How to make homemade spaghetti sauce

Author: William Ramirez
Date Of Creation: 22 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Homemade Spaghetti Sauce Recipe
Video: Homemade Spaghetti Sauce Recipe


1 Prepare your ingredients. Chop the onion and measure out the correct amount of garlic salt, basil, oregano, and sugar.
  • 2 Fry the onions and garlic with a little olive oil in a very hot skillet. Once they start to caramelize, add the beef. Divide the minced meat into pieces in a skillet and cook until the meat is completely browned.
  • 3 Add the tomato. Drain off the fat and add the tomato paste and tomatoes to the skillet. Mix well.
  • 4 Add herbs and spices. Add onion, oregano, basil, garlic salt and sugar and stir.
  • 5 Stir and simmer. Stir the mixture with a wooden spoon, then cover and simmer for five or ten minutes. Stir.
  • 6 Serve. Pour the sauce over your favorite pasta.
  • Method 2 of 2: Weekend Sauce

    1. 1 Prepare your ingredients. Chop onion and peppers, mash carrots and celery, finely chop 2 large cloves of garlic, cut 2 more large cloves of garlic into 4 pieces, prepare and measure out various herbs and spices. Divide the prepared ingredients into small containers, if you have any, to make the process easier.
    2. 2 Saute the onions, carrots, celery, peppers and garlic. Place a 4 liter skillet over medium heat, add 3 tablespoons of olive oil and sauté the onions, carrots, celery and peppers until the onions are translucent or slightly brown around the edges (about 2 minutes).
      • Add 1 cup diced tomatoes, 1 bay leaf, and finely chopped garlic and simmer over low heat for about 20 minutes.
    3. 3 Add tomato sauce and tomato paste. Pour in a large can of tomato sauce, put 350 ml of tomato paste in and mix all the ingredients well.
    4. 4 Add wine. Pour 1 glass of red wine into the sauce. Ideally, use the same wine (within reason) or the same type of wine that you will be serving at dinner.
      • Pour a glass of wine for yourself and keep cooking.
    5. 5 Add the remaining olive oil. Mix well. The sauce should look bright red and tender.
    6. 6 Add remaining ingredients. Add anchovies, beef bone, quartered garlic, bay leaves, herbs, spices, and other ingredients that haven't been added yet.
      • Leave the salt, diced tomatoes, and finely chopped parsley almost until the very end. Mix all ingredients thoroughly.
      • Simmer over low heat, lightly covering the pan with a lid. Stir occasionally. If the sauce becomes too thick, reduce heat and add water or wine to achieve the desired consistency. Check out the aroma with a slice of crispy bread and a sip of wine.
    7. 7 Make meatballs. Prepare ground beef meatballs about an hour before serving. They can be simple or complex, even tofu, whatever you like. Add them to the sauce or serve separately.
    8. 8 Add the last ingredients. Check the taste about 15 minutes before serving. If you don't have enough salt, now is the time to add it. Adjust sweetness, texture and balance as needed. Remove the beef bone and bay leaf, add the diced tomatoes and fresh parsley, stir and simmer over low heat until serving.
    9. 9 Drizzle the pasta liberally. Do not be shy. Sprinkle with grated Parmesan cheese and ground red pepper and serve with salad and good chianti, barbera, syrah or merlot.


    • Alternative Ingredient List:
      • 4 cans of tomato paste
      • 2 cans of diced tomatoes
      • 2 onions, chopped
      • 2 tablespoons of garlic salt, to taste
      • Pinch of basil, to taste
      • Pinch of oregano, to taste
      • 1.5 kg ground beef (optional)
      • Two teaspoons of sugar (optional)
    • It is better to add less spice than too much. You can always add more, but you cannot get the spices already added.


    • Always cook meat thoroughly to avoid health problems.
    • Incompletely cooked meat can cause many diseases, some of which can lead to death.
    • Burns are unpleasant. Be careful with the stove.To relieve burn pain, hold the scalded area under cold running water for about 5 minutes.

    What do you need

    • Pan
    • Wooden spoon