How to prevent and survive a monkey attack

Author: Helen Garcia
Date Of Creation: 13 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Prevent or Survive a Monkey Attack
Video: Prevent or Survive a Monkey Attack


In the remote forests of Bali or in the backyard of a rare animal dealer, you may encounter a monkey. To avoid injury and not harm the animal, read this article, which will tell you how to protect yourself from any unwanted contact. Remember, monkeys have a unique muscle structure and can have physical strength four times that of the average male. The reason for this is the abundance of lactic acid in the animal's blood.


  1. 1 Remember, no matter what happens, never tease the monkey. This will anger the animal, and it will act according to its instincts. Therefore, if you anger or annoy the monkey, it will begin to bite, scratch and try to injure you in every possible way.
  2. 2 Take the necessary precautions, depending on the situation. Look around and find out - “Is the monkey at a safe distance?” If not, then try to find a place where you can hide in the event of an attack. You can refrain from doing anything if the monkey is tied to a tree or on a leash.
  3. 3 Remember that even if the monkey is in a cage or on a leash, you still need to stay at a safe distance. Don't put your hands in the cage. Just watch from afar.
  4. 4 If the monkey is not in the cage, then the rules of the game change dramatically. Check if the monkey is tied, is there a rope or chain on it? Are you within her reach? If the situation looks safe, then move on to the next step.
  5. 5 Step back and examine yourself. Do you have food, sparkly jewelry, glasses, children or toys with you? If so, get rid of the above or retreat yourself. Monkeys are attracted to shiny objects and things that smell good or make loud noises, so pay attention to how you look and what might make the monkey angry.
  6. 6 Remain calm if you do get attacked. Do not try to escape if the monkey attacks you. Monkeys run, jump and climb trees much better than you. Find something to ward off the monkey, such as a trash can, a car, or a steel door, whatever you can hide behind.
  7. 7 Try to barricade yourself somewhere - in a bathtub, in a building, in your car. Anything safe and secure should help. If you did not have time to greatly anger the monkey, then most likely in a couple of minutes she will lose interest and leave.
  8. 8 Contact the owner first and then, if necessary, animal control.
  9. 9 Try to never get into the monkey's reach.
  10. 10 Many monkeys live in the wild, but nevertheless often come into contact with people. Children tease them by throwing stones and other objects. A good tactic when encountering such a monkey is to pretend that you are going to throw something at it or pick up a few small stones and throw them on the ground near the monkey. Never Do not throw stones directly at the monkey unless you are in serious danger.


  • Monkeys will often enter the house through the kitchen in search of food. Close your refrigerator tightly. Also, put locks on food cabinets.
  • Never show your teeth. For a monkey, a broad smile that reveals its teeth signifies a call for a fight. The monkey will definitely attack you.
  • Long hair is dangerous. Collect them or throw them back.
  • Never tease or provoke a primate, he may regard this as an act of aggression and will respond accordingly.
  • Always keep your distance. monkeys are wild animals that should be respected. If you show respect, they'll reciprocate.
  • Avoid eye contact as this will also be regarded by the monkey as an act of aggression. Try to look at the paws or other part of the animal's body.
  • Remember that piercings on open body areas are at risk. Here and so everything is obvious.
  • Keep your distance... It will take a monkey from several weeks to a month to start trusting you and let you get close. If you are not in control of the situation, then do not approach the primate.
  • Don't underestimate the physical strength of the monkey. They are stronger than you think. Research shows that some primates can be four times stronger than the average male.
  • Use common sense and stay safe!


  • Some monkeys, being in a group, defend and attack all together.
  • Monkeys are wild animals; they are unpredictable.
  • Primates often throw out their feces. Put on glasses and suitable clothing when going to the monkey habitat.
  • Understand what it means to call animal control. This means - "We are terribly frightened because there is a dangerous animal." In some areas, if you report an untethered monkey, or a bite, an animal control officer will come and shoot the monkey.

What do you need

  • Safe behavior
  • A place to hide
  • Escape plan in case of attack