of you. This can lead to difficulties in further learning.
  2. 2 Clean up the traces of incidents carefully. If the dog can't help it, clean up carefully after it. Wipe away any traces of urine and faeces, and use an odor neutralizer. The affected area must be completely cleared. If there are traces of the smell of urine or feces, then the smell will lure the Shih Tzu to go to the toilet in that place again.
  3. 3 Have patience. Shih Tzus are well trained dogs, but it can take several weeks to successfully train your pet to the toilet. If you are working with an adult dog, the training can be delayed. However, consistent training over a long period of time is bound to pay off. Even if at some point the dog upsets you, try not to lose your patience.

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