How to overcome your fear of flying

Author: Clyde Lopez
Date Of Creation: 18 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
OVERCOME FEAR OF FLYING  |  5 BEST Tips From a Flight Attendant
Video: OVERCOME FEAR OF FLYING | 5 BEST Tips From a Flight Attendant


Would you like to be able to travel to distant lands and see the world without experiencing panic attacks? If you have aerophobia, that is, the fear of flying on an airplane, you can get rid of this feeling, which only bothers you. Knowing about airplanes and flying, relaxing and planning your trip will help you overcome your fear and start traveling around the world. Here's one fact to start with: The chance of dying in a plane crash is 1 in 11 million, or 0.00001%.


Method 1 of 5: Knowing About Airplanes

  1. 1 Find out how safe the planes are. Sure, you'll forget about the statistics when your plane leaves the runway, but having a wealth of information about how safe it is to fly an airplane can help you feel more comfortable both on board and en route to the airport. Facts show that flights to in fact safe - it is the safest mode of transport in the world.
    • In developed countries, the probability of dying in a plane crash is 1 in 30 million.
  2. 2 Compare air travel with other hazardous situations. There are many other situations, the safety of which a person never thinks about, but they are often more dangerous than flights. We provide this information not to scare you, but to show that the danger of flights is exaggerated. Remember these statistics, write them down, and remind yourself of them when you start worrying about the flight.
    • The probability of dying in a car accident is 1 in 5000. This means that the most dangerous part of your journey is a trip to the airport. If you have reached the airport, you can breathe a sigh of relief - you have just completed the most dangerous part of the flight.
    • The odds of dying from food poisoning are 1 in 3 million.
    • The likelihood of dying from a snakebite, being struck by lightning, being burned with boiling water, and falling out of bed is higher than the likelihood of dying in a car accident. If you are left-handed, it is more dangerous for you to use right-handed tools than flying an airplane.
    • You are more likely to die from a fall on the way to the plane than during the flight itself.
  3. 3 Be prepared for jolts and sensations as you fly. Fear is largely whipped up by not knowing what will happen the next minute. Why is the plane moving so fast? Why are my ears clogged? Why do wings look so strange? Why are we being asked to fasten seat belts? When a person finds himself in an unfamiliar situation, he instinctively assumes the worst. To minimize this, learn everything you can about flying and how an airplane works. The more you know, the less cause for alarm. Here are a few things you should know about:
    • To take off, an airplane must gain a certain speed. This is why we get the feeling that the plane is moving at supersonic speed.
    • It puts pressure on your ears when the plane takes off and lands due to pressure drops.
    • Certain parts of the wings must move during flight. This is totally normal.
  4. 4 Know what is turbulence. Turbulence occurs when the plane crosses the boundary between high and low pressure regions, making you feel like you are falling into a hole. Turbulence is like driving a car on a bumpy road.
    • Those rare incidents of injuries due to turbulence on board were caused by passengers not buckling into their seats or luggage being dropped onto them.
  5. 5 Find out how the plane works. You should learn about the interior of the plane to dispel myths about everything that scares you. As a result of research, it was found that 73% of all those who are afraid to fly are afraid of possible technical problems that may happen in flight. The more you know about how the plane works, the more relaxed you will feel, and you will not be bothered by thoughts of possible problems. Here are some facts you should know.
    • The plane is lifted into the air thanks to the work of four forces: attraction, drag, lift and thrust. These forces make flying easy and comfortable. As one pilot put it, "Airplanes are the happiest creatures in the air." If you want to expand your knowledge about this, study the special literature.
    • Jet engines are simpler than engines in cars or even lawn mowers. Even if something happens to one engine (which is unlikely), the plane will be able to fly on the remaining ones.
  6. 6 Don't worry about the door opening during the flight. The door won't open. When the plane reaches an altitude of 9000 meters, about 9000 kilograms will press on the door, that is, it will be closed securely.
  7. 7 Remember that aircraft are regularly serviced. Aircraft are repaired and subject to scheduled inspections. For every hour a plane spends in the air, there are 11 hours of maintenance. This means that if your flight is 3 hours long, it first went through 33 hours of maintenance to make sure everything is running smoothly.

Method 2 of 5: Dealing with Anxiety

  1. 1 Learn to fight anxiety. Fear associated with flying can be overcome by reducing overall anxiety levels in general. First, analyze your anxiety. How does it appear? Are your palms sweating? Are there tingling sensations in your fingers? As you learn to recognize the signs of anxiety, you can start doing exercises that will help you manage your condition.
  2. 2 Let go of thoughts that you have no control over. Many people are afraid to fly just because they feel they cannot control the situation. Such people are sure that they will never get into a car accident, because everything is in their hands - they drive the car themselves, so they are ready to drive a car, but they are afraid to fly. Someone else is driving the plane, and the lack of control is often the worst part of the flight.
    • Many people feel anxious about their inability to control a stressful situation.
  3. 3 Try exercises to help relieve your anxiety. Start doing them daily. When done in a calm state, you will have a means of dealing with stressful anxiety. You will be able to control yourself again and calm down. To reduce your overall level of anxiety, practice yoga and meditation.
    • It is important not to forget that it can take months to overcome anxiety and gain control over yourself.
  4. 4 Try to relax your muscles. First, determine which muscle group appears to be pinched or motionless. Perhaps you have these shoulders. Very often, when a person is anxious, they press their head into their shoulders, and the muscles of the shoulders tense.
    • Take a deep breath and lower your shoulders. Feel the muscles relax. Now move on to another muscle group (such as the face or legs).
  5. 5 Imagine the visual image. Think about a place where you feel good and comfortable. Imagine yourself there. What do you see? What smells do you smell? What do you feel? Pay attention to every detail of this place.
    • There are special videos that you can buy or download on the Internet. They will help you train.
  6. 6 Breathe deeply. Place one hand on your stomach. Inhale deeply through your nose to get the maximum amount of air into your lungs. You should feel your belly expand, not your chest. Exhale through your mouth for a count of 10. Press on your stomach to release all the air.
    • To relax, do this exercise 4-5 times.
    • Keep in mind - according to the latest research, breathing exercises do not always allow you to relax.
  7. 7 Distract yourself. Think about something that makes you happy, or something that at least can distract you from your fear. What will you cook for dinner? If you could go anywhere, which one would you choose? What would you do there?
  8. 8 Sign up for classes. There are special activities to help you overcome your fear of flying. There are two types of classes: some you need to go personally, while others you just need to watch a video, read special literature and communicate with a psychologist. The classes also include a visit to the airport and flight analysis with a teacher. However, the effect of the exercise can be short-term, unless you fly regularly.
    • Look for these activities in your city.
    • If you practice at a pace that suits you, you will be able to control the process. Since you will have some of the class materials, it will be helpful for you to reread and revise them from time to time.
    • Some lessons include group phone calls with other participants.
    • Sometimes there is even the opportunity to sit in a flight simulator. Such devices simulate the sensation of flying on the ground.
  9. 9 Take an airplane flight class. Face your fear. There are many stories about how people were afraid of something all their lives, and then they found themselves in a situation that they tried to avoid, and realized that there was nothing to be afraid of. One way to overcome fear is to immerse yourself in a situation that is fully safe. In this case, the safety is provided by the instructor.
    • With a patient instructor, you may suddenly realize that flying isn't all that scary. Of course, this is a radical approach to the problem, but it may be exactly the way to deal with fear that suits you.
  10. 10 Don't read too much about plane crashes. If you want to stay calm, don't worry about accidents that are reported on the news. So you will only make yourself worse - you will begin to worry even more about what can happen with a negligible probability. If you are already afraid of flying, do not increase your fear.
    • This also applies to watching films like "The Crew" and other films about plane crashes or unsuccessful flights.

Method 3 of 5: Buying a plane ticket

  1. 1 Choose direct flights. While you won't be able to control the situation once you get on board, there are ways to make your flight more enjoyable. The easiest is to choose a direct flight. The less time you spend in the air, the better.
  2. 2 Choose a spot above the wing. If you sit in this part of the plane, there will be less shaking. It is the most stable part and vibrates least.
  3. 3 Choose seats near an aisle or near an emergency exit. Choose a place where you will not feel trapped. Most suitable places for this are near the aisle and near the emergency exit.
  4. 4 Choose flights that are operated by large planes. Shakes less on larger planes. When viewing flight information, you can find out which aircraft is operating that flight. If you can get on a big plane, do so. The larger the plane, the smoother the flight will be.
  5. 5 Fly during the day. If you are afraid to fly in the dark, fly during the day. You may feel calmer if you can see the sky around the plane. Sometimes it's more scary to fly in the dark, because it seems that you are surrounded by uncertainty.
  6. 6 Choose the route with the least turbulence. In the US, there is even a dedicated Turbulence Forecast website where you can see in which zones the turbulence is minimal. If you are flying with a stopover, find out if you can take quieter flights.

Method 4 of 5: Preparing to Fly

  1. 1 Visit the airport at your leisure. It is recommended to go to the airport when you do not need to fly anywhere. Walk around the terminals and get comfortable there. This may seem like a drastic measure, but it is one of the most effective ways to prepare for the upcoming flight.
  2. 2 Arrive at the airport early. Try to arrive as early as possible so you have time to drop off your luggage, go through security and find your lounge. If you arrive late, you will not have time to tune in for your flight and your anxiety will increase. Get used to the terminal, the people who come and go, and the atmosphere of the airport. The more familiar you get there, the calmer you will feel when it's your turn to board the plane.
  3. 3 Meet the stewardesses and the pilot. Once on board, say hello to the flight attendants or even the pilot. Look at how they do their job in their uniforms. Pilots take a long time to learn, and so do doctors, so you should respect and trust them. If you trust these people and remember that they are professionals who care about your best interests, it will be easier for you to reschedule your flight.
    • The pilots have several hundred hours in the air behind them. To get to work on a major airline, they must fly 1,500 hours.
  4. 4 Give up alcohol. Many people start ordering wine and cocktails in insane quantities as soon as the flight attendants roll the first cart. It will not help you get rid of your fear. Alcohol can even increase your anxiety about being out of control, especially if you are worried about the possibility of urgently leaving the plane.
    • Alcohol intoxication leads to poor health, especially when the effects of alcohol wears off.
    • If you really want to calm your nerves, have one glass of wine or beer.
  5. 5 Take a snack with you. Distract yourself with food that you can eat for a long time, or just something that you really love.
  6. 6 Take the yellow press with you. You may not be able to solve math examples on board the plane, but you have enough energy to read all the latest gossip from the world of celebrities.
  7. 7 Prepare to sleep on the plane. Many people recommend getting up early in front of the plane to sleep on the plane. There is no better way to spend time in flight than sleep.

Method 5 of 5: During the flight

  1. 1 Breathe deeply. Breathe in deeply through your nose, then exhale for a count of 10 until all the air is out of your lungs.
  2. 2 Squeeze the armrest. If you feel intense anxiety, especially during takeoff and landing, squeeze the armrest as much as possible. At the same time, tighten your abdominal muscles and hold this position for 10 seconds.
  3. 3 Place a thin elastic band on your hand. When you feel anxious, start pulling it back and letting it go. A little pain will allow you to return to reality.
  4. 4 Take a variety of entertainment with you. If you have many options, it will be easier for you to reschedule your flight. Bring magazines with you or download the show and watch it on the plane. You can play a computer game, do your homework, look through work papers.
    • Choose what works for you. Consider the time spent in the air as time to do what you have long wanted or should have done, not torture.


  • When you find a way to deal with your fear, start flying as often as possible.If you regularly find yourself on board the plane, it will cease to seem like something special to you and will become a routine activity. Once you get into the habit of flying, it will be much easier for you to fly. If you have the choice of going on the ground or flying by plane, choose an airplane. Remember, flying is much safer than driving!
  • Take your motion sickness bags and pills with you in case you feel sick.
  • Do not look out the window during takeoff and landing. Think of something distracted, such as what you will do when you arrive at your destination. That being said, always remain vigilant in case of unforeseen circumstances.
  • Avoid thoughts like, "What if the plane crashes?" Think of something pleasant. You can take a notebook with you on the plane, in which you can draw and take notes during the flight.
  • Accept that you have no control over certain situations, including flights. Taking risks is part of life. You never know what awaits you around the corner. Fear is caused by anticipation, anxiety, and the desire to control the future. If you can accept the idea that everything will turn out as it turns out, the flight will no longer threaten your peace of mind.
  • Buckle up if you're very scared. This is usually done during takeoff, landing and in emergencies, but you can buckle up when you feel scared.
  • Entertain yourself aboard an airplane, but keep your brain working. Imagine the place you would like to be in, and if you fail, think about the place you are flying to and what you will be doing there.
  • Try watching a movie or getting some sleep.
  • Count to 60 during takeoff. Before you look back, you will be in the air!
  • Remember, the captain knows what to do. Trust the crew! These people have already taken to the air more than once. Good luck!


  • If it seems to you that your anxiety exceeds the acceptable level, make an appointment with a psychologist and take a course of therapy sessions. You can ask your doctor to prescribe medication to help you manage your anxiety while on board. There are over-the-counter medications, but it's always best to ask your doctor about dosages and interactions with other medications.