How to date a celebrity

Author: Clyde Lopez
Date Of Creation: 21 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Date a Celebrity
Video: How to Date a Celebrity


Everyone has their own pop idol. Jessica Alba, Taylor Lautner and many others have become the subject of affection for millions of people. If you want to date a celebrity, follow these steps.


  1. 1 Send her a letter. It is unlikely that your chosen celebrity will actually read it, but if you keep writing letters all the time, you have a better chance that she will read one of the letters. When writing these notes, do not be trite like a regular fan. The phrase “Oh! You are SO hot! " will not make you stand out from the crowd, just like "I love you!" Write to her about how she changed your life or something more personal.
  2. 2 Write to her on Twitter. Find her on Twitter if she's there. If you write funny things for them, and they see it, they can contact you. Again, you don't have to be a corny fan. Avoid talking about how much you love her, how cute / hot she is, etc., because he won't give it a thought. Subscribe to your celebrity's YouTube channel and add her to Facebook. The more ways you use to contact a star, the more chances you have to get in touch with her.
  3. 3 Take part in the competition. Many sites and magazines offer contests where you can win a meeting with a celebrity. Some even offer contests where the winner will go on a date with a star. Participate in such contests as often as possible - you will certainly be noticed if you are constantly in their sight!
  4. 4 Become a celebrity yourself! In the world of Hollywood, most celebrities meet other celebrities. Determine what talents you have. To become really popular, try becoming a singer, actor, or model. You could also write a book, become a sports star, invent something, or even become a director!
  5. 5 Talk to a celebrity like a normal person. If you start yelling at her or faint in her presence, she will never look at you as a potential girlfriend / boyfriend. Instead, try to be calm, cool, and collected when you are around. Don't talk to a star about her fame - she hears about it all the time.Ask her about the usual things like her favorite sports team, pets, etc.
  6. 6 Be bold. Give the celebrity your email, Facebook contact or phone number and ask them to contact you. Alternatively, you can try out on the spot, although you will most likely be rejected.
  7. 7 Keep your finger on the pulse. Meet a celebrity. Call, text, or text a celebrity until you feel like you two know each other pretty well. Then ask her out on a date!
  8. 8 Be prepared to be rejected by your favorite star. It’s almost impossible that you’re dating, so don’t give yourself too much hope. But who knows, you might get lucky!


  • Don't become a stalker.
  • Talk about the usual things that you usually discuss with friends, try to avoid talking about how famous she is and what an ardent fan of her you are.
  • Don't be intrusive. She will never want to talk to you if you scream or cry.
  • Do not give up. Keep in touch with her and you may even be able to make friends with her.
  • If your celebrity is a musician, try to get a meet & greet ticket with them. You may be able to communicate with him.


  • If your pop idol is much younger or older than you, you should get over it. It will most likely be inappropriate for you to rely on any kind of relationship with him in the future. Better to choose someone who is about your age.