How to make sweet soy sauce

Author: Joan Hall
Date Of Creation: 27 July 2021
Update Date: 23 June 2024
How to Make Sweet Soy Sauce
Video: How to Make Sweet Soy Sauce


Ketsap manis (or ketjap manis) is a sweet and thick soy sauce that is especially popular in Indonesian cuisine. If you cannot buy this sauce in the store, or if it is sold in packages that are too large, you can prepare it yourself at home in the microwave or on the stove.


For 2 cups (500 ml)

  • 1 cup (250 ml) soy sauce
  • 1 cup (250 ml) brown sugar, palm sugar, or molasses
  • 1/2 cup (125 ml) water
  • 1-inch slice of ginger or galangal root (optional)
  • 1 clove of garlic (optional)
  • 1 star anise (optional)


Method 1 of 4: Cooking

  1. 1 Take some sweetener. White granulated sugar does not have the deep flavor and aroma required for this recipe, such as brown sugar, palm sugar, or molasses.
    • Palm sugar is the most suitable and traditional sweetener, but it can be difficult to find on the market. But if you find palm sugar, use it, no matter in granular or liquid form.
    • Brown sugar and molasses can be good substitutes for palm sugar, so you can use them whenever possible. You can add a mixture of molasses and brown sugar: use 1/2 cup (125 ml) brown sugar and 1/2 cup (125 ml) molasses.
  2. 2 You can add other seasonings as well. To get a real ketsup manis, you just need to use soy sauce, water and sugar, however, if you want the taste of the sauce to be unusual and richer, you can add various seasonings to your taste.
    • This recipe recommends a combination of ginger root (or galangal root), garlic and anise.
    • You can also add fresh curry leaves, cinnamon, and red hot chili peppers.
  3. 3 Prepare the condiments and spices you want to use. Peel and grate ginger. The garlic can be finely chopped or simply crushed.
    • Use a vegetable peeler to peel ginger or galangal root. Then grate the root on a coarse grater.
    • If you don't have a grater, you can simply chop the ginger or galangal into small discs about 6mm thick.
    • Crush a clove of garlic: simply place it on a board and press down on top using the side of a knife. Then peel the garlic and chop finely if desired or pass through a garlic press.
  4. 4 Prepare a bowl of ice water. Fill a large bowl with cold water and place four to six ice cubes in it. Remove the bowl of water for a while - it will come in handy soon.
    • Note that this is only necessary if you are going to cook the sauce on the stove top. If you cook ketsup manis in the microwave, then you don't need ice water.
    • Use a bowl or saucepan large enough to hold the saucepan you will be using to make the sauce.
    • Fill the bowl only halfway with water and ice. Do not fill it in completely.
    • A bowl of ice cold water should be nearby while you prepare the ketsup manis.

Method 2 of 4: Making the sauce on the stove

  1. 1 Combine sugar with water in a saucepan. Stir both ingredients. Use a pot that is small and heavy.
  2. 2 Heat until sugar dissolves. Place the saucepan on the stove over medium-high heat. Bring the syrup to a boil and stir each time the water starts to boil.
    • Stir the contents constantly so that the heat is evenly distributed throughout the volume and the sugar dissolves evenly.
    • Scrape the sugar or syrup off the sides of the saucepan, making all of the mixture drip downward.
  3. 3 Cook until the syrup darkens. Stop stirring the syrup when it starts to boil. Let it simmer for another 5-10 minutes, or until it turns dark amber.
    • Do not cover the pot while the syrup is boiling.
  4. 4 Place the pot in ice water. Remove the pan from heat and place in ice water for about 30 seconds.
    • After 30 seconds, remove the pot from the cold water and place it on a heat-resistant surface.
    • By placing the bottom of the pot in ice water, the cooking process will stop and the syrup will not get hotter.
    • Do not allow water to enter the sugar syrup pan.
  5. 5 Add soy sauce and seasoning. Add soy sauce, ginger, garlic and star anise to a saucepan, and gently mix all the ingredients.
    • Be careful when adding ingredients. Even though the syrup has cooled down a little, you may burn yourself.
  6. 6 Put the pot back on the fire. Cook the mixture over medium-high heat, bringing to a boil, but do not let it simmer.
    • Stir occasionally when the mixture boils.
  7. 7 Cook over low heat. Reduce heat to low and simmer for another 10 minutes.
    • Keep the pot open.
    • Stir the sauce periodically.
  8. 8 Remove from heat. Remove the pot from the stove and place it on a heat-resistant surface. Let the sauce cool to room temperature.
    • Covering the pot with a lid, towel, or plate will prevent dust or insects from entering the sauce.
    • The sweet soy sauce "ketsap manis" prepared in this way on the stove should have the consistency of a thick syrup. It should thicken as it cools.

Method 3 of 4: Microwave the sauce

  1. 1 Pour soy sauce and water into a microwave-safe bowl. Add sugar. Stir well to mix all the ingredients.
    • The bowl should hold at least 4 cups (1 liter) of liquid. And although this volume is twice the working volume, it is necessary so that the sauce does not run away when heated.
  2. 2 Microwave on medium power for 30-40 seconds. Set the microwave to only 50% power and put the sugar mixture inside. Cook, uncovered, for about 30-40 seconds, or until sugar begins to melt.
    • At this stage, the sugar should be completely melted.
    • If you use molasses instead of sugar, then the molasses itself should become more liquid than before heating.
  3. 3 Add seasonings and spices. Add ginger, garlic and star anise to the hot mixture. Stir all ingredients.
    • Be careful when adding ingredients. Even though the syrup has cooled down a little, you may burn yourself.
  4. 4 Microwave for another 10-20 seconds. Place the sauce bowl back in the microwave for another 10 to 20 seconds on medium power (50% power).
    • The sauce should now look noticeably thinner and free of any sugar lumps. However, individual sugar granules may still float in the syrup - this is fine.
  5. 5 Mix thoroughly. Remove the sauce bowl and mix thoroughly with a spoon or whisk. Continue stirring until all the sugar is completely dissolved.
    • All sugar should dissolve, including large pieces and individual granules.
    • If, after stirring the sauce for 60-90 seconds, the sugar is still not dissolved, then put the bowl back in the microwave for another 10-20 seconds on medium power, and then stir again.
    • Since the syrup will not boil in the microwave, ready-made ketsup manis will not turn out as thick as in the first case. However, the taste of the sauce will be the same. The sauce itself will thicken a little as it cools.

Method 4 of 4: Storage and Use

  1. 1 Strain the sauce to remove all spices. Pour the ketsup manis through a colander or sieve to remove all the spices. It may take a little longer to filter the gooey thick syrup.
    • All hard ingredients such as anise, garlic, and ginger will be removed from the sauce.
    • You can also try removing all the spices with a spoon or fork.
  2. 2 Pour into a bottle. Bottle the strained sauce. It is advisable that they do not let in sunlight. Glass bottles work well.
    • If you plan to store the sauce for more than a week, it is recommended to sterilize the bottles in boiling water before use.
  3. 3 Put the sauce in the refrigerator overnight before use. Place the lid on the bottle and refrigerate for 8 hours or overnight.
    • This overnight aging will allow the sauce to brew and thicken. All flavors and aromas should mix evenly - no flavor or aroma should overpower the others.
    • After soaking in the refrigerator, the sauce will be ready.
  4. 4 Store excess sauce in the refrigerator or freezer. If the sauce is too much, you can close it tightly and store in the refrigerator for 2-4 weeks.
    • If you want to use the sauce for a longer period of time, store it in the freezer. Close the sauce bottle tightly and place it in the freezer. This way the sauce can be stored for up to six months.

What do you need

  • Knife
  • Large bowl
  • Small saucepan OR microwave dish
  • A spoon
  • Corolla
  • Glass bottle with lid or stopper