How to become a werewolf in Skyrim

Author: Carl Weaver
Date Of Creation: 21 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Skyrim Walkthrough - How to Become a Werewolf
Video: Skyrim Walkthrough - How to Become a Werewolf


Ever wanted to be a werewolf in Skyrim? In werewolf form, you can attack with your claws and run on all fours. This article will show you how to do this.


Part 1 of 2: Become a werewolf

  1. 1 Join the Companions. Go to Whiterun, a town north of Riverwood, and join the Companions. You can meet Eila the Huntress just outside the city. She will send you to carry out an assignment with Vilkas: to find a fragment of the legendary battle ax. Follow Vilkas and quest updates until you complete the dungeon. After that, you need to meet Vilkas in front of Jorvaskr (the banquet hall of Whiterun, which is the headquarters of the Companions) in order to officially join the Companions, thus getting closer to transforming into a werewolf.
  2. 2 Complete the "radiant" quest. Proceed in the same way as described in step 1. When you are asked to choose one of the three leaders, select Farkas to become a werewolf after the quest. During the quest, you will see how he himself turns into a werewolf.
  3. 3 Meet with Skjor. After completing the radiant quest, you will need to talk to Skjor. He will tell you to come at night. Agree, and soon Eila herself will turn into a werewolf, and you can drink her blood.
  4. 4 Become a werewolf. Activate the fountain when asked and you will become a werewolf. Continue completing Companions quests or simply rejoice in your newfound strength.

Part 2 of 2: After You Become a Werewolf

  1. 1 Use the magic menu to activate your power. You can transform into a werewolf once a day (if you do not have the Ring of Hircine), and you will maintain the form of a beast for 150 seconds. Eating corpses will give you another 30 seconds. Select the transformation from the appropriate menu, it is activated in a similar way to Shouts.
  2. 2 Know all the benefits of the werewolf form. These benefits only work in werewolf form.
    • You will be cured of all diseases, including vampirism.
    • Your health and stamina will increase, as will your stamina regeneration.
    • In the form of a wolf, your carrying capacity will increase by 2000 units.
    • You can use Howl, which is similar to Shouts and drives away enemies.
    • You have claws that you can use to attack and defend.
  3. 3 Know all the disadvantages of a werewolf uniform. As good as it is to have advantages, you need to know the disadvantages.
    • Silver harms everyone, but as a werewolf - especially while taking on the form of a wolf - you become even more vulnerable to it.
    • You will not receive holiday bonuses.
    • You will not be able to use racial powers.
    • You will not be able to use equipment, magic and other powers.
    • If NPCs see your transformation, they will flee or attack you. The least they can do is treat you like a stranger and say something like, “I don’t like your wolf's grin,” “You smell like a wet dog,” “What is this? ? " or "Oh, did you play with the dogs again?" If you transform into Whiterun, Eorlund Greymane will protect you.
  4. 4 Cure yourself of lycanthropy. You can cure lycanthropy. However, you cannot become a werewolf again, unless you have the Dawnguard add-on installed (then Eila can give you her blood again).


  • If you are too lazy to go through all the quests and you are playing on the computer, press ¬ and write "player.addspell 00092c48" to automatically take the form of a werewolf.
  • To find the entire list of "radiant" quests, visit this site.
  • If you become a werewolf, you will not be attacked by wild wolves.


  • NPCs will turn against you if they see your transformation.
  • You can use this form once a day (with a few exceptions), so use it wisely.