How to pretend to be a guy

Author: William Ramirez
Date Of Creation: 15 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Video: PRETENDING TO BE A GUY ON OMEGLE! (Feat. E-boy Colby 🥶)


Perhaps you want to follow someone, participate in a game, or you're just tired of being a girl, so you decide to try pretending to be a guy. It will take a lot of tweaks, but it's a feasible task. Ready? Let's get started!


Method 1 of 3: How to Look Like a Boy

  1. 1 Cut your hair short. Although many guys wear long hair, men's hair has a different structure. So that no one sees you through, cut your hair short. On short hair, it is difficult to see the difference in structure.
    • If you're not ready to cut your hair, tuck your hair back into the back of your head, flatten it in a bun, and tuck your hair under a cap.
    • People often associate long hair with women and short hair with men, although this is just a hairstyle. With short hair from afar, you will look like a boy.
  2. 2 Bandage your chest. Women's breasts will be visible, so you will need to hide them. Use stockings, a corset, or a very tight sports bra. If you want to regularly walk in this form, buy a slimming corset. Whatever you decide to do, do not use an elastic bandage or tape, because they are not designed for this and can cause you significant harm. The elastic bandage puts pressure on the tissues, so it can cause breathing problems and rib fractures in the worst case scenario. When covering your chest, be gentle and make sure you can take a deep breath.
    • Any bandages move the chest either to the center or to the edges. If you wear loose-fitting clothing, it will seem like you just have well-built chest muscles.
    • It is worth noting that there is nothing good about breast ligation. Even people who do this often admit that they are uncomfortable with the pressure. Do not use compression corsets when playing sports and when you need to breathe deeply, because the corset is squeezing (otherwise it would not be able to hide the chest). The best option would be a tight sports bra. Even if you have large breasts, do not exercise in a corset.
  3. 3 Wear men's clothing. Choose loose-fitting clothing that will hide your feminine curves. Do not wear clothes that fit snugly over your hips, chest, and legs. The silhouette should be straight from head to toe. Don't forget about shoes and hats - everything matters here.
    • Try looking for clothes in second hand stores. Remember, things should look like they've been with you for a long time. Buy socks and underwear (loose "family" shorts or boxers).
  4. 4 Cut your nails short and be glad you don't have to shave. Short nails will make you look like a guy (and it will be even better if you get a little dirt under your nails). But what about the lack of facial hair? You should not try to shave off the fluff - it will not denser and darker.
    • Let all hair grow back. But you're happy about that, right? And why did you shave them off so violently before?
  5. 5 Hide your armpits, legs, and belly under your clothes, unless you have hair growing there. To pass as a guy, you need to have body hair. Even if you have them, they will be thinner and shorter than a man's. Better to hide all these places. Of course, this is inconvenient, but it is better than regularly depilation.
    • Keep growing your hair while doing this. What if you’re a guy who’s not yet in puberty? It's OK. In women, the amount of body hair also varies.
  6. 6 Build muscle. You've probably seen women who are bodybuilders. They look like men, don't they? As a rule, muscles are associated with masculinity, so if you want to become like a guy, you need to pump muscles. It's time to join the gym!
    • Since the muscles in the arms are most often visible, start with them. Then move on to the stomach and shoulders. Legs are important too, but they can be hidden in loose pants.

Method 2 of 3: Behaving Like a Boy

  1. 1 Watch your voice. Some guys have a high-pitched voice, but you still need to watch how you speak. The timbre should not approach the high frequencies. Mid-pitched male and female voices are similar, so everything will be fine. Just don't overdo it - it will look stupid.
    • Remember, it's better to sound like a guy with a high-pitched voice than a guy trying to lower his voice. It is perfectly normal to raise your voice from time to time (if you are happy about something or imitate someone).
    • The voice should be chesty. Women usually speak with their throats, but you should feel the sound in your chest. Practice. Place your hand on your chest and watch for vibration. Don't try to lower your voice too much to speak like this - just use your diaphragm.
    • There are special exercises to help you develop your voice. At first, your voice will resemble the voice of a girl who is just trying to speak like a man, but gradually your voice will develop and you will become comfortable.
  2. 2 Stop swinging your hips while walking. Due to the structure of the body, women wiggle their hips slightly, so if someone sees you from the back, he will think that you are a girl. To prevent this from happening, practice walking straight. Try following a man and you will notice the difference.
    • Exercise. You will feel uncomfortable right away, but it will become easier over time. Also, all guys walk differently. Observe different men and find something in between.
  3. 3 Take over masculine gestures (such as crossing your legs). In general, men move differently from women. They love gestures and postures that say: "I am big and important", and women with their bodies declare: "I am small and gentle." Here are some tips:
    • Standing up to your full height, distribute the weight evenly between your legs (do not transfer it to one hip). Bring your shoulders back and lower down slightly. Look at how other men are standing and copy their pose, taking into account the characteristics of your body.
    • Keep your hands in your pockets. This is a typically masculine habit, and this position will allow you to hide small and delicate hands.
  4. 4 Decide how your new character will walk. Some women seem to slide on the floor like a ballerina, while others immediately declare themselves with their gait. Some men walk like Peter Pan, while others walk through like a hungry lumberjack. There are many options. You can choose an image that suits you and looks like a man. The key is to find the degree of masculinity that you need.
    • Does your character move silently or very loudly? Does he sit down neatly, or does he flop into a chair, spreading his legs? Guys behave differently. So which option is right for you?

Method 3 of 3: How to lead a masculine lifestyle

  1. 1 Go to the men's room. If you want to create a very convincing look, you have to do whatever is expected of you, including going to the men's room. Fortunately, it is not customary to ask many questions in the toilet. If you go straight to a closed booth, no one will pay attention to you. But if you are ready to do anything, buy a special device that will allow you to stand up to the toilet. They are not cheap, but the dummies are very realistic. However, most likely, you will need to get used to them first.
    • Don't look around. There is nothing to see.
  2. 2 Use masculine scents. Even if you don't shave, you can still use men's lotions, shower gels, shampoos, conditioners, and deodorants. Who knows, maybe you will like them even more than women? The choice of perfumery is now very large. Pomegranate and berry smells? No. Needles? Exactly what is needed!
    • Keep deodorant or eau de toilette in your car or bag. You now have armpit hair and need to take care of yourself.But do not overdo it with scents, otherwise everyone will understand that you are up to something.
  3. 3 Use classic men's accessories. If you want to sound like a guy, forget the Halloween Kitty backpack. Buy a nice leather watch, a simple dark backpack, headphones, and whatever else you want.
    • When a man puts on something pink from time to time, it looks cute, but it is better to stick to classic masculine colors: black, blue, green, orange. The less people pay attention to you, the better.
    • Yes, the very notion of a classic male accessory is outdated, but nevertheless it works. People have ideas about what a man looks like, and exactly This what you need. Remember this always. It may be right or wrong, but it just so happened.
  4. 4 Get rid of the feminine stuff. If you want to avoid being caught, you need to always be on the lookout. Your room shouldn't have Justin Bieber posters and lip gloss, and your bathroom shouldn't have a shelf of cosmetics. How could this new man that you have become live there?
    • This only applies to those cases when a girl wants to pretend to be a guy for a long time. If you want to quickly prank friends or complete a school project, don't go too far. Just try to get used to the new image.
  5. 5 Choose a classic male activity. As with things, there are certain activities that are perceived as masculine. They are are not exclusively male, but they always evoke associations with guys. To enhance the image, start playing drums, doing woodcarving, fixing cars and doing whatever you think is "masculine." New knowledge will still not hurt.
    • Do what you like (yes, you may like men's hobbies). Stay true to yourself, even if you emphasize your masculinity. If you don’t want to go hunting, don’t go. But what if you've always enjoyed carpentry? Do it! It doesn't matter if you are a boy or a girl.


  • Muscles can create an illusion. You can also use special pads, but this is undesirable.
  • Use hair cosmetics and other products made for men.
  • If you sit down, don't cross your legs. If you still want to do this, place your ankle on the opposite knee.
  • Take a breath. Speaking right after sighing will make your voice sound like a man's.
  • Try taking a deep breath while trying on a corset. If this is difficult for you, you need a looser corset.
  • If you decide to buy a toilet fixture, practice using it in the shower first, because it can get dirty. When you learn how to use it, try using it at home and then in public toilets. This is a useful skill if you don't want to sit on a dirty toilet.


  • Do not wear a corset for more than 8 hours in a row and do not sleep in it. Even a high-quality corset that fits well, squeezes the chest and makes it difficult to breathe.
  • Do not tighten your breasts with objects that are not intended for this, and refuse corsets that are too tight.
  • When using the toilet, do not try to use the urinal unless you have a special device. Go straight to the closed booth so you don't get caught. Do not go into the ladies' restrooms, otherwise you will be immediately exposed. Do whatever is supposed to be done.