How to cook fried green tomatoes

Author: Gregory Harris
Date Of Creation: 15 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Southern Fried Green Tomatoes
Video: Southern Fried Green Tomatoes


1 Choose the right tomatoes. Tomatoes are medium-sized and slightly soft. If you are choosing from your own green tomatoes, try choosing those with a slight pinkish tinge. These are the best tomatoes for frying as they are less bitter than completely green tomatoes and taste like a red tomato.
  • 2 Heat a medium skillet. A cast iron skillet works best for this recipe, but you can also use any skillet that is on hand. Add ¼ - ½ inch vegetable oil to the skillet. Do not use more than the specified amount of oil.
    • If you want to enhance the flavor, add three tablespoons of fat to the butter and stir until smooth. The fat will give the tomatoes a flavorful flavor.
  • 3 Wash green tomatoes in cold water. Make sure the surface of the tomato is free of dirt or debris. Wipe them dry with a paper towel and place them on a cutting board. Dried tomatoes are easier to chop.
  • 4 Slice the green tomatoes into rings. Tomato rings should be 1/4 inch thick. This thickness is the most ideal for frying.
    • If you are worried that the tomatoes are a little bitter (this might be the case with very green tomatoes), add a little sugar on each side of the tomato. Sugar will reduce the bitterness.
  • 5 Make the mixture you will use to dip the tomatoes in. There are many different recipes that you can use. The most common is to combine ½ cup buttermilk with one egg. Whisk the two ingredients together.
    • If you don't have buttermilk, you can beat three eggs together. If you want to add a creamy flavor, add some milk.
  • 6 Bread the tomato. Again, there are several options that you can use for this part of the recipe. The most common use is cornmeal - 0.5 cups. Mix ¼ cup flour with ½ cup cornmeal. Add one teaspoon of salt and half a teaspoon of pepper. Stir all the ingredients and bread the tomatoes in this mixture.
    • If you don't have cornmeal, you can use breadcrumbs (Italian and ground pepper spices will add a delicious flavor to the breading). Alternatively, you can grind the crackers (the Ritz works well for this) and place them in a bowl. This will give the tomatoes an amazing crunch.
  • 7 Place ¼ cup flour in a bowl. Dip the tomato rings in flour so that the flour covers both sides of the tomato evenly. After that, place the tomato rings in the egg and buttermilk mixture, making sure they are completely covered in the mixture. Then dip them in the cornmeal mixture (or whatever crunchy mixture you choose to use). Make sure your tomatoes are well-coated on all sides.
  • 8 Fry the tomatoes. Place the tomatoes in hot oil.Make sure that each tomato ring has enough space, otherwise they may clump together during frying. Fry them for three minutes on each side. When the tomatoes turn golden brown, they are ready.
  • 9 Remove the tomatoes from the pan when they are golden brown. Use tongs to line each tomato. Place them on a plate that has been covered with a paper towel. The paper towel will absorb the fat that drips off the tomato, making the tomato crispy.
  • 10 Serve the tomatoes with salt and pepper and have fun! You can also serve this delicious fried treat with a sauce.
  • Method 2 of 2: Method Two: Beer-Based Grilled Green Tomatoes

    1. 1 Take four firm, medium-sized green tomatoes. They should be the same as those used for the classic fried tomatoes. Cut the tomatoes into rings of equal thickness. If you cut them into three or four pieces, this is just what you need.
    2. 2 Make tomato dough. In a large bowl, combine one glass of flour, one tablespoon of cornstarch, and ¼ teaspoon of baking powder. You can also add any spices you like, as well as salt and pepper. Add half a can of dark beer and half a glass of cold water to the dry mixture. Stir all ingredients together.
      • Dark beers such as lager or ale work better, but if you have a different type of beer, you can use it.
    3. 3 Heat oil in a skillet. You should add about ½ inch of oil to the skillet. You can use either vegetable or rapeseed oil. Make sure the oil is hot, you can check this by putting a drop of dough in the oil. If it hisses and bubbles immediately appear, the oil is hot enough.
    4. 4 Dip each ring into the dough. Make sure both sides of the tomato are evenly covered with dough.
    5. 5 Toast the tomatoes. You need to carefully place them in the pan so that the dough remains on both sides. Fry the tomatoes for about three minutes, until they are golden brown.
    6. 6 Remove the tomatoes from the pan when they are golden brown. Use tongs to line each tomato. Place them on a plate that has been covered with a paper towel. The paper towel will absorb the fat that drips off the tomato, giving the tomato a crispy taste.
    7. 7 The dish is ready to serve. You can also serve this delicious fried treat with a sauce.


    • Instead of green tomatoes, you can try other vegetables such as ripe tomatoes, zucchini, or pickled cucumbers.
    • Be careful when slicing tomatoes, as green tomatoes are harder than ripe ones.

    What do you need

    • medium frying pan
    • kitchen tongs
    • dish
    • paper towels
    • corolla