How to come up with a nickname

Author: Joan Hall
Date Of Creation: 5 July 2021
Update Date: 23 June 2024
How To Come Up With A Nickname with Jasper Cromwell Jones
Video: How To Come Up With A Nickname with Jasper Cromwell Jones


Your nickname (nickname) is your face on the network. It doesn't matter if you post on forums, edit Wiki articles, play games, or simply engage in any activity on the network, interacting with others - your nickname will be the first thing people see. People will start to form an opinion of you depending on the nickname they choose, so choose wisely! Read on to find out how to create a good nickname.


  1. 1 Don't forget that your nickname is your calling card. Your nickname will be the first detail that the people with whom you interact on the Internet will notice. Make sure you like the nickname yourself, because you will see it often enough.
  2. 2 Create different aliases for different services. Different aliases can be used on different sites. If you are registering on a professional site, you may need to select a different nickname than the one you use on the gaming forums.
    • You will have to differentiate your Internet use into two different categories: professional and personal. Later, you can use one alias for professional resources and another for personal resources. This will make it easier for you to remember your nicknames.
  3. 3 Stay anonymous. Avoid any personal information that might tell you something about you through a pseudonym. This includes your first name, last name, or your date of birth.
    • Use a nickname that is easy for you to remember, but difficult for others to guess that it is you. Use your middle name, which you rarely pronounce, for example, and write it backwards.
  4. 4 Don't give up if your nickname doesn't fit. Most large Internet resources already contain a lot of standard pseudonyms in their database. If you want to register in a fairly old Internet community, then there is a high probability that the pseudonym will already be used by someone. Instead of using suggestions for a possible alias from a web resource - be creative!
  5. 5 Follow your passions. If, for example, you really like Brazil - search the Internet for the names of plants, warriors or just heroes of fairy tales associated with this country. If you love collecting old cars, make your nickname from the engine name of your favorite car manufacturer.
  6. 6 Come up with a compound alias. Use your interests to create your nickname. Put several different words together to make one nickname. This way, your username will be unique and the chances that it won't be registered on another resource will increase markedly.
  7. 7 Overcome the language barrier. Look up words from other languages. The username "Writer" may already be taken, but "Ecrivain", its French equivalent, will be available.You can use a nickname using a fictitious language such as Elvish or Klingon.
  8. 8 Brevity is the soul of wit. You don't want to use an alias that is too long - make it shorter! Abbreviate long words (for example, instead of Mississippi, you can use Missi or just Miss) and do not make an alias too long.
  9. 9 Use symbols instead of spaces and letters. Most Internet resources will not allow you to use gaps in your nickname, but gaps can be imitated using the "_" character. You can also use numbers to replace letters, for example "7" for "T", or "3" for "E". Usually people in the environment of computer games use this method.
    • Periods can also be used instead of spaces.
    • Do not use your year of birth at the end of your nickname, especially if you are still young, as this will make it easy to tell how old you are.
  10. 10 Use the nickname generator. There are many nickname generators on the net. You only need to enter a little data to get a randomly selected alias. Yes, this will not be your own idea, but this method is perfect when you are already completely breaking your head over inventing an original nickname for yourself.


  • Don't make up a nickname that is too hard to remember, especially if you are going to share it with other people (for example, to add to your friends list).
  • Make a list of adjectives that describe you, and try to build your new nickname from them.
  • You can use it in email as well, but try not to use overly provocative names.
  • Most websites require a 6 to 14 character alias.
  • In general, the more unique your username is, the more resources you can use it, and the easier it will be to remember. On the other hand, if it is too special and associated with your personal information, then your personal information may be available to others.
  • Some sites like AIM will offer you a list of possible aliases if you enter a few words. You will see more unusual results that you can use later, but you should not use it if you cannot remember.
  • Write down your nickname near your computer so you don't forget it. Also write down the address of the site where you use your pseudonym, especially if you will use different pseudonyms on different resources.


  • Read the WikiHow guidelines for the use of aliases, but only if you intend to register with WikiHow. The rules written for WikiHow may not work on other sites.
  • Pay attention to the site requirements. On many sites you will find a requirement that "You cannot create an alias that contains inappropriate language or abusive words."