How to make unleavened bread

Author: Virginia Floyd
Date Of Creation: 11 August 2021
Update Date: 20 June 2024
How to Make Fresh & Easy, Unleavened Bread for Passover [Simple & Delicious Recipe]
Video: How to Make Fresh & Easy, Unleavened Bread for Passover [Simple & Delicious Recipe]


Unleavened bread is made without leavening agents (ingredients that cause fermentation) such as yeast, baking soda, baking powder, and whipped proteins.Unleavened bread is of great importance in Christianity, which is used in the sacrament of Holy Communion, and is mentioned in the Bible when Jesus ate unleavened bread with his disciples at the Last Supper, and in many other books of the Bible. Often, churches rely on a layperson who knows how to make unleavened bread for significant church holidays. You can add and / or replace recipe ingredients by adding ground oats, rye, buckwheat, soy, or other flours.


Method 1 of 2: Making Unleavened Bread

  1. 1 Combine dry ingredients (flour and salt) in a bowl and stir together.
  2. 2 Whisk eggs and butter together, then add this mixture to the dry ingredients mixture.
  3. 3 Add milk, then beat the mixture for 2-3 minutes, until it is relatively smooth.
  4. 4 Pour the dough into three greased 20-cm. square shapes.
  5. 5 Bake at 230 ° C for 20 minutes.

Method 2 of 2: Understand the Bible Story of Unleavened Bread

  1. 1 Realize the importance of unleavened bread as part of the Passover in the Bible.
    • The next day after Easter is the first day of unleavened bread, the beginning of the seven days of unleavened bread. The first and seventh days of this period are considered miraculous, so believers gather and give God an offering.
  2. 2 Glorify the Bible story of unleavened bread by recognizing the seven days of unleavened bread.
    • This period of time is so sacred that the Israelites must rid their homes and property of any leaven. Those who consider themselves to be God's people must eat unleavened bread every day for seven days.
  3. 3 Ready.


  • To avoid sticking, use cooking spray that contains flour, or dust the pan with flour after spraying. Do not use cooking spray that does not contain flour, as this will cause the bread to stick to the mold.
  • To add slightly different flavors to unleavened bread, add ¼ cup honey or 450g Cheddar cheese, Colby or pepper Jack cheese to the dough.
  • Check the bread frequently while baking. If you bake unleavened bread for too long, it will become hard and brittle.

What do you need

  • 3 cups all-purpose flour
  • 2 tbsp. l. butter or vegetable oil
  • 3 large eggs
  • ½ glass of water or milk
  • 1 tsp salt