How to train pigeons to temporarily leave the cage

Author: Bobbie Johnson
Date Of Creation: 10 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Temporary Cage for Racing Pigeon
Video: Temporary Cage for Racing Pigeon


Pigeons are intelligent birds that have been raised for centuries. They can be easily tamed as they have lost their fear of humans.


  1. 1 First of all, when you buy a pigeon, look at the birds and try to feed them by reaching out with the food in the cage. Never look for the most beautiful bird - choose the most sociable and not fearful. It is also more convenient to buy pigeons in "married" pairs.
  2. 2 Place the pigeon cage outside, preferably where it can see the area well. Get to know your pet and treat him with care. Try to hand-feed the pigeon to gain its trust.
  3. 3 There is a way to tie the feathers on the wings of a pigeon safely and painlessly. You need to carefully take it and tie the feathers one after the other so that it cannot fly away. Then you will need to let the pigeon into your room, feed it and allow it to walk (with you) in the morning and evening for half an hour, then catch and put the pigeon back in the cage. Thus, he will become familiar with the situation and get to know you. Untie the feathers after 7-10 days.
  4. 4 When the pigeons have been in the cage for about two weeks, you can open it and beckon them by extending your hand with the food. If they don't jump on your hand, but wander around, don't worry: they are curious and want to explore the place where they live.
  5. 5 If the pigeons fly away, they will probably return when they get hungry, but never allow them to fly freely wherever they please, as birds can be caught by predators.
  6. 6 Admire how the pigeons sit in your arms as you feed them.


  • Buy more pigeons. They will become friends with the old ones, and it will be easier for you to accustom them to your home.
  • It will be even better if the pigeons mate first, and only then you will release them. These birds are very responsible and will not leave their chicks. Leave the cage open so that the pigeons can easily enter it.
  • At night, it is advisable to close the pigeons in the cage. This will protect them from possible attacks at night.
  • Attach the birdhouse to the wall. The pigeons will make it their new home.
  • In order to encourage the pigeons to eat from your hands, try to simulate their humming so that the birds can feel safe.


  • Never let your birds fly freely unless you have a large flock of carrier pigeons.
  • Dogs, cats, rats, owls, raccoons and possums are some of the enemies of pigeons. Protect your birds from these animals.
  • Pigeons are very sensitive. If you show them a bad attitude, you will lose their trust.